Meow meow :3
Baphomet is here, appropriately represented by my Alakazam. I kinda hate that I’m gonna have to do this, but it’s been on my mind a ton lately. We’ll put it as softly as we can.
First, do not seek out the creepypasta titled “Borrasca.” I couldn’t finish it when I listened years ago. It was gripping and compelling until it got to be too much when I got to the part about what really happened to the guy’s sister. You know I’m capable of handling a lot, so trust me when I say don’t listen to or read it.
Naturally, however, something so disturbing has always stuck out in my mind. With all the Wizard of Oz and Wicked stuff I’ve been watching, a phrase has stuck out in my mind, “We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto.” Actually, that’s who Africa is by. Toto. Song came on the radio on my way to meet Purson today. I think that means we’ve avoided Borrasca and we’re in the home stretch, though I don’t want to take that for granted. I plan on continuing to try until I know for sure we’re not going to Borrasca. I will know on November 7th.
I kept thinking about that story, kept feeling drawn to return to it. I put it off due to the subject matter. Then I realized I didn’t need to listen to it again. I just needed to know whether it took place in Kansas. It doesn’t, but I still think this is an incredibly good sign.
It takes place in Missouri. What was I trying to do when I ran away to Missouri? Avoid S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/S. Who did I encounter on my way to Missouri? Moloch.
There are bad things that happen. Not everything can be chalked up to an evil force. And then there’s what happened to me on that Grayhound. I was already running away from an abuser. The night sky went black, everything felt dark and heavy. The bus filled up exactly such that every seat was taken except for the one next to me. And then, well, I’ll just say that the man who sat next to me proceeded to do something very bad. More than anything, the whole experience was eerie. A couple weeks or so ago, I even looked up whether there are cults that go around doing bad things to runaways on busses. There like, legit have to be evil forces at play in the world. I don’t really feel like I can chalk that up to coincidence anymore.
Maybe I was right to also sense and be afraid of the man I ran to. Or maybe he was just a red herring. I don’t know, but the takeaway seems clear. We are no longer headed towards misery.
“Psychosis”, on the other hand, has always been one of my favourite creepypastas. A dude is holed up in his basement, realizes he hasn’t seen people face-to-face in a long time. Everything around him is empty, and you spend the story wondering whether he’s crazy, even leaning towards that theory… until it is revealed that he was right all along. This was about the AI/robot apocalypse we are now on track to avoid!
Does anybody know which creepypasta Moloch is featured most heavily in? The answer is the Godzilla NES creepypasta.
“Move your body when the sunlight dies. Everybody hide your body from the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W. Everybody hide! Run, run, bunny, run!”
- S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W by My Chemical Romance
And who is in the Godzilla NES creepypasta?
Hey look at that little guy in the back? What’s his name?
Well today I realized it says tetragrammaton on it. Gramma. I’m probably right about Grandma Power being the most powerful force in the universe.
I wasn’t always the chooser of best paths, obviously. I have made some terrible mistakes. But, I feel like trusting demons isn’t one of them.
I thank you all for your patience and bearing with me as we embark on this journey. Still the best 1973.