background furry #19375 

"Then I'll take a "bunch of bookscraps and make it rain": somewhere to mess up the fine-print. Why would I do such a thing to innocent literature?..." _Heads back for the door, stopping a the threshhold for one last word_."''"..._+Spite+._''": Reckless, aimless spite."
_Done with shows of bravado [spoiler]more to motivate himself than anything[/spoiler], the shark then heads straight for one of the arcanum chains, then begins climbing up it, reaching to the point of pure terror once at a harrowing height of 15 feet off the ground._
_Slowly, +slowly+ crawling up the rest of the way, the acrophobic fish never once looks back toward the constant tug of gravity._
"Then I'll take a "bunch of bookscraps and make it rain": somewhere to mess up the fine-print. Why would I do such a thing to innocent literature?..." _Heads back for the door, stopping a the threshhold for one last word_.
_Done with shows of bravado [spoiler]more to motivate himself than anything[/spoiler], the shark then heads straight for one of the arcanum chains, then begins climbing up it, reaching to the point of pure terror once at a harrowing height of 15 feet off the ground._
_Slowly, +slowly+ crawling up the rest of the way, the acrophobic fish never once looks back toward the constant tug of gravity._