Meow meow :3
A walk through the jungle while listening to the entirety of Aida has brought me wisdoms!
In return for helping me manifest this timeline, the ancient ones want “a lifetime of service, wisdom, courage.” To think of this as indentured servitude, however, would be incredibly naive and a misinterpretation of their intent. The key here is that my consent matters in all of this. They don’t want me to be forced to do anything I don’t want to do. They want to share. That is why my rewards are often media I already enjoy. That is why Helluva Boss stuff comes up often on this site. That is why, on my way home from the palace, I encountered signs that told me to eat pickles, and why a sticker of Rick was placed on the 7-11. They are recommendations of media we might enjoy ::3
And I have received yet another sign that we are headed for the good timeline. A literal sign, with green text. A proposal for an arcade in the shopping center connected to my neighbourhood. If we are headed for a bad timeline, why is this arcade coming later, possibly after the election? Why does Mufasa come out around Christmas? And why was this arcade proposed by someone named Christina Moat?
Ah, I see, unfortunately no video games there. However, it is entirely claw machines. And these, it seems, are easier than your typical claw machines. Not only is this a way for me to hone machinery skills, but children will very often win prizes. This pleases Pazuzu >_< Games cost $1 to play, meaning I will not have to break the bank if I would like to get in on the fun ::3
I will admit a slight disappointment at the lack of video games, however. Now, of course, should The Clawcade be successful, it is well within the realm of possibility that a second arcade can be built for video games. This could, purrhaps, be another test of patience and another demonstration of the best path. After all, I would prefer for the children to win plushies than to have an arcade with claw machines that do not allow for as much plushie earning >_< Additionally, I am free to not take any plushies if I so choose, as I already have quite a few. I can use the Clawcade as a way to mess around with a robotic claw for fun ::3 Donating a dollar here and there to the machines is an act of charity, as it will help the Clawcade afford more plushies. This Clawcade will help children develop motor skills while giving them rewards!
I hope for a second arcade for video games, because such an arcade would not only be fun, but an important component of time travel. The key elements of time travel are water and metal, which can be safely combined via video games. All consoles and machines are made of metal, and the vast majority of video games contain water. Yes, pixelated or 3D modeled water counts! Shooting is also an important activity, I’m not entirely sure why, purrhaps it is as simple as the ancient ones enjoying weaponry. I have already been given my gun - a spray bottle of poison that can be shot at mosquitoes. A video game arcade would be a second way for me to use a gun without harming anyone.
Elly also has had her gun for quite some time. The bow and arrows. Archery is an excellent way to hone one’s skills without hurting anyone >_<
There is also, of course, guns in video games. I have shot guns plenty of times as Joker, Wolf, and Bayonetta in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, as Elly has as Samus, Fox, and Link in the Smash Bros titles bingle has played ::3
This was all stuff I discerned in the Autism Discord server, where I revealed myself as a time traveler, and so did a dude in there who goes by Lemon Zest. I noticed, as we discussed things, that he likes the fun side of time travel, as well as things from the 80s and 90s. He builds and modifies his own gaming handhelds. I correctly guessed that his favourite movie is Back to the Future, to which he replied that he loves it so much, he has it memorized. I then asked if he likes gore, and fortunately, he does. I was able to recommend The Evil Dead trilogy, which sees Ash fight a hoard of zombies until the third one, in which he travels back in time to fight an entire army of Deadites. Lemon Zest also recommended to me a list of time travel movies, so there we see yet another example of recommendations >_< I also told him I hope he either has or obtains an NES Zapper, the most obvious choice of gun for him.