an enchantment for eating inedible objects…’’ ‘Tubarão’, he… or
I, even call that last one…”
“A bit vain, don’t you think, me? How many more shark-based spells is this book loaded with, I wonder?”
“Don’t know what’ll become of it, if anything, or if you and I really are one and the same, but I almost feel like referring to you directly by writing ‘letters’ into this book, if you’ll ever one day take back the reins, I assume…”
”Maybe even get back at you for this spell selection with a whole laundry-list of aquatic puns, see how you like it…” %”…on second thought though, maybe nevermind that…”%
%[ 🔊 ]%
Bookmarking the spells, he moves forth, looking for any sign of the arcanum’s residents.