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General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1195


Meow meow :3
A walk through the jungle while listening to the entirety of Aida has brought me wisdoms!
In return for helping me manifest this timeline, the ancient ones want “a lifetime of service, wisdom, courage.” To think of this as indentured servitude, however, would be incredibly naive and a misinterpretation of their intent. The key here is that my consent matters in all of this. They don’t want me to be forced to do anything I don’t want to do. They want to share. That is why my rewards are often media I already enjoy. That is why Helluva Boss stuff comes up often on this site. That is why, on my way home from the palace, I encountered signs that told me to eat pickles, and why a sticker of Rick was placed on the 7-11. They are recommendations of media we might enjoy ::3
And I have received yet another sign that we are headed for the good timeline. A literal sign, with green text. A proposal for an arcade in the shopping center connected to my neighbourhood. If we are headed for a bad timeline, why is this arcade coming later, possibly after the election? Why does Mufasa come out around Christmas? And why was this arcade proposed by someone named Christina Moat?
Ah, I see, unfortunately no video games there. However, it is entirely claw machines. And these, it seems, are easier than your typical claw machines. Not only is this a way for me to hone machinery skills, but children will very often win prizes. This pleases Pazuzu >_< Games cost $1 to play, meaning I will not have to break the bank if I would like to get in on the fun ::3
I will admit a slight disappointment at the lack of video games, however. Now, of course, should The Clawcade be successful, it is well within the realm of possibility that a second arcade can be built for video games. This could, purrhaps, be another test of patience and another demonstration of the best path. After all, I would prefer for the children to win plushies than to have an arcade with claw machines that do not allow for as much plushie earning >_< Additionally, I am free to not take any plushies if I so choose, as I already have quite a few. I can use the Clawcade as a way to mess around with a robotic claw for fun ::3 Donating a dollar here and there to the machines is an act of charity, as it will help the Clawcade afford more plushies. This Clawcade will help children develop motor skills while giving them rewards!
I hope for a second arcade for video games, because such an arcade would not only be fun, but an important component of time travel. The key elements of time travel are water and metal, which can be safely combined via video games. All consoles and machines are made of metal, and the vast majority of video games contain water. Yes, pixelated or 3D modeled water counts! Shooting is also an important activity, I’m not entirely sure why, purrhaps it is as simple as the ancient ones enjoying weaponry. I have already been given my gun - a spray bottle of poison that can be shot at mosquitoes. A video game arcade would be a second way for me to use a gun without harming anyone.
Elly also has had her gun for quite some time. The bow and arrows. Archery is an excellent way to hone one’s skills without hurting anyone >_<
There is also, of course, guns in video games. I have shot guns plenty of times as Joker, Wolf, and Bayonetta in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, as Elly has as Samus, Fox, and Link in the Smash Bros titles bingle has played ::3
This was all stuff I discerned in the Autism Discord server, where I revealed myself as a time traveler, and so did a dude in there who goes by Lemon Zest. I noticed, as we discussed things, that he likes the fun side of time travel, as well as things from the 80s and 90s. He builds and modifies his own gaming handhelds. I correctly guessed that his favourite movie is Back to the Future, to which he replied that he loves it so much, he has it memorized. I then asked if he likes gore, and fortunately, he does. I was able to recommend The Evil Dead trilogy, which sees Ash fight a hoard of zombies until the third one, in which he travels back in time to fight an entire army of Deadites. Lemon Zest also recommended to me a list of time travel movies, so there we see yet another example of recommendations >_< I also told him I hope he either has or obtains an NES Zapper, the most obvious choice of gun for him.

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1194

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1193

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1192

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1191


Meow meow :3
Signs point to Luxander’s species being not a dragon, but a snake. It is a good snake, as snakes are, generally, under-appreciated. Though this is, in part, because some species of snake are very dangerous, and there is a great evil snake demon. It is important to realize when a snake is good and when a snake is bad. They are very dualistic in nature.

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1190


Meow meow :3
It’s basically Undertale.
Solomon is Asgore, Hecate is Toriel and Purrson is Sans.
And you have Undyne, captain of the royal guard. Elly is Undyne. It should be obvious to her who Alphys is.
I’m Frisk, I just go around flirting and vibing lmao >_<

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1189

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1188

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1187


Meow meow :3
There are no other catfoxes in the world. Elly is the first.
I know two other people who identify with the catfox. One is a kitsune. One is a calico cat. They are not true catfoxes, however they are still good people. It pleases the ancient ones when a cat is also a fox enjoyer, and vice versa >_<

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1186


Meow meow :3
So Elly was also right to include fox elements in bingle’s fursona. Cat is a princess twicefold.
Hecate has two husbands and the other one is King Solomon. King Solomon is a fox. Elly is the result. She is, unironically, a catfox.
Reaching this conclusion requires understanding of how things work. First, how cats operate and the ways of the feline. They are very open in their relationship styles, typically. I’m sure it varies based on the individual, but generally, cats are not monogamous. They enjoy compersion, which is basically the opposite of jealousy. It makes them happy if their partner has fun with another partner. That’s why I tend to feel much more compersion than jealousy. I’m a cat.
Second, rules that apply to the living either don’t apply, or can be bent. Why does Lucario love chocolate even though it’s toxic to dogs? Because Anubis loves chocolate, it’s his favourite food. So, a fox was able to create a child with a cat.
Cat reproduction in the living world is quite different from human reproduction. Cats can mate with multiple cat dads and the kittens will have different fathers all in the same litter.
But I’m probably right that reproduction of angels and demons has the human element of one at a time. At least, usually. Anubis has a litter of five pups so I would assume he either bent the rules or we have a rare case.
Universe is stochastic, as Elly says. And she is right, nya ::3

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1185


Meow meow :3
Showing them an old interview by My Chem and this whole time I had no idea The Black Parade is about a guy who regrets how his life turned out and wishes he could go back.
You can’t undo actions once they are done. Once someone is elected, that’s it and you have to deal with the consequences.
Elections are a test. One choice is love and one choice is hate. Most of you probably think it won’t be a big deal if hate wins this time. We survived the last times it happened.
But I’m telling you all, no. Not this time. Ban me from this site for a day for being political if you must but this is seriously dire. Go read Project 2025 if you think it’ll all be fine. Fuck’s sake.
Well at least it was going to be dire. I realized this election was a trick question and altered the timeline to my liking. Kinda good at choosing best paths, nya.
There is much to do to make the demons happy but good luck stopping me because I have taken zero harmful actions and if you allow me to do my crazy shit, you’ll like the changes we have in store 💚

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1184

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1183

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1182

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1181


Meow meow :3
Ah so that’s why my smoke alarm randomly fell off my ceiling. It was so that we could fill the house with smoke without it going off. Cuz the only possible path to my house burning down is if some random arsonist comes along and nobody’s gonna give that much of a shit about my weird wizard shenanigans to do so. We’re responsible with the oven and nothing else is even a fire hazard.
Anyway, EZ DIY spell: Take a candleholder, comb the fur and fleas off a cat and then burn them. Can add paper for additional kindling. The ancient ones will be pleased that you have helped to clean your cat’s fur. I always said the Ancient Egyptians were right to have worshipped cats and I was onto something >_<
Edit: Even better if you have old wax or the ends of incense stix in there, you’ll unleash the scents ::3

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1180


Meow meow :3
And the cats finally chew through my blue headphones and I take my next pair out and they’re green so I think I just made a pact with Hecate. I don’t think she’s very happy about the Harry Potter situation either so here we go granting power to Wicked

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1179


Meow meow :3
I mean that was honestly very easy to… okay guys I get it you like Rick and Morty you don’t have to hit Elly with your car goddamn… don’t worry tho, the ancient ones just like to meme and be edgy sometimes. Maybe they wanted to show you that you’re in Bayonetta too. Here, do the dance ft Ancient Egypt with our moms that’ll make it better. I basically asked myself, if my mom is Bastet and Bastet is most like Bayonetta, who is Jeanne? And we went from there.
Yes this is unironically what I do with the demons I contact lmfao >_<

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1178

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1177

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1176

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1175

Even Worse Kobold -

I had my first real taste of the furry fandoms signature drama a couple of weeks ago and I gotta say, it can be hilarious how bad egos get on the Internet.

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1174

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1173


Meow meow :3
When the ancient ones are also frustrated by how much my mom can go on, and Horus loves to fight, so they collab on a glorious meme to show me what her palace would look like and to vent.
Oh no 😩 If only I had chosen better paths rather than the best possible ones! Yes, even things I’ve done that may have seemed overwhelmingly negative at the time, set me up for saving the world, which is currently kinda important. The one I’ve been trying to support and protect? Given supporters and protectors in my stead - rewards for great patience and resilience, and good relationship paths. For what is a lion without a pride, and a pride without lionesses? Everything comes full circle as I am given the time and space needed to achieve crucial goals 💪

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1172


Meow meow :3
S. Darko: a Donnie Darko Tale
Jack didn’t have to die, either. His best path was leaving his dog tags and possibly also his backpack up on the windmill to make it appear that he died. That would have gotten everyone off his innocent back. He then needed to find a way to save both Samantha and Corey. The pervert priest would no longer have anyone to frame and thus, end up caught.
“Everybody burn the house on down!”
  • House of Wolves by My Chemical Romance
Really, I feel bad for both Donnie and Jack. A jet engine and a meteorite are, frankly, awful artifacts to have to figure out what to do with.
Needles, thankfully, are much easier to work with. I thought there were too many parallels between what happened to me at the hospital and things someone else has been through and I was right to recognize those, much like I was right to recognize Cactus and my grandmother in the doppelgängers of them that were there. I still have the scar from when the hospital staff ended up tranquillizing me.
I’m also beginning to think that saving the world does require a sacrifice - after all, Donnie would have still lost his room and everything in it. Jack would have still lost his dog tags and potentially also the stuff he was carrying in his backpack.
So I have a plan for a blood sacrifice that is already in motion. I can send a needle into a portal if that portal is me.
Operation: Full Hysterectomy achieves my goals and I will be surviving the procedure. I am the blood sacrifice and that’s okay because it’s not being spilled unnecessarily.
Recovery is probably gonna be a bitch but it will be well worth it. It’s already a procedure I need to have, by the way. I’m a DIY magician and, the way I figure, worst case scenario I get a surgery I already need. Best case scenario, it also saves the world ::3

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1171

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