Garka la Garka ![Artist - Artist -](https://furrycdn.org/badges/2020/5/6/1588781796229154090210.svg)
![Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger](https://furrycdn.org/badges/2020/5/2/15883929654297120171550.svg)
Burden of Responsibility
@Satu Putra
Pokemonfanart (and pokemonart) was nuked, only two images dont deserve an alias in my opinnion and was easy to manually fix :^P
Pokemonfanart (and pokemonart) was nuked, only two images dont deserve an alias in my opinnion and was easy to manually fix :^P
The same here, the last only have one image, compared to the other with several. Meanwhile mods debate if it need to be alised, I put all images under the same tag :^P
The same here, the last only have one image, compared to the other with several. Meanwhile mods debate if it need to be alised, I put all images under the same tag :^P
This was difficult to me. I decided in the end, delete the lipstick marks one, and leave kiss marks, meanwhile put in all the former images the later tag. Why? Kiss mark have the implies, and also more images under that tag.
This was difficult to me. I decided in the end, delete the lipstick marks one, and leave kiss marks, meanwhile put in all the former images the later tag. Why? Kiss mark have the implies, and also more images under that tag.
@Satu Putra
seduction? The tag some mod have to delete tons of your metadata updates about that specific tag? I decided to delete the tag and add seductive where it is needed. Please. Dont add the tag anymore and then ask if can be alised xD Simply, dont add it and all good.
seduction? The tag some mod have to delete tons of your metadata updates about that specific tag? I decided to delete the tag and add seductive where it is needed. Please. Dont add the tag anymore and then ask if can be alised xD Simply, dont add it and all good.
About wubbox aliases, I will tell Ciaran or other mod about that, dont worry.
@Satu Putra
That tag dont exist, I believe was nuked time ago xD
That tag dont exist, I believe was nuked time ago xD
Nevermind, taking a look, was in an deleted image for rule 3, you put in there. heavy sigh
Done at reverse: Motives are the number of images. The imply is good, so I add it.
Done at reverse: Motives are the number of images. The imply is good, so I add it.
@Satu Putra
Here we go. I will do this in a completely separate post, too big for combine with others.
Here we go. I will do this in a completely separate post, too big for combine with others.
@Lil’ Furry
Done, I think that is correct, and will be helpful in future xD, thanks you so much.
Done, I think that is correct, and will be helpful in future xD, thanks you so much.
@Lil’ Furry
Truly, that need an alias done. Will tell to Ciaran when I got to talk with him.
Truly, that need an alias done. Will tell to Ciaran when I got to talk with him.
I will never be the same… Also, I add the description more acurrately posible. Hope thats works. The alias for now, better leave without it, I really doubt anyone will add that tags to images xD
I will never be the same… Also, I add the description more acurrately posible. Hope thats works. The alias for now, better leave without it, I really doubt anyone will add that tags to images xD
Overinflation vs Inflation. In the end, I decided to delete the overinflation tag. Seems redundant, and checking how many users follow the former, (and also spoiler and hide) and how many follow the later, meanwhile others hides and spoilers, inflation was a winner for excelence. More than that, overinflation and inflation was together in every image I check. Lets use in advance only the inflation tag, it is more useful, and helps to categorize all under the same name.
Overinflation vs Inflation. In the end, I decided to delete the overinflation tag. Seems redundant, and checking how many users follow the former, (and also spoiler and hide) and how many follow the later, meanwhile others hides and spoilers, inflation was a winner for excelence. More than that, overinflation and inflation was together in every image I check. Lets use in advance only the inflation tag, it is more useful, and helps to categorize all under the same name.
An example of this can be applied in others tags. Hyper breasts, overrides every type of “how big my hyper breasts are” tags. For example, having hyper breasts, normally if the user follow, they dont mind if they are bigger than the head, torso, or a planet xD, The same with hide or spoiler that tag, someone that hates hyper, will hate normally all types of hyper, be breasts the size of football, or the size of the galaxy. And if they want to be more acurrate with their searchs, always can use multiple tags to remove or focus in what they are searching exatly.
Said all that, I hope you dont mind, seems like you are the one most using that tag in the end.
Also, prase jewelpet one. It is done :^P I dont know by whom, but someone do it faster than me.
Talisman: An object, typically an inscribed ring or stone, that is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck.
Which is not the same as the spell tag, or more commonly called, “ofuda”. Ofuda wikipedia. Personally, I don’t think they will be alised, or even imply each other. they are different things. In any case, will be good to alias spell tag and ofuda, one way or the other. I will note this for later.
Truly, that is right. Done rn
Truly, that is right. Done rn
With all of this, I will go to eat and continue this evening. Thanks to everyone for the help, and hope everythings is correct, I spend several hours thinking and doing changes to tags with care for details xD