Viewing last 25 versions of post by Gyro in topic Banning politics from the site is on its face nonsensical.

The 1% - Hit 1% of Uploads Milestone for a year
Even Worse Kobold -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Tag Master - Exceptionally Good and Proficient Tagger
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Founder Artist - Had at least 75 images under their tag before the site has hit its 50,000 uploads milestone.
Seedling - Gave the site life with many uploads during its first months
Dedicated Lifter  - Uploaded over 5k art pieces
Heavy Lifter -
Magical Inkwell - Wrote a fanfiction consisting of at least around 2.2k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice

Piaow Birb!
The personal is political and from that everything becomes political. The existence of this site itself is a political statement that tells the world that it is okay to participate in this subculture that much of the rest the world sees as gross and undesirable, something to be hide, and much like any other coming out, it normalizes how people feel about things. It helps turn the esoteric into the mundane and thus breeds acceptance of our community in society, much like women's liberation, or LGBT movements of past and present.

It celebrates sex and says that it is natural and desirable, by being such a hub of so many different tastes, from gay, to straight, to unusual fetishes, something which our protestant society tells us is bad. Once again, this works to breed acceptance, and fostering acceptance on a societal level is a political act.

In many countries, including prominent ones like the US and Russia there are forces which are working at high levels to oppress the gay and transgender communities and yet here we stand as a beacon of acceptance against that tide.

Both Fleety and wingbeat have come out fully in support in Black lives matter, which of course they do and this is a human rights issue, but its also tied into policing and is a very prominent and contentious political matter in the us. Politics is a question of who gets what, when, and how, and its hard to consider any matter of importance without that question being involved.

In fact its very selective as to what is considered 'politics' on this site, which seems to boil down to anything we don't feel like discussing. Like for example, when I was discussing theories of change earlier, and the importance of voting to put forth your societal desires, that was shut down even though there wasnt even a mention, or any pressure on who anyone should vote for. Why are some topics privileged over others? Even mundane ones like the above?
The idea of 'banning politics' itself is political even, because it says that politics is dirty and should not be discussed, and we should distance ourselves from it. This is a terrible thing to teach people, especially as our generation is one of the least active ones...
No reason given
Edited by Gyro