Getting Started
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Welcome to Furbooru!
Welcome! Furbooru is a booru-style imageboard, designed to be a repository of images surrounding the furry fandom. This is a guide to help you get started using the site.
Table of Contents:
Quick Q&A
Chances are you just want to start using the site and not read through this huge page. To help you get started quickly, here's a list of common questions you may have.
Q: How do I search?
A: You can search for images by entering tags in the search box at the top of every page. Tags can have spaces in their names, and multiple tags should be separated with a comma. For example, if you wanted to search for pictures of rabbits with blue eyes, you would type in "rabbit, blue eyes". You can view a list of tags on our Tags Page, and learn more about searching in the How To Search section of this guide.
Q: Why do images have a banner that says "Bad Tag"?
A: By default, only images rated "safe" are shown. Images that are considered "suggestive" are hidden behind a spoiler wall, which you need to click to view the image. The spoiler wall is what caues the "bad tag" banner to appear. Images that are considered "questionable" or "explicit" are hidden entirely by the default filter. You can change what is spoilered and hidden by going to the Filters Page. Note that you need to register an account to customize these filters or create your own from scratch.
Q: How do I find art by a specific artist?
A: Artist tags have the "artist:" prefix in front of the artist's name. For example, if you'd like to find images drawn by Punk Pegasus, simply search for "artist:punk pegasus".
Q: How do I view adult content?
A: If you are legally allowed to, and would like to view adult content - visit the Filters Page, find a filter that matches what you want to see (most likely "Default 18+" or "Everything") and click "Use This Filter". Additionally, creating an account allows you to create custom filters to further fine-tune these results.
Q: Why should I create an account?
A: While most site features do not require an account, such as posting comments and uploading images, having an account grants you access to several additional site features:
- Create and maintain a list of favorites.
- Create a watch list, allowing you to easily view new artwork with your favorite tags.
- Upvote and downvote images, which affects the score on images.
- Communicate with other members via private messaging.
- Create custom filters to fine-tune what images are visible for you on the site.
- Create galleries to showcase images you've created, your characters, stuff you like, and more!
- Become a verified artist, which allows you to link your other sites on your profile and search results, list commissions in our commissions directory, and have more control over how your art is shared on the site.
How Tags Work
Basics of Tags
Tags are what help keep Furbooru's collection of images organized, making images easy to find. Each tag on an image describes one specific thing about an image For example, a picture of an orange female anthropomorphic fox with blue hair and red eyes drawn by the artist Omi may have the following tags, describing the image:
Some tags are color coded, to distinguish content creators, characters, origin, species, and other important bits of information. These tags are also displayed first on the tags list.
Tags should be applied even if they only describe a part of an image. For example, if an image contained two anthropomorphic foxes, but one had blue for and the other had orange fur, it should be tagged with:
List of Tags
Furbooru has tens of thousands of tags, and the list grows daily. You can view a full list, and search for tags, on our Tags Directory.
Differences Between Tags on Furbooru and Other Boorus
One of the biggest differences between Furbooru and other boorus is that tags on Furbooru can have spaces in their names. For example, on other boorus, a tag for a character with purple eyes would be named "purple_eyes", but on Furbooru it's simply "purple eyes". Tags are separated with commas (,) on Furbooru, not spaces.
Another major difference is that tags have prefixes to distinguish artists, original characters, and comics. For example, images drawn by the artist "Twiren" would have the tag "artist:twiren" instead of just "twiren".
About Ratings Tags
Ratings tags describe the extent of adult content in an image. There are six ratings tags on Furbooru, and each image must have at least one (and no more than two) ratings tags. You can find details of the ratings tags on our Tagging Guidelines page.
Here is a short summary of the ratings tags. This is non-inclusive, so you should refer to the Tagging Guidelines page to fully understand which rating tag is appropriate for which image:
- ​ safe - For completely clean, safe-for-work images.
- ​ suggestive - Sexually suggestive images (poses, outfits, etc), and images that contain exposed breasts.
- ​ questionable - Artistic nudity, including full-body nudity or genitals, but not sex.
- ​ explicit - Sexually explicit images, including sex, masturbation, sexual fluids, and such.
- ​ grimdark - Overly dark images, like things you'd see in horror movies.
- ​ grotesque - Images generally considered to be disgusting, including gore and body horror.
A Note For Derpibooru Users
Furbooru is an independent site from Derpibooru, and one of the differences between the two sites is that ratings tags are softer than on Derpibooru. For example, an image that may be "explicit" on Derpibooru may only be "questionable" on Furbooru. Likewise a "questionable" image on Derpibooru may only be "suggestive" here.
Please familiarize yourself with Furbooru's Tagging Guidelines to learn the differences in ratings tags between the two sites.
How To Search For Images
Using the Search Box
At the top of each page, you'll see a search box that looks like this:
You can use this to search for images by their tags. Tags are keywords that adescribe an image, can have spaces in their names, and are seperated by commas. For example, if you wanted to search for traditional art images of anthropomorphic foxes, you would search for anthro, fox, traditional art.
A number of tags have multiple names, or aliases. For example, "Anthro" and "Anthromorphic" are the same tag, so often if you're not certain, the system can still help you out. Or you can always check out the Tags List for a searchable list of all tags on the site.
Advanced Searching
Furbooru's search system has a lot of capabilities to help customize and narrow down your search. You can read about them on our Search Syntax Help Page, but a few cool tips and tricks are:
- You can use "OR" (must be capitalized) or || to search for images that contain one tag or another. For example, searching cat OR dog will return images that feature either a cat or a dog (or both).
- You can use parentheses to seperate OR searches from the rest of a query. For example, searching for fox, solo, (blue eyes OR purple eyes) will return images that feature a fox with either blue or purple eyes.
- Note that not using parentheses (such as "fox, solo, blue eyes OR purple eyes") may yield unexpected results.
- You can use NOT or a dash (-) in front of a tag to exclude it. For example, searching for rabbit, NOT hat will return images of rabbits that do not have hats (even though rabbits in hats look adorable, so I'm not sure why you'd want to search this).
- You can uses an asterisk (*) as a wildcard, which will find anything that matches. For example, searching for blue* will return images matching "blue eyes", "blue hair", "blue body", etc.
Reverse Searching
Furbooru offers a Reverse Search that allows you to upload an image and see if it is already on the site. This is useful for finding sources of images. To access the reverse search, simply click the camera icon () in the search bar.
Watch List
If you have a registered account, you can add tags to your watch list either by hovering over the + on the right side of a tag, or by visiting your Settings Page. The watch list allows you to easily view images matching your watched tags by searching for my:watched or selecting " Watched" from the user menu.
Examples of Searches
To help clarify things, here are a few examples of searches:
- rabbit, fox - will show images that contain both a rabbit and a fox.
- rabbit, -fox - will show images that contain a rabbit, but do not contain a fox.
- rabbit, (cat OR dog) - will show images that contain a rabbit, and either a dog or a cat (or both).
How to Filter Content You Don't Wish to See
What are Filters?
Filters are Furbooru's method of allowing you to hide images featuring tags you may not wish to see. This can be used to filter content based on rating, themes, characters, artist, or any other tag on the site.
Furbooru offers several default filters available to registered users and guests. They can be accessed on the Filters Page. You can click "View this Filter" to view a list of tags that a specific filter blocks, or "Use this Filter" to select that as your filter.
Note that the Default Filter blocks adult content. To see adult content, you should switch to the Default 18+ or Everything filter.
Creating Your Own Filter
Registered users are able to create their own custom filters suited towards their taste. To do this, visit the Filters Page and then click Click here to make a new filter from scratch to make a new blank filter. You can also click "Copy and Customize" on an existing filter to create your own customizable version of that filter.
Once you create a filter, you can add tags to either the "spoiler" or "hide" section to block them. Spoilering a tag means that images matching that tag will be shown in search results, but will have a spoiler curtain over it. Hiding a tag means that images will not appear in search results at all if they match that tag.