Meow meow :3
Well it’s a good thing I returned to Facebook. The reason I left was because, I think it was on the day of the hack, this page posted something that seemed like something I had said, verbatim. With the fact that I had heard people outside my house and also thought I saw people, well I had no idea what all was going on, that further scared me. I have no idea if there actually were people out there, or if I hallucinated. I think my mental health was bad enough that I could have. It’s all better now that I’m eating and sleeping and not absorbing Lysol, like I said. And therapy is around the corner on the 16th. But that’s kinda beside my point.
Because, not only do I have a friend on Facebook who doesn’t have any other social media for me to contact him on, but good lord, someone posted some stuff that has shown me I can’t even be friends with them. I suppose it’s not super egregious, it’s just… stuff I really don’t want to see when I’m sex-repulsed. And all I got was excuses when I asked about changing the audience of their posts so I don’t see them. It really makes me feel like they’ve been being deliberately malicious this entire time. It’s unfortunate to lose someone, especially right now, but it had to be done.
On a brighter note, my close friend/unofficial sibling (I’m an only child but I vibe with this person like a sibling lol) has been opening up to me more and sharing their world and the characters in it with me! >^_^<