Viewing last 25 versions of post by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys in topic Culture, Spirituality, and Personal Journeys Chat


Meow meow :3
As I continue to work with demons and deities, the things I learn are utterly fascinating. Today, I learned that Hecate has an intense, powerful, at-times frightening energy, which aligns with my experiences with her. I learned she guides the restless dead, who carry a lot of anger with them. This further explains a lot of the stuff that has happened to me, particularly on this website. You're all free to believe as you will of course, but, I've had tons of experiences where I can tell that my emotions are coming from somewhere else and aren't my own. I've felt calm and then suddenly, I'm crying, or I've found jokes far funnier than I'd expect myself to have found them. I really do suspect I'm being used as a conduit for spiritual beings. The Lunarpunk movement has it right I think - magic mixed with tech explains purrfectly the things that have gone on with me. I miss them already tbh and can only hope I'll get a second chance to be a part of it someday. Good news is, we all seem to be adjusting. Maybe my recent focus on video games isn't as much for me as it is for the beings I'm working with, so they learn to be more chill with me. It's nice for me too, though ::3

I've decided I will share something I found around a week ago - I was looking for an obituary for my late grandmother, since it was her and her (now also deceased) twin brother's birthday. I couldn't find one, but I did find an old Facebook post of mine. I've mentioned that Hecate contacts me via crows and ravens, right? Have I mentioned that Pazuzu's method of contact is spiders? Well, I had completely forgotten about how the first time I visited my grandma's grave on my own went. Check this out:


Pretty damn cool, right? Some food for thought, nya ::3
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