Vent Thread


Meow meow :3
Baphomet is here, appropriately represented by my Alakazam. I kinda hate that I’m gonna have to do this, but it’s been on my mind a ton lately. We’ll put it as softly as we can.
First, do not seek out the creepypasta titled “Borrasca.” I couldn’t finish it when I listened years ago. It was gripping and compelling until it got to be too much when I got to the part about what really happened to the guy’s sister. You know I’m capable of handling a lot, so trust me when I say don’t listen to or read it.
Naturally, however, something so disturbing has always stuck out in my mind. With all the Wizard of Oz and Wicked stuff I’ve been watching, a phrase has stuck out in my mind, “We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto.” Actually, that’s who Africa is by. Toto. Song came on the radio on my way to meet Purson today. I think that means we’ve avoided Borrasca and we’re in the home stretch, though I don’t want to take that for granted. I plan on continuing to try until I know for sure we’re not going to Borrasca. I will know on November 7th.
I kept thinking about that story, kept feeling drawn to return to it. I put it off due to the subject matter. Then I realized I didn’t need to listen to it again. I just needed to know whether it took place in Kansas. It doesn’t, but I still think this is an incredibly good sign.
It takes place in Missouri. What was I trying to do when I ran away to Missouri? Avoid S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/S. Who did I encounter on my way to Missouri? Moloch.
There are bad things that happen. Not everything can be chalked up to an evil force. And then there’s what happened to me on that Grayhound. I was already running away from an abuser. The night sky went black, everything felt dark and heavy. The bus filled up exactly such that every seat was taken except for the one next to me. And then, well, I’ll just say that the man who sat next to me proceeded to do something very bad. More than anything, the whole experience was eerie. A couple weeks or so ago, I even looked up whether there are cults that go around doing bad things to runaways on busses. There like, legit have to be evil forces at play in the world. I don’t really feel like I can chalk that up to coincidence anymore.
Maybe I was right to also sense and be afraid of the man I ran to. Or maybe he was just a red herring. I don’t know, but the takeaway seems clear. We are no longer headed towards misery.
“Psychosis”, on the other hand, has always been one of my favourite creepypastas. A dude is holed up in his basement, realizes he hasn’t seen people face-to-face in a long time. Everything around him is empty, and you spend the story wondering whether he’s crazy, even leaning towards that theory… until it is revealed that he was right all along. This was about the AI/robot apocalypse we are now on track to avoid!
Does anybody know which creepypasta Moloch is featured most heavily in? The answer is the Godzilla NES creepypasta.
“Move your body when the sunlight dies. Everybody hide your body from the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W. Everybody hide! Run, run, bunny, run!
  • S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W by My Chemical Romance
And who is in the Godzilla NES creepypasta?
Hey look at that little guy in the back? What’s his name?
Well today I realized it says tetragrammaton on it. Gramma. I’m probably right about Grandma Power being the most powerful force in the universe.
I wasn’t always the chooser of best paths, obviously. I have made some terrible mistakes. But, I feel like trusting demons isn’t one of them.
I thank you all for your patience and bearing with me as we embark on this journey. Still the best 1973.

Meow meow :3
As I am still experiencing diarrhea, a clear theme emerges. Famine and plague.
My mother is onto something by recognizing that we are in end times. What she and many others don’t know, is nobody wants Revelation to have to happen. It’s a bad path that was foreseen. Well okay the Evangelicals and other nuts actually do want it to happen, or at least think they do.
I have seen the paths towards fixing these problems.

Meow meow :3
Agreed! There are good churches out there, but they are few and far between. Angels and demons alike are quite tired of the bullshit.
Taking the lord’s name in vain doesn’t mean saying “goddammit”. In fact, that’s a fairly accurate phrase to sum up how the lord feels.
Vanity is having excessive wealth and making no good with it. Music is very good - hence, Taylor Swift is considered a good purrson despite her excessive wealth.
What isn’t good is mega churches and deceiving the people.

Meow meow :3
Well, here’s some stuff either Solomon needs to know, or you all should know. Probably the latter, considering the fall of this organization began a while ago.
Solomon is a fox and, as such, is not happy about the “news” channel that takes his species in vain. They have tried to put a stop to fun things such as music and video games. This greatly displeases the ancient ones. Music and video games are considered very good things, because they are both educational and fun. The ancient ones really like fun.
We come to the tie that binds Gerard Way and Marilyn Manson. Manson has mocked My Chemical Romance in the past, but this is okay. It doesn’t harm either of their careers and the ancient ones liken it to a wrestling match. Manson is the heel.
Fucks news, however, attempted to harm both of their careers. Manson was blamed for Columbine, and Way for… I think promoting suicide?? I don’t think there was ever even a crime connected to him, fucks news just hated him because they hate fun.
My Chemical Romance began as a response to 9/11 and Gerard Way’s mission is to be anti-suicide and try to be a force for good in the world. And it works. There is a reason the phrase “My Chemical Romance saves lives” is commonly used by My Chem fans.
Marilyn Manson is this, but for people with religious trauma. Both bands help fix the world, as does Green Day. That is the significance of the video I came across in which a man spoke of how Green Day got him through an abusive childhood. Green Day call themselves “God’s favourite band”, and they are right.
Fucks News will continue to crumble as we slowly but surely kill the party. A new Starfox game will eventually release, and it will be good. More episodes of A Fox in Space, an indie Starfox animation, will come out. I don’t need to say that they will be good. I’ve already seen what has come out thus far. It is very good >_<

Meow meow :3
Hecate is probably displeased with Michael Graves. Purson too. I think this is why Danzig has been reuniting with The Misfits these past couple years. Graves is a proud boy, which takes the song “Proud of Your Boy” from the Aladdin musical in vain.
I am one of few Only-era Misfits enjoyers and as such, Danzig needed to be brought back so that the band could once again prosper.
I am right to enjoy all eras of The Misfits. My enjoyment of the Graves era was key in helping me see a story for Dead Moon

Meow meow :3
The Egyptian god Babi contacting me bodes well. He is quite feral and as such, a little intimidating but as always, I got this.
Nintendo is the best gaming company, because they realize the importance of patience. “A rushed game is bad forever, but a delayed game is good eventually” or something like that.
I have been yearning, pining, for more Donkey Kong content. A big part of the reason it is taking a long time, is Retro Studios is taking a long time to complete Metroid Prime 4.
For Elly’s patience in waiting for Metroid Prime 4, and my patience in waiting for the next Donkey Kong, we will eventually see rewards.
Metroid Prime 4 will come out and possibly be the best-ever Metroid game. Signalis and Metroid Dread were rewards for her patience.
My rewards thus far have been Donkey Kong fan animations, and the new Mario vs Donkey Kong game. I will eventually get a Donkey Kong movie and game. There will eventually be a Metroid movie, as we are slowly building up to a Super Smash Bros movie.
And the thing is, one need not purchase these games and movies to enjoy them if one knows the proper ways of piracy. Gameplay on YouTube, and song uploads from the games are ways to enjoy the games when money is lacking. Adblockers allow for watching movies ad-free on YouTube, and keep you protected on sketchy websites should those be the ones upon which movies can be found. Piracy pleases Solomon.
Something I have realized about my rewards is they tend to be things that can and will be enjoyed by many. I can’t drive, so I am unable to visit Universal Studios and Disneyland by myself. Additionally, should my visit to these places come to pass, that does not mean I won’t go again. The ancient ones enjoy the great merriment of theme parks and so do I >_<
And I really don’t think I would be seeing such good things for the future if we were still headed to the second occurrence of Nazi Germany. The ancient ones and I have been and are manifesting the timeline we prefer >_<

Meow meow :3
Speaking of Nazi Germany, did you know that Anne Frank’s favourite movie would have been Marry Poppins had she lived? I wasn’t lying when I said I am sometimes contacted by the dead.
In Luxander’s Discord, a Jewish purrson spoke in great length about the conflict between Israel and Palestine. I listened, and together we discovered the best path for that whole thing. A ceasefire, obviously. To which, my preferred candidate has already been talking to a group of people about. The both of us are good diplomats open to dialogue.
Should Biden have won, he would not have been open to a dialogue, as this is the key issue upon which he has been terrible.
One path is hell, one path is purgatory, and one path is heaven. I am confident in my assessment of which path is which ::3

Meow meow :3
They are also poachers, by the way. A crime which highly displeases the ancient ones. Hunting and fishing are typically fine, so long as a degree of respect is paid. Eat what you catch, or do as I have done and have others eat your catch for you, since I don’t like eating fish. I fished to spend time with my dad.
Trump and his children poach. They have absolutely no need for doing so, as they obviously have more than enough.
A troupe of warriors has already been dispatched in Africa. They are highly-skilled combatants, and have been incredibly successful at stopping poachers thus far. All women by the way.
The black parade will continue going strong 💪 🖤

Meow meow :3
Kimba the White Lion is my name. The great diplomat, fighter against poachers and vegetarian, despite how difficult being a vegetarian is for a lion. The original 60s anime, much as I love it, is unfortunately filled with numerous racist stereotypes and tropes.
Mufasa is our first step on the path towards fixing this. Actually, Lion King 2019 was, as one of the good things about that is that it helps to undo the stealing of “Mfube”, aka “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”, which was poached from African artists by white men. Lebo M also covered the song back in 1995, and covers Mfube in the end credits of Lion King 2019. This song is being reclaimed by the rightful owners >_<
Mufasa contains white lions talking about the “true lion king” in it. This helps to fix Kimba. It is not Osamu Tezuka’s fault, as the world was a naive place in the 60s, especially in Japan.
This is also, hopefully, why I have foreseen a new Kimba the White Lion anime series coming out. Hopefully, Mufasa will drum up interest in one, much like the original Lion King caused more Kimba content to be made in the 90s.
Neither is a ripoff of the other, by the way. That was an ill-informed rumor by people who were either intentionally malicious or who never actually watched Kimba.
Even Worse Kobold -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.
Gold Piece - Gold Supporter on Patreon
Artist -
Since the Beginning - Registered before the site was public

Draw or die
I’m really glad that you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and experiences here, and it’s great that you find this community a welcoming place to do so.
However, I’m a bit concerned that your posts in this “Vent Your Frustrations” thread might be drifting off-topic. This thread is meant for people to share and vent about their frustrations in a more general sense. It seems like you’ve been using it as a personal journal, sharing very detailed and private aspects of your life, including your health and family matters.
Additionally, some of the topics you’ve brought up, especially those related to politics, are likely to spark debate. When these discussions are combined with such personal details, it can make it challenging for others to use the thread as intended and might lead to more off-topic discussions.
I’d like to gently suggest that you consider starting your own personal blog for these more detailed and personal posts. This way, you can express yourself fully without the risk of derailing the conversation in this particular thread, and absent us having to moderate your posts.
Please try to keep your contributions in this thread more focused on its intended purpose, so everyone can continue to use it effectively.
Thank you for understanding, and I appreciate your cooperation.

Meow meow :3
Got it! Hmm but, unfortunately, WordPress does not allow for public blog publishing without paying money. I shall search for a free blogging service, for I’m sure the answer is out there >_<
Additionally, as we seem to be in a good place, it is possible that this is a sign that I need not post as much. I have gotten pretty much all the necessary information out there, so now may be the best time to ease up on posting, nya ::3
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Fruitiest of PWN
Arf…I’m starting to look on the bright side some more, but in doing so, I feel greatly compelled to not feel anything, at all. Like, my mind is trying to numb out the pain, as unhealthy as that may seem. I’m still a little lost, but hopefully, everything will work out okay, because if not, then well…then my efforts still won’t be for naught. We must find unity, but it is broken.
Garka la Garka
Artist -
Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger

Burden of Responsibility
Something similar happens to me irl, and partly on the internet. I’ve learned over the years to be positive, and to feel that everything will get better, but at the same time, I’ve received so many blows in my life, that I became insensitive to mental pain, and partly physical.
“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”
Heh… Until recently I was lost, but I just let life go on, and I was looking for something to give me a direction, a course. That was the death of a friend, unfortunately. When DarkTSB died, it made me realize everything, absolutely everything that was my life, and where I was at. That I couldn’t waste any more time, and I had to be strong. Not for him, or for others, for me. Since then, my life has been changing for the better. I got out of dramas, like the furry chats on telegram had all day, and I decided after Fletch gave me confidence, to come here and work hard.
Laugh, I went from waking up and looking at the phone with fear that I would have to answer it today, to the happiness of knowing that if I disappear for a few weeks, the staff will never blame me for anything, like family. From being a burden to being a relief. But not only that. Here there were old friends, family, and new people to meet, I found a start to a career, in which I could get hooked and climb out of the hole that seemed to be my life around. After furbooru, I left my computer science career and became a political scientist, and later a politician. Even, ironically, I was able to have time and meet my partner, after almost 26 years without one, all my life alone. With whom I recently completed 2 months, haha.
My advice, everything may seem lost, without direction, insensitive to others, but it is only a stage, you must prevail, overcome it, and the world around you will smile at you, it will improve, even if it does not seem like it now.

Meow meow :3
Chemo renders my body unable to produce a healthy child. I see now, why the number 35 has seemed ominous to me as of late. It is the age I turn next year. As a reverser of fortunes, I am no longer on this dark path, but it will definitely haunt my brain for a time. I must take further time to deal with and process these emotions. 35 will probably still be a significant age for me, though now that will likely be for positive reasons. Killjoys never die, nya >_<
This is a vent by the way, albeit in vague terms that may be difficult to understand.
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