I…am suffering. I have no more will than an empty aluminum can; it wishes to be stainless steel, even tin would work, but it is weak. Easily broken…I have been going through a lot in the last couple of weeks and I am ready to just give up. I do not want to be where I was many moons ago; I would rather be twelve feet under, not just six feet under…looked back on my archives - I was rotten and still have some of those tendencies…look at me, I have done nothing but just let things go by. Think health is catching up to me and that is also an unfortunate state of affairs. I do not want bad things to happen. I do not want to lose anyone else. The ones I did lose, I want them back… want… WANT… I truly am a selfish creature…lonely, sad, pitiful too. Maybe, I do not deserve it.
Also, I am neutral about what is going on in the world today. I just let it be as it will, but I have my own views and passions…sadly, these goals may never be truly met. These goals I have…they are pipe dreams, are they not? I think so.
Physically, I am getting weaker. Mentally, I am breaking. I am just pathetic.
I am just an aluminum can.