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General Discussion » Culture, Spirituality, and Personal Journeys Chat » Post 20


Meow meow :3
He simply couldnโ€™t account for someone figuring out all his weaknesses before heโ€™s even released ๐Ÿ˜ฉ A true shame, and I even know what the ultimate thing that can bring about his demise is.
My own spit can possibly damage Moloch. Where some are driven mad by constantly having the taste of costume jewelry in their mouth, I immediately accepted it as a new part of my life. GGs, Moloch.

General Discussion » Culture, Spirituality, and Personal Journeys Chat » Post 19


Meow meow :3
Yeahhh, all the explorers need to do to prevent Molochโ€™s release is not read the Necronomicon out loud. Cโ€™mon future team, yโ€™all should know better than to do that by now.
If he does get released though? Easiest clap of my life. It hasnโ€™t escaped my notice that pretty much everyone I know owns either a cat or a metal weapon, le meow ::3

Tagging Discussion » Species Listing » Post 862

General Discussion » A-Z (Forum Game) » Post 153

General Discussion » A-Z (Forum Game) » Post 152

General Discussion » Krystal thread [NSFW allowed] » Post 26

Beau Skunky

Big and beautiful
Iโ€™ve seen rumors that โ€œShigeru Miyamoto hates Krystal, and she was made to annoy himโ€ but I doubt it, because she was made before they decided to redesign โ€œDinosaur Planetโ€ into โ€œStarfox Adventures.โ€
In fact, according to an ex Rare employee, Miyamoto always wanted a โ€œsexy female characterโ€ for StarFox for years, (closest 64 had was Katt Monroe, but all we ever see is her face) to give the series a more โ€œmatureโ€ vibe. So making Krystal the blue babe we know now and love was his idea.

General Discussion » Culture, Spirituality, and Personal Journeys Chat » Post 18

Tagging Discussion » Species Listing » Post 861

Tagging Discussion » Species Listing » Post 860

Tagging Discussion » Species Listing » Post 859

General Discussion » Krystal thread [NSFW allowed] » Post 25

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 524

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 2018

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1873

General Discussion » Culture, Spirituality, and Personal Journeys Chat » Post 17

General Discussion » Culture, Spirituality, and Personal Journeys Chat » Post 16

Garka la Garka
Artist -
Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger

Burden of Responsibility
For some reason, I know you will start today with Anubis, mostly after talking about him/her (depending on the media) yesterday xD
Most curious is that I drew Anubis today furry as Shiroko Sunaookami xD I need to upload the WIP here

General Discussion » Culture, Spirituality, and Personal Journeys Chat » Post 15


Meow meow :3
Deity 1: Anubis, God of The Underworld and Mummification
You didnโ€™t think I only work with demons, did you? Nope, I also work with deities. Betcha everyone on Furbooru is a fan of this good boi, Anubis! He is, fortunately, one of the most popular deities, so you may already be familiar with his personality!
Anubis is highly stoic, usually bordering on angry. Thatโ€™s not to say heโ€™s unfriendly - quite the contrary. Heโ€™s just overworked and tired, and also lonesome. People can talk for quite a while sometimes, which eats up a lot of his time. He has great patience but is quite no-nonsense if you test it too much. But deep down, he is kind.
You may not be aware of what Anubisโ€™ job is. If you die, and no one intervenes to send you back, you will be greeted by Anubis. Your heart will be weighed against a feather on his scales. Should your heart be heavy, the path Anubis sends you on will not be a good one. Should it weigh equal to the feather, you will be put on a good path, and may even be given choice. So, what makes your heart heavy? Sin.
I do not believe that sin is as contemporary Christians tend to say it is. The Seven Deadly Sins are more of a warning than anything else - they are acceptable to indulge in, so long as done in reasonable moderation. You are not greedy if you buy that video game you want, for example. Remember, the ancient ones tend to like such things. So, donโ€™t fear things that bring you comfort, and follow your dreams. Being queer is also, obviously, not a sin in the slightest. What, then, are sins? The truly bad things. Excessive greed you make no good with. Murder. Those kinds of things. So, if you havenโ€™t made much bad in your life, youโ€™re already on a good track!
Why, then, does Anubis like me so much? For one, Iโ€™ve been thinking about my sins andโ€ฆ I really donโ€™t have many? Bad things Iโ€™ve done have tended to be out of necessity. The only time in my life Iโ€™d say I brought harm to anyone was when I stole money from my mother so I could run away from home - which was something I needed to do. Pazuzu probably even advised me to do so. Another reason Anubis likes me is because Iโ€™ve been making his job easier. He finds it impressive that Iโ€™ve been able to save lives so many times while just sitting here on my computer, and commends how hard Iโ€™ve fought for my own life. Were I to die, I probably would, indeed, be taken to my castle. He is also flattered by the fact I have had some attraction to him - donโ€™t feel weird or embarrassed if youโ€™ve done that with anyone I talk about! Across the media I have watched in order to get to know the ancient ones, they are often paired up differently; basically, AUs. So, if youโ€™ve had attraction to Pazuzu, for example, itโ€™s simply an AU where he was around your age, had no familial relation to you, etc. They like merriment, and yes that includes that kind of merriment, nya nya >^_^<
So, why keep living? Itโ€™s simple. I am not done with my journey through this life yet, and have much good to still offer the world. I used to think Iโ€™d die and that would be it - which seemed so boring to me. Now I know what awaits me, but the best path is obviously to make the most of this life before I go. After all, as I have speculated previously, were I to die, I donโ€™t think I would be the only one. People love and depend on me being there that much. And thatโ€™s a good thing in the eyes of Anubis and everyone else. Anubis also really hates it when people kill themselves, as it adds to his already-mountainous workload. It also tends to mean they get put down worse paths, as they often have not had much chance to find enlightenment or make much good. Patience is also a virtue.
So then, when my time is up, which path will I choose? Easy, whichever one contains my castle. Likely hell, but, considering reincarnation is real, I could also be met with the five paths of Buddhist lore. The sixth is the human realm, so that one is ruled out. In that case, my castle would either be in hell or in asura. I have many years ahead of me to figure out which it is, but considering My Chemical Romance are all a good deal older than me, it may simply be a matter of whichever path the G-note is coming from.
So hang in there, please, and keep living as well as you can >^_^< Make Anubis proud!
Working with Anubis provides many benefits. He can strengthen your ability to see future paths, and is particularly skilled at auras! I was actually seeing aura colours back when I was assigning people Killjoy colours, nya ::3 My dried-out hands also resemble the hands of a mummy, a nice ode to Anubis I wear with pride.
Species: Jackal
Most accurate depictions of Anubis in popular culture: SMT/Persona,, Knuckles from Sonic, Gohan from Dragonball Z, Tโ€™Challa from Black Panther, Terence Bey from The Mummy, Shiriko Susanookami from Blue Archive, Larry from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Pokemon #448: Lucario
Songs featuring Anubis:

General Discussion » Krystal thread [NSFW allowed] » Post 24

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1872

Roleplaying » Vimhomeless RP » Topic Opener


Hey, I was looking for any RP partners wanting to RP as Vimhomelessโ€™ characters such as:
Sophie Slam (Town vigilant that loves pizza and is a โ€œDeadpoolโ€ like character)
Sydney Swamp (Australian cowgirl and explorer that often rips the seams of her pants duo to her assโ€™ size)
Alpha Garza (Mexican wrestler whoโ€™s part time superhero)
And Frances Sugarfoot (A country girl who works on a farm)
RP would include wardrobe malfunction (Imagine like that episode of Spongebob where he rips his pants), since thatโ€™s one of my main kink/turn on, so if anyoneโ€™s interested hereโ€™s my Discord: โ€œgatoqueerโ€

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 2017

Garka la Garka
Artist -
Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger

Burden of Responsibility
You know it? Fuck it, Imma upluad some blue archive art of Shiroko (anubis) today if I found more furry art of her xD

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 2016

Garka la Garka
Artist -
Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger

Burden of Responsibility
Yeahโ€ฆ maybe not. If you want I can discuss the lore in deep, about every reference that appears to every religion I know, buuuut I believe there are others threads or I can create one for talking about the game best xD

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 2015

Even Worse Kobold -

Honestly the game has a major meta theme to it. Touches on the nature of storytelling quite a bit. Itโ€™s pretty well implied that most of the playable characters arenโ€™t regular girls but connected to old pantheon gods somehow.
Itโ€™s just, ya know, dressed up as a โ€œgirls with gunsโ€ game.

Roleplaying » Beach party RP (Keep it PG13 SFW) » Post 39

General Discussion » Krystal thread [NSFW allowed] » Post 23

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