The Happy Thread


I love The Lion Guard. Sure, the writing is rough around the edges at first, as is the animation. But it’s still everything I wanted from a Lion King series since I was a kid. The Timon and Pumbaa series, while fun, completely threw any chance at sticking to Lion King canon out the window and, obviously, stuck to Timon and Pumbaa as the focus. While I love them, I always wanted a series that focused primarily on the lions.
I remember when I would think about what I would have liked better. They could have had the series still be Timon and Pumbaa, but it’s a slice of life showing events that happened while Simba was growing up with them in the jungle. They could have had a Lion King series be Simba and Nala as cubs before Simba ran away, maybe showing us more of Simba’s friends and thus, have episodes that focus on an animal of the week for educational value. TLG does that :3
And, while of course it’s a little awkward to have the series sandwiched between the first and second halves of The Lion King 2, it means I get to see more of my favourite group of Lion King characters: the outsiders! There’s just, something completely comforting about being able to spend a long time in the Lion King universe to me ♡ ♡
It also does kinda feel like Disney’s attempt to be MLP:FiM, and I love MLP:FiM too :3
Anonymous #5452
I have a few cats.
One of them threw up much less than he has been, indicating he’s getting over his stomach bug.
One of them ran outside last night, and I get worried when they’re out at night. He came back just fine.
One is a kitten I’ve been very worried about. She didn’t seem to be eating or drinking much. She ate a ton of kibble last night, and then canned food this morning.
I’m glad things are looking up for the kitties >^_^<
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