Meow meow :3
Pixel art is hard, especially when all you’ve got to work with is a touchpad and MS Paint. Still, Julie’s coming along pretty quickly, even with how much I’ve had to take breaks to nurse my mental health.
Making a game entirely from scratch is gonna be one hell of a task. I have no idea if I’ll actually pull it off. I feel like a lot rides on me staying housed, in that regard. Hopefully I’ll be able to some way or another.
For now, it’s just me making sprites in MS Paint, and could very well be that way for years. I have big ideas and ambitions for Dead Moon. But hopefully, someday, I’ll get farther than that and can start reaching out to friends for help on the project.
Appealing to a broad audience is certainly not something I plan on. I am unapologetically queer, as will be a lot of my characters. My vision and artistic integrity will not be so compromised. But I sure as hell hope it sees success, assuming I make it to the point of release. I think about how that money could keep a roof over my head in the distant future, and hopefully be used to help my friends out, too. Because I have no idea how the hell else a disabled person who needs to take chemo every day is supposed to achieve that.