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General Discussion » Plushie cleaning » Post 5

Artist -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.

Lily Fathom
This is a post about how one takes care of their own plushy. I already know how to. I need to clean and fix my own again soon. Just been too busy cleaning my house.
I made this thread originally just because I was curious. Artist tend to spend a lot on their fabrics. Probably more then I do. With this being the case I had hoped people would share stories and maybe photos of their repairs on stuffed animals.

General Discussion » Plushie cleaning » Post 3

Artist -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.

Lily Fathom
I get it. I have several plushies that are large. After a couple years of fixes and cleanings I will throw one or two out.
Though I kind of wonder if you could use peroxide to loosen the period stains. Then a mild sople like @Anonymous #2D26 mentioned. Air dry would be best when dealing with more difficult stains.
Nice to know there are plenty out there that sleep with a plush even into adult age.

General Discussion » Plushie cleaning » Post 2

Anonymous #2D26
I am actually curiuos as to who all does clean their bed fuzzies. I persionally make it a project every six months. The way I do it takes time.
Do you wash your plushies 
and repair them?
Typically I tear a seam and remove all the stuffing. After turning it inside out I fix any weakened seams or holes. After blanket stitching the tear I make I throw it in the laundry. After its clean I put new fiber fill in and stitch it shut.
I sleep with store purchased ones. I imagine this may not be easy with hand made custom ones. So, I am curious how every one else cleans theirs or if they do so this intensively.
If there are only small stains or stains, you can use mild soap or detergent mixed with water to clean each spot. Scrub gently with a brush or soft cloth and then rinse off the soap. Let the toy dry naturally or gently dry it with a towel.

General Discussion » Plushie cleaning » Post 1

Artist -

Mascgirl: She/Her
I sleep with my body pillow Timmy turner plush that Timmy has drool matting and my body pillow has period stains from pad leakage overnight, I never want to wash either of them because that would mean time away from them.
Posted Report

General Discussion » Plushie cleaning » Topic Opener

Artist -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.

Lily Fathom
I am actually curiuos as to who all does clean their bed fuzzies. I persionally make it a project every six months. The way I do it takes time.
Do you wash your plushies 
and repair them?
Typically I tear a seam and remove all the stuffing. After turning it inside out I fix any weakened seams or holes. After blanket stitching the tear I make I throw it in the laundry. After its clean I put new fiber fill in and stitch it shut.
I sleep with store purchased ones. I imagine this may not be easy with hand made custom ones. So, I am curious how every one else cleans theirs or if they do so this intensively.

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