Culture, Spirituality, and Personal Journeys Chat


Meow meow :3
I wonder if Anubis actually came to me to weigh my heart. It is said that he will guide souls to a heavenly existence if their hearts are light. He presumably doesn’t do this for the living, but we get an exception in this case due to the emergency we were in, nya.
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Meow meow :3
One time, we unintentionally pranked an entire murder of crows (in case anyone reading doesn’t know, a group of crows is called a murder) by decorating for Halloween. We put a few fake crows up on our roof, not knowing a ton of confused crows would show up to check them out xD I wonder if that was actually my first-ever interaction with Hecate.
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Meow meow :3
Okay so, the god of the Old Testament shows up. What would you do? I knew what to do. Fight.
So here we have it, in the more comprehensible form of Shadow Mewtwo, and myself, in the less comprehensible form of a noodle cat. A Pokémon battle was the most obvious format for our fight, where a trainer brings in their team of six. I chose Anubis, Blastoise (the first Pokémon I ever trained), Decidueye (my Pokken main), Horus, Pazuzu, and of course King Belial. Because if you’re gonna fight Mewtwo, the obvious choice is to bring a Charizard. I decided we would fight in Project M, Pokken, and Smash Ultimate, and would fight by watching top players control the characters in those games. The results? We won big! Blastoise was the only one who did exceptionally poorly (probably because it’s one of the weakest characters in Pokken). Charizard, by contrast, won in both Project M and Ultimate, an impressive feat considering how strong Mewtwo is in Project M. Our long battle was yesterday. Today, I learned that Yahweh is indeed a god of warfare, so I made the right call.
King Belial performed the best out of everyone, so so much for his name meaning “useless”! He is an incredibly strong and skilled ally of mine >^_< And then of course, when I decided to art about it, I found a border that has 3s and 9s on it, because God is always looking out for me. 3 is Venusaur’s Pokédex number, 9 is Blastoise’s, so we have the numbers that signify the covenant and friendship between us >_^<
And just in case anyone reading this needs some cheering up, check out this cool render of the Kanto starters from the Ultimate modding community! And this shot of two Venusaur flooping! And this shot of Venusaur doing a backflip! And this shot of Blastoise being an absolute derp! And this shot of him dropping his fat arse right on top of Incineroar! And this shot of Blastoise and Greninja being badass! And this shot of Blastoise fighting Mewtwo! And this shot of Mega Charizard X staring Mewtwo right in the eyes! And this shot of our victory!
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Meow meow :3
I traveled back in time tonight to discuss the Burger King of the high court with Berith. We went back to when he was being appointed, and interestingly, talk of an FBI investigation into him came up. That’s probably why the elephants attack them and attempt to defund them - it’s all about protecting their own, which they wouldn’t have to do if they were innocent.
Edit: That’s right, there was one and it was so limited, the elephants rendered it pointless. They should not have this level of power.

Meow meow :3
“I remember in the 70s talking to the older lady who lived downstairs. She grew up in the 1920s. She told me how her parents were disgusted when she went dancing with her ankles on show as a flapper girl. It was disgusting and the end of civilisation as they knew it. I was like “but it is so cute”. She laughed and said that through the years she had lived children always shocked their parents with new music or styles. Whether it be Elvis, flower power, punk, whatever. It was all young people expressing themselves. None of it was “evil” and it didn’t make the kids “bad”. I went through the”Satanic Panic” in the early 80s. Many of the bands I loved made the list! There was a meeting in the Senate in the US about it all where Dee Snider (Twisted Sister), Frank Zappa and surprisingly John Denver stood up to fight censorship. The videos of all 3 speeches are online and are worth reviewing.
I am not a “Swiftie” but I do admire her as an artist and as a person (the way she cares for her staff and the amount of money she donates to food banks as she tours is admirable). The fact that she annoys the self righteous religious right makes her a fucking star to me. She believes in using money for good so she is closer to Jesus according to the book than these hypocrites!” - @madjock-ig5bv 2 weeks ago
Revelation 12:12 (NIV Bible)
“Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.”
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Meow meow :3
The Keys to Kindness
“Do or die, you’ll never make me, because the world will never take my heart”
  • My Chemical Romance
Kindness is a thing many can lose sense of when beaten down by a cruel world. It is important to not lose sense of kindness, and to work towards regaining it should one find themselves having trouble in this regard.
  1. Make sure to minimize projecting your own insecurities onto the actions of others.
  2. Do not assume ill intent when there is none. When we assume, it makes an ass out of u and me.
  3. Learn to apologize. No, you’re not “strong” for never saying sorry. You’re an asshole. There have been times when I have hurt people’s feelings and it wasn’t my fault. I explained why I wasn’t at fault, but still apologized anyway. Apologizing shows that you have the humility to admit you made a mistake, and validates the feelings of the person you hurt. It is a crucial step towards repairing the relationship.
  4. Don’t only focus on how you feel and your situation. Take how the other person feels and their situation into account as well. This is difficult, true. But you must be able to look outside yourself and into the mood and situation of others.
  5. Don’t lose sight of your own worth, nor the worth of others. Everyone is capable of great things! We should all be allowed to shine to our full potential, and share that shine with others! If someone speaks about something cool they’re doing, that doesn’t mean other people can’t do it too. Or do other cool things. Don’t let individuality be erased. We are at our strongest both when we work together, and when we ourselves are strong on an individual level. When you realize that others shining is a good thing, you are able to approach their achievements with newfound appreciation, which in turn leads to kindness.

Meow meow :3
✝️⩜ I’m the son of rage and love ⩜✝️
The Jesus of Suburbia
The bible of “none of the above”
On a steady diet of
Soda pop and Ritalin
No one ever died for my sins in hell
As far as I can tell
At least the ones I’ve gotten away with
And there’s nothing wrong with me
This is how I’m supposed to be
In a land of make-believe
That don’t believe in me
Get my television fix
Sitting on my crucifix
The living room or my private womb
While the moms and Brads are away
To fall in love and fall in debt
To alcohol and cigarettes and Mary Jane
To keep me insane
Doing someone else’s cocaine
And there’s nothing wrong with me
This is how I’m supposed to be
In a land of make-believe
That don’t believe in me
At the center of the earth, in the parking lot
Of the 7-11 where I was taught
The motto was just a lie
It says, “Home is where your heart is, “ but what a shame
‘Cause everyone’s heart doesn’t beat the same
It’s beating out of time
City of the dead (hey, hey)
At the end of another lost highway (hey, hey)
Signs misleading to nowhere
City of the damned (hey, hey)
Lost children with dirty faces today (hey, hey)
No one really seems to care
I read the graffiti in the bathroom stall
Like the holy scriptures of the shopping mall
And so it seemed to confess
It didn’t say much, but it only confirmed
That the center of the earth is the end of the world
And I could really care less
City of the dead (hey, hey)
At the end of another lost highway (hey, hey)
Signs misleading to nowhere
City of the damned (hey, hey)
Lost children with dirty faces today (hey, hey)
No one really seems to care (hey)
I don’t care if you don’t
I don’t care if you don’t
I don’t care if you don’t care
I don’t care if you don’t
I don’t care if you don’t
I don’t care if you don’t care
I don’t care if you don’t
I don’t care if you don’t
I don’t care if you don’t care
I don’t care if you don’t
I don’t care if you don’t
I don’t care if you don’t care
I don’t care
Everyone’s so full of shit
Born and raised by hypocrites
Hearts recycled, but never saved
From the cradles to the grave
We are the kids of war and peace
From Anaheim to the Middle East
We are the stories and disciples of
The Jesus of Suburbia
Land of make-believe
And it don’t believe in me
Land of make-believe (said, now it’s, it’s another lie)
And I don’t believe
And I don’t care (whoo, whoo, whoo)
I don’t care (whoo, whoo, whoo)
I don’t care (whoo, whoo, whoo)
I don’t care (whoo, whoo, whoo)
I don’t care
Dearly beloved, are you listening?
I can’t remember a word that you were saying
Are we demented, or am I disturbed?
The space that’s in between insane and insecure
Oh therapy, can you please fill the void?
(Ooh) Am I retarded, or am I just overjoyed?
(Ooh) Nobody’s perfect, and I stand accused
(Ooh) For lack of a better word, and that’s my best excuse
To live and not to breathe
Is to die in tragedy
To run, to run away
To find what you believe
And I leave behind
This hurricane of fucking lies
I lost my faith to this
This town that don’t exist
So I run, I run away
To the light of masochists
And I leave behind
This hurricane of fucking lies
And I’ve walked this line
A million and one fucking times
But not this time
I don’t feel any shame, I won’t apologize
When there ain’t nowhere you can go
Runnin’ away from pain when you’ve been victimized
Tales from another broken home
You’re leavin’
You’re leavin’
You’re leavin’
✝️⩜ Are you leavin’ home? ⩜✝️
  • Green Day

Meow meow :3
So, like… the complete rage-fueled rants I’ve had on here… Of course I still feel guilty as hell about them. I’ve been wondering what exactly caused them, and it’s funny that I described it as my inner voice crashing against my brain like a wave, because King Paimon is a water elemental. He’s also always angry, and will try to drive you crazy. As per usual with these demons, they contacted me first. Idk if anyone but me remembers how I went on about Garoshitscale but it was the worst and I felt horrible, but at least now we know. King Paimon was around. I take it he’s not a fan of the shit-eater, lmao.
I truly am sorry, again. Demons just like to show up for me, I guess. Well whatever, I’m much more used to it now. I get pretty ADHD and might post a lot but I promise, no more lengthy anger rants. Temperance has since been learned.

Meow meow :3
I feel as though my dreams are getting more realistic. Much more seems to happen when I lay here with my eyes closed before I’ve even fallen asleep, too. Quite an interesting development.
So long and goodnight 🌙 😴

Meow meow :3
As I continue to work with demons and deities, the things I learn are utterly fascinating. Today, I learned that Hecate has an intense, powerful, at-times frightening energy, which aligns with my experiences with her. I learned she guides the restless dead, who carry a lot of anger with them. This further explains a lot of the stuff that has happened to me, particularly on this website. You’re all free to believe as you will of course, but, I’ve had tons of experiences where I can tell that my emotions are coming from somewhere else and aren’t my own. I’ve felt calm and then suddenly, I’m crying, or I’ve found jokes far funnier than I’d expect myself to have found them. I really do suspect I’m being used as a conduit for spiritual beings. The Lunarpunk movement has it right I think - magic mixed with tech explains purrfectly the things that have gone on with me. I miss them already tbh and can only hope I’ll get a second chance to be a part of it someday. Good news is, we all seem to be adjusting. Maybe my recent focus on video games isn’t as much for me as it is for the beings I’m working with, so they learn to be more chill with me. It’s nice for me too, though ::3
I’ve decided I will share something I found around a week ago - I was looking for an obituary for my late grandmother, since it was her and her (now also deceased) twin brother’s birthday. I couldn’t find one, but I did find an old Facebook post of mine. I’ve mentioned that Hecate contacts me via crows and ravens, right? Have I mentioned that Pazuzu’s method of contact is spiders? Well, I had completely forgotten about how the first time I visited my grandma’s grave on my own went. Check this out:
Pretty damn cool, right? Some food for thought, nya ::3

Meow meow :3
And even though none of that makes me sad, here’s something more fun and uplifting: I felt drawn to Bastet again, wanting to deepen our bond, so I worked with her a bunch the past couple days. A stranger on a Discord server I’m in talked about their cat having a medical emergency, and when I replied that I hoped their cat would be okay, they said that they no longer felt hopeless, and that them and their cat would be able to make it! Then, when picking out new glasses frames at my optometrist, I found some that have a certain cat character on them, and of course I couldn’t say no to that! This is the kind of stuff that just keeps happening. I don’t post about every little thing that happens, but it’s very, very often that I will be given signs that these beings are with me and helping me and such. And as the glasses example shows, it happens in real life. If it wasn’t in real life, and wasn’t so much, I probably would chalk it up to algorithms and coincidences. Pic of my new glasses will be shared but it’s gonna be a few weeks, as they gotta get the prescription lenses put in.

Meow meow :3
Lilith and Hecate have been working to take down The Golden Buffalo for quite sometime. I couldn’t believe my eyes when, while watching LegalEagle’s latest video, Lilith showed up on Stormy’s arm. Thank you, Lilith, goddess of The Dark Feminine, and Hecate. I feel truly loved whenever I learn that the demons and deities I work with have been helping me along all this time >^_^< And yes, I did start working with Lilith.
It’s possible I give off an egotistical impression when I talk about this stuff, but that’s not what I’m aiming for. I’m not trying to assert that all my educated guesses are right - I’m simply not afraid of being wrong, or even partially wrong. I’ve said it here before - I’m taking a scientific approach to all of this. Not afraid to change my opinion and update stuff! It’s a process, and if scientists were always afraid of being wrong, we’d get nowhere. I’m also willing to hear anyone out - while I don’t work with Moloch or Baal, I have let them speak. Even they are fed up with the mess The Golden Buffalo and other, similarly powerful people have created. I can’t kill Vorkrpytovogus, so what can I do? Get him on my side. But isn’t it bad that it happened the way it did? I don’t think so. I think strengthening my relationship with Pazuzu was necessary, in order to keep me protected, before I went onto the more dangerous demons.
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