Viewing last 25 versions of post by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys in topic Culture, Spirituality, and Personal Journeys Chat


Meow meow :3
**The Keys to Kindness**

“Do or die, you’ll never make me, because the world will never take my heart”
- My Chemical Romance

Kindness is a thing many can lose sense of when beaten down by a cruel world. It is important to not lose sense of kindness, and to work towards regaining it should one find themselves having trouble in this regard.

1) Make sure to minimize projecting your own insecurities onto the actions of others.

2) Do not assume ill intent when there is none. When we assume, it makes an ass out of u and me.

3) Learn to apologize. No, you’re not “strong” for never saying sorry. You’re an asshole. There have been times when I have hurt people’s feelings and it wasn’t my fault. I explained why I wasn’t at fault, but still apologized anyway. Apologizing shows that you have the humility to admit you made a mistake, and validates the feelings of the person you hurt. It is a crucial step towards repairing the relationship.

4) Don’t only focus on how you feel and your situation. Take how the other person feels and their situation into account as well. This is difficult, true. But you must be able to look outside yourself and into the mood and situation of others.

5) Don’t lose sight of your own worth, nor the worth of others. Everyone is capable of great things! We should all be allowed to shine to our full potential, and share that shine with others! If someone speaks about something cool they’re doing, that doesn’t mean other people can’t do it too. Or do other cool things. Don’t let individuality be erased. We are at our strongest both when we work together, and when we ourselves are strong on an individual level. When you realize that others shining is a good thing, you are able to approach their achievements with newfound appreciation, which in turn leads to kindness.
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Edited by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys