I alrite. >:P
Everyone I know’s doing gud. just, heccin’,
B O R E D. No power for next week.
Scribbled this in muh boredom unto paper one night by candle/flashlight;
Mass Effect races to furry species
Alliance - most general mammal species, + general ai (protogens)
one pres of us in ME was uploaded in lore, which caused 2nd civil war if I remember rightly
Asari - “thessian” marine species (yis, I think this should include & predominantly feature shorgs. Short biotic commando-ninjas…
Krogan - dragons (“tuchankans”)
Geth - geth (+ more shiz we can make up, long as it fits the gestalt virtual society bill)
Turians - turians
Drell - general reptiles, tho still all called “drell”
Batarians - skaven
Volus - volus(?)
Vorchans - kobolds (woulda considered them skaven for their speech, but their common servitude under krogans (dragons) feels like it fits better for the species)
Salarians - salarians (or amphib species?)
Quarians - (dunno, mabbeh they’d be the only humanoid species?)
collectors - insectoids? (Changelings?)
Hanar - hanar
Elcor - elcor
Background avian species I can’t recall - avians
Shadow broker’s species - same (or dragon, if krogans still krogan?)
Background uploaded civilization I can’t recall - any species in physical android forms
Also daydream a bunch about the tactical considerations of thermal clips vs heat sinks. Ejecting a thermal clip may for instance do gud for sustaining fire, but that’s a fire hazard, especially if in a pure o2 atmosphere or worse. Plus ejecting while in an ultrafrigid environment could result in an explosion comparable to a hand grenade going off. In-built heatsinks are safer and gud for prolonged mid or low intense conflict.