And the neoliberal establishment wonders why people are angry. They wonder why people want a revolution, and they wonder why people won’t vote for Biden or Trump, and they wonder why people want real change. The suburbanite yuppies all shake their heads in disbelief and stick their noses in the air and think they’re so fricken high and mighty because they’re not poor rednecks, they’re “the good white people” who “care about social justice” even though they really fucking don’t. You can say it on paper all you want, but until you actually write your statespeople and mental health professionals, get out there and protest, stop voting for the lesser of 2 evils, and listen to the people who are suffering the most, you’re part of the problem.
I’ve done all of that and I’ve felt so so incredibly alone while doing it, but at least I’ve done it. But it takes more than 1 person to get out there with a sign every now and then and 1 person to write their congressmen. And until we can have everyone rising up and saying enough is enough and making the establishment actually fear the alternative, they won’t listen, and they won’t care. They will give false promises and lame platitudes, messages of empty hope and empty change, thinly veiled as “progress” when held up in comparison to the far-right.