Yeah. Thats one of the gripes i have with online communities all over. It seems the rules apply to some but not the other. Even worse, this growing double standard has become even more blatant that they arent even trying to hide it anymore. Everything seems to be skewing to one side. And one side seems to be more “acceptable” than the other.
What even is “politics” anymore?
Whenever i tried calling out people for being “too political” with their posts on certain subject matter. I keep getting told that “It IsN’t a PoLiTiCaL mattur!!! Hurr durr” “Its HOOMAN ROIGHTS ISSUE! But whenever some topic i try to talk about that doesnt seem to explicitly wander ibto politics, just a little bit. “OMFG! TAKE IT TO TEH POOLITICAL THREADS!!!”
So it’s “politics” when they say it is but isnt when they say it isnt? Especially stuff they happen to suspiciously disagree and agree with respectively?
Those who conveniently try to twist definitions to fit their whims and narratives are the worst. They have no principles.