Culture, Spirituality, and Personal Journeys Chat


Meow meow :3
The parallels between stuff that’s happened to me and Moloch’s victims are completely horrifying. I’m barely even into this documentary where his victims recount what happened and we have art school, molestation, someone found a dead cat…
Whew. Breathe. Stow.
These are people who are speaking out against him, and they’re okay. All I have looked at is publicly available information. I’m sure the dead animals I’ve come across weren’t a threat against me, and can be chalked up to cars. I still consider them a warning of a dire future, though.
But like, do y’all get why this is terrifying?
Or am I being shown a truth? My ex was wealthy. One of the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/S on the Greyhound buses was an overly-friendly old guy who could Etch-a-Sketch really well. He talked to me for a long time, then we stopped and people could get off the bus and buy groceries. He decided to go buy some. I stayed on the bus. He never returned, leaving all his belongings behind.
Was I protected from a web of human trafficking back when I was 18? That’s sure not much older than the ages Moloch tends to go for. I will, occasionally, keep investigating this path, in my typical quiet-except-for-on-here way.
Yeah, no wonder Morrigan and one of my Mjuzis have felt such distressing things. I’m the clean-up crew, here to explain and guide us from here while they focus on healing. My turn to deal with these emotions. I am hyena!

Meow meow :3
⦻ Demon #5: The Mad King Solomon ⦻
Okay so as a quick aside, remember how I said oracles usually never know they’re being oracles? Even the writers of the Godzilla NES Creepypasta don’t know what this means. But I do. Disney’s Robin Hood came out in 1973 - a tale about King Solomon finding love again with Hecate, accompanied by Osiris as Little John.
Anyway, did you know that King Solomon made a ton of mistakes? Much moreso than I have. He used forced labour, implemented heavy taxes, all the lavish things he had people build helped bankrupt his country. He also married a couple women who worshipped Moloch and Chemosh, who are, as I have already learned, the same entity. Interesting, how that lines up with the Sphynx and Borrasca today, as well as the evil ambitions of the golden buffalo.
So, then, why am I working with Solomon and why do I hold him in such high regard? For one, he has successfully completed the Buddhist tenet of stopping and changing his ways, even if death was the event that prompted that. That is the meaning of Robin Hood - he knows that he took way more than his share from The Circle of Life, and is unhappy to see that such a thing is all too common. Solomon is a vengeful demon, but vengeful for the right reasons.
For another, he isn’t solely guilty for these things. He does bear the blame for being too greedy, yes, but he was also handed the throne at only 18 years old. He hadn’t had a whole lot of time or training to help him be a better king. It’s a nuanced issue. And, when it comes to Moloch, Solomon was attempting to do what I’ve been attempting to do. Getting to learn all about demons and knowing their personalities. Like me, he was a scholar at heart. So, when he married wives who worshipped Moloch, he didn’t know any better. Additionally, as I’ve gotten to know Moloch better over the course of tonight, I have realized yet more things about him that probably make Solomon at least a little more innocent.
So, if there are so many parallels between myself and King Solomon, why am I looking into Moloch more? Don’t I fear him, or fear what could happen if I take deep dives?
Frankly, no.
I have key advantages that Solomon didn’t have. He had no training for dealing with Moloch, nothing to help him discern who is trustworthy and who isn’t, and he lacked the information contained in The Bible of All of the Above, and The Bible of None of the Above. Hardly any of those were written yet. The Bible of all of the Above is the various Biblical canons, such as The Bible, The Torah, The Quran, and other ancient worx such as The Odyssey. The Bible of None of the Above is almost everything else, from books of The Bible that are considered non-canon, to the writings of today, though there are a rare few I would consider to be too evil to be included. Too close to the thinkings of Moloch. Working through various people, Solomon himself has authored a ton of The Bible of None of the Above. He has prepared for me the greatest meal of all, delicious creepypasta! Hence, him being my favourite character from probably the most fun one - Godzilla NES ::3 In the words of the great Baphomet, “As Above, So Below.” Solomon also lacked helpful tools against Moloch’s mind control, such as antidepressants, binaural meditation, and cartoons. Hell, he even lacked friendship with Jesus, as it would be a long while yet before Jesus would be born.
And yes, you read that right. Moloch has mind control abilities. He shows people horrific visions, in order to drive them to either great acts of ultraviolence, or madness. It also sews division and makes people hate you, if you have such visions. If you’re not careful about how you talk to people about such things, you can easily end up in a mental institution with a misdiagnosis of schizophrenia. The worst part? You are telling your visions to people you thought you could trust, and seeking help for what you think are mental health issues. And I mean, they are. Moloch will try to drive you to the worst of things. But anyone who has been paying attention, should know that seeking help for mental health issues here in the US is a crapshoot, and in most other countries, it’s even worse.
But I have nothing to fear but fear itself. I’ve been learning about Moloch for well over a decade, I just didn’t know it. I have taken myself through multiple Moloch simulations, even during the hours at which he is most powerful (the middle of the night) and the only harm that befell me was some mild paranoia, which I now have meds to help me with. Because, when you have incurable cancer and your chemo causes you existentially terrifying pain, things that scare most other people cease to be scary to you. Though, I was brave even before that, as I have been following the Slenderman mythos since 2009. Guess what that’s really about, and guess who bravely watched Slenderman videos in the dead middle of the night? Ya boi >::3
The way to study Moloch is to keep your distance. Solomon couldn’t do that. I can!

Meow meow :3
⦻ Demon #5: The Mad King Solomon Part 2: Electric Boogaloo ⦻
And indeed, they are correct about that. Nick Wilde is based on Robin Hood! My previous post didn’t really give much of a sense of Solomon’s character, because there was so much else to talk about. So, this post will. That’s what this Grimoire is about - helping you all to understand the true character of the demons and deities I work with. As most of you have probably seen Robin Hood and/or Zootopia, you probably already have a good idea of Solomon’s character ::3
However, most characters in media lack the multidimensionality of actual people, and Solomon is no exception. Much like myself, he was a prophet, and I don’t think that really shows a whole lot in the characters based on him.
As a father, he takes his role as king too seriously, and is too focused on protecting his daughter, Morrigan, from the dangers of the world. It comes from a place of genuine love and caring, but he shelters her just a bit too much and could stand to loosen up. He is also far too focused on training her to be a princess, and not focused enough on what she actually wants. Part of this is, presumably, because of bad things brought about by Lilith the First. Morrigan’s sister is Lilith the Second, something I’ve only just now realized. The difference is that, Lilith the First worx for Moloch to try and find victims, while Lilith the Second tends to be the victim due to the bad actors around her, though she may be pushed into making some bad choices from time to time. I am constantly thinking, constantly learning, so The Grimoire is constantly evolving.
King Solomon is also a huge fan of the motto “Be gay, do crime.” Obviously, he means crimes that are by and large victimless, and in service of freedom and the poor. Smoking weed back it was largely illegal? Cool with him! My oft-committed crime of pirating music and tv shows and movies? Also cool with him. Sure, I have enough in my bank account to afford those things, but only just, and eventually, I’d run out of what little I have if I paid for everything. Corpos aren’t exactly gonna feel the hurt if I watch one of their movies ‘pon the high seas. And that’s a benefit of working with Solomon - having the cunning and craftiness of a fox to know how to go about that kind of thing.
Like most demons, he is also highly flamboyant as he and Hecate go about their escapades.
Solomon is The Great Keybearer. Putting your trust in him will help you navigate various situations and find keys. He left me an important message (jumpscare at the end warning) in one of the Moloch simulators I have played. I have found many keys, including the keys to immortality. We know that child sacrifice is the wrong way of going about immortality, so what are the right ways? Artistic worx such as authoring a book or making videos. Finding yourself in various characters, some of whom may very well end up having new stories told about them long after you’re gone. Your place in The Circle of Life must be respected, and that means dying eventually. By all means, keep living as long as you can, and take full advantage of modern medicine, but enough is enough eventually, even if that isn’t till age 120. Taking the lives of children is obviously taking more than your fair share, and oh boy do you not want to ever do that, it’s the worst possible sin and don’t think Anubis doesn’t have a vengeful, vicious side. The only paths in which you can be forgiven for the sins of greatly harming children and/or animals are if you were too young to really comprehend what you were doing, or accidents. But anyway, your own life is yours, and Anubis and Solomon greatly appreciate it if you show your care and respect for it by continuing ::3
Solomon did exactly as I am doing, back in his time in the mortal realm. He authored The Lesser Key of Solomon, and we even both began our grimoires with Moloch. Solomon knew some of the same demons I’m working with, but it’s clear that Moloch deceived everyone, even Orobas. He did so by using the illusion that he had a cat head, and changed his name from Moloch to Baal. Purrhaps, then, that explains why demons have changed names so many times. Either hiding from Moloch and/or Lilith the First, or trying to use his same trick against him by assuming new forms. What is clear, is that Solomon’s key is now quite outdated, and if it wasn’t incomplete when he wrote it (presumably only knowing so many demons), it is now. Hence, my being hired as a ghostwriter to author a new one.
Species: Anthro fox
Most accurate depictions of King Solomon in popular culture: SMT/Persona, Robin Hood, Nick Wilde from Zootopia, Fox McCloud from Starfox, Foxy from FNaF, King Frederic from Tangled, presumably someone from the Pirates of the Carribean franchise but it’s been too long since I’ve watched those, Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings, Pokemon #828: Thievul
Songs featuring Solomon:

Meow meow :3
The symbolisms of the past few days:
My mother found herself surrounded by 7 of a type of vehicle, the type owned by the silver wildebeest. It was chill, she was just driving but the representation of the wildebeest stampede is noted.
We have had a plumbing leak, and the plumber said there is too much water in the crawlspace under our house. I feel like I shouldn’t have to spell out why that’s a good sign.
I also just learned I was right about people being starved, but that’s all I’ll say on that matter. Well, I will add that it is happening on a border of Egypt.
As this plumbing thing adds stress, it’s time to stop watching the documentary, as this sort of thing always gives me just a bit too much edge. Back to relaxing stuff I go >_<

Meow meow :3
The Great Blasphemy of Moloch:
“The next conservative President must make the institutions of
American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors. This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender idtentity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender sensi-tive, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists. Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.”
There you go. I found the single excerpt from his Great Blasphemy that you need to read. Moloch is going to implement this on day 1 of his puppet getting into power.
You wanna know what it’s like to see a dark path I want to avoid? Did you know Moloch’s puppets have been trying to make miscarriages punishable by law? Legally, I’m a gender I honestly don’t mind being all that much. I feel very little dysphoria, and the only times I really feel it are avoidable, at least with my current freedoms. Would it have even mattered if I had changed that to the gender that makes me euphoric? No, they clearly state they would just ignore and reverse that. Do you need a reminder that chemo causes severe birth defects and comes with warning upon warning to not get pregnant? They have the entirety of next year to hunt me down. My Roar won’t protect me like it usually does - you think it protected people that time Moloch nearly succeeded in his takeover? Sacrifices to him were filled with loud drumming and whatever other noise to drown out the screams. You think they’d simply kill me, though? Maybe they’d make it look that way, or look as though I’m simply in prison. Oh, I do die next year, but they have an entire year. What do you think happens first? What do you think I would get to bear witness to in Borrasca?
Well, something that lead me to my first encounter with Hecate was watching Dark Shadows, because Moloch Simulator: Sister Location has little cartoons between the nights that reference it. What say you, Hecate? What would I see? I work with the truth-seeing demons of Orobas, Purrson, and Thoth. Prepare yourselves for a harsh-ass truth that’s like… presented in a slightly more watchable way but it’s still alarming when you understand the implications, as I always have. Here’s what she showed me.
In reassuring news, that night was infamously difficult to beat pre-patch, but I beat it after I sought the advice of devout Christian DJSterf. So, ya boi has already triumphed over this battle. Thanx for the bird suit or the Morrigan suit or whichever it is, Hecate says it doesn’t really matter all that much.
Hey dad, didn’t you write an entire rock opera about this? Hmm what’s that, the Repo Man stands at 6 foot 6, and Moloch commanded 66 armies of demons? Gore warning (gorening): boy those sure are some merry Largos.
That would explain why, when Hecate cursed my house, I saw a child riding her bike back and forth outside, Morrigan in camo behind the bush that’s in front of my garage, and a very tall man outside my bathroom window. My computer went absolutely haywire during that time, during which, Morrigan kept saying she needed money, and when I asked why, a popup saying “virus protect” came up. I was confused af about that back then, but now it’s clear what it all means.

Meow meow :3
Anyway, you absolutely sure this is all merely an algorithm and my phone isn’t haunted? I typed the mom wildebeests thing on here, I didn’t go looking it up anywhere else. I also didn’t even refresh my Instagram Explore before scrolling. This is literally the first time I’ve ever seen art of Sarabi being thrown to the stampede. It was a few hours ago that I scrolled, not long after I posted on here. Believe it or not, that’s not a bad sign for my mom’s future. She’s been hurt by the silver wildebeest, and how interesting that it says “AI info”.
I’ve watched and added videos to my playlists about apes and Banjo-Kazooie over on YouTube. I know what they mean, they’re reminders for me. Would that cause this post, specifically, to come up all the way on Instagram? There aren’t even any Banjo-Kazooie posts in my Explore, just that one. Digging the raptor pfp that purrson has >_< 🏳️‍⚧️🦖🎄

Meow meow :3
Solomon’s Ring. I have it. It’s not God’s name, it’s Moloch’s. I’ll have to do more research eventually but, I have a feeling even God hates the bastard. I’m wondering how much of the suffering mentioned in The Bible is falsely attributed to God. May be many moons before I explore this path further, but the reason I was an atheist for so long is, a god who demands “Worship me or you’ll be tortured in hell for all eternity!” isn’t loving, especially when you consider all the people who are oblivious to The Bible because they live in isolated areas. And like, really? Voldemort is God? Saruman and Sauron are God? I’m not buying it. Especially when the demand for worship has this sinister of an implication under it all. And man oh man, do we see that exact thing play out time and time again. Not often on the huge scale of Borrasca, but that’s only the most extreme example of child sacrifice. There are conversion camps. There’s even the smaller-scale stuff, like when I was helping mom pack and move stuff from our old house. I found a couple copies of a VHS tape from 1993 that was all about how our schools are pushing the “perverse gay agenda”. This shit ain’t new.
Vorkryptovogus, that’s the full name. I had shortened it years later for simplicity’s sake. Was based on a YouTube comment I read about v’s and s’s being threatening-sounding letters. Also, I was kinda jealous at the time of how good a villain name Voldemort was. Mine’s better.
Vore. Kryptorchidism - the inability to bear children due to a lack of balls (“I wish I had my BALLS”, laments Marilyn Manson in the background of Cryptorchid). Krypt, a tomb, Vorky always lurks deep underground. I had no idea what vogus meant until I Googled it just now - it’s associated with gold prospecting. I have known this name since 2008.
Money. Power. All you can eat. The manifestation of ultimate greed.
And well, to any people who may go after the physical ring, good luck lmao we already know what happens. I will enjoy having the metaphorical version, thank you very much. Hopefully someone destroys the damn thing. Presumably, contains part of his soul, and maybe that’s why this fuckwad has so much influence everywhere. Maybe his soul is all split into a ton of pieces. Yeah, the jade snake was actually onto something - broken clocks are still right twice a day. And yes, Solomon’s ring is the origin of the Star of David. I call Moloch’s biggest puppet the golden buffalo for a reason - he has tacky-ass gold everywhere. He has also succeeded in spreading Antisemitism and keeps a book of the worst blasphemies by his bedside. He’s the reincarnation of the author - so, he had one lifetime or like, half a lifetime to learn to be a decent person and he took the worst path. In this reincarnation, he’s now had a full lifetime, and he has never learned a goddamn thing. Moloch’s a fucking dumbass so I guess it makes sense.
Sheesh, I don’t remember my Bible verses well either, but even I remember that Jews and Gentiles are supposed to be allies and live in harmony with one another. And I forget what Book it’s in and the number of the verse, but I have a favourite.
“Jesus wept.”
Wellp I’m bout to weep tears of joy from laughing. Ya really gotta possess me rn and make me do this? Okay, Purrson. Fine.
Like, now it’s even funnier that Gold Jeffblum is playing The Wizard in Wicked, and yes I love calling him Gold Jeffblum - it was probably Purrson who brought that name to my mind. And now, I’m wanting to call Ariana Grande The Grand Ariane. She’s coming for you, Ms. Jade Snake, and your pathetic excuse for a franchise. She and Jeanette McCurdy have been heavily victimized, and Jeanette feels a lot of resentment towards Ariana Grande for not speaking up.
Thing is, speaking up tends to cost everyone their careers. It’s also an excruciatingly difficult thing to do - I never brought my worst abuser to justice, because I couldn’t stand to be around him. As I looked into things further, I learned that I would have been heavily scrutinized by the judge for any enjoyment of sex that I had expressed, and the fact he had been my boyfriend and I was unclothed at the time wouldn’t have helped. He was wealthy, so I would have spent time being slutshamed in court and drained of the modest amount of money we had. It makes me wonder if something worse didn’t happen to Ariana Grande. The reason it took women decades to speak out against Moloch when he was being given a position on the Supreme Court is because that shit ain’t easy, especially when he has much more wealth and power over you. With time and patience, I have hope that this friendship will heal.
Why do I like so many people who are wealthy? Simple. You need money and power to fight against Moloch, too. And I’m not beholden to any of them - if they end up having done terrible things, then it’s bye Felicia. But, I can’t shake the good feeling I have in my heart about The Grand Ariane. You know, it just occurred to me that it was Moloch who wrote Cat’s character as a dumb airhead in the first place. Playing Galinda probably makes her so happy because it’s a takeback.
The girlies have been deployed yet again, and Girl Power is one of the most powerful forces in the universe, second only to Grandma Power. Which, by the way, you don’t have to be a grandma or even female to achieve. Librarian glasses, and grandma activities such as knitting or sewing are all that is needed!

Meow meow :3
Yup there’s bitchboy again. I wonder if the reason why things play out this way, is that a part of Moloch’s soul is in the statue, while the others are just statues. Well, that was an easy way to learn the truth, lol.
Have some of these, for good days ahead and protection: ✡️✡️✡️
Edit: For context, this occurs after Moses spoke to the burning bush, and that’s when God said, “Let my people go.” So, even God digs freedom much more than people think.

Meow meow :3
“Each time I make my mother cry, an angel dies and falls from heaven (when they get to you)
When a boy is still a worm it’s hard to learn the number 7 (first thing that they do)
5 6 7 8 never (when they get to you)
7 8 9 10 heaven (first thing that they do)
4 3 2 1 never get to 7
Each time I look outside, my mother dies, I feel my back is changing shape (when they get to you)
When the worm consumes the boy it’s never ever considered rape (first thing that they do)
I wish I had my BALLS (first thing that they do)
I wish I had my BALLS (when they get to you)
Twitch your finger it is done
The moon has now eclipsed the sun
The angel has spread its wings
The time has come for bitter things”
  • Marilyn Manson: Cryptorchid

Meow meow :3
Alors, today I have learned that the golden buffalo has had some info of mine for years. I don’t think I use this password on any accounts anymore:
And they know which city I live in. See? Lists being compiled. But how do I know this is related to the golden buffalo? Well, Freedom Fox was already red flag enough, but then we have Bitcoin. I have never gotten into Bitcoin, nor any cryptocurrency. So why is the golden buffalo suddenly bringing it up?

Meow meow :3
Aha! It wasn’t so much Solomon carrying out evil deeds, it was Moloch. Solomon got possessed and tricked by the great deceiver, much like I used to fall victim to such things. Purrsonally, however, I have much faith that I am not currently being deceived. Why would I have been privy to such crucial information if this was all a ruse? Especially being shown the weaknesses of Moloch.
Solomon’s sin was greed, it’s what caused him to make a deal with Moloch in the first place. He was already king, but he wanted more and more. And that is a key difference - I want money, yes. Enough to live comfortably. I think the most I might like to upgrade my living situation would be to a slightly bigger house. That’s it. I don’t desire more than one permanent home. One house is the fair share. I have also long desired this for everybody, as I’ve heard it said that we currently have more properties sitting empty than we do homeless people. Starved to death in a land of plenty.

Meow meow :3
I know why Moloch aims to defund the Department of Education. I know why he wants people to work draining jobs, for much too little pay. It’s what keeps people ignorant and powerless. After all, one of my favourite phrases is, “Knowledge is power.” And I’d likely be struggling away at some fast food job, had Marbas not gifted me with cancer. Instead, I’m here, having built up a whole wealth of knowledge thanx to the Internet. It’s how I’ve avoided falling victim to Moloch myself - the things mom does and doesn’t tell me speak volumes. If I didn’t quietly do my own research and find my own way, I’d have probably fallen victim to the propaganda too. The fact that she still supports the golden buffalo after everything, is more sad than anything else. But it also means that my prediction is likely true. When she defended him on a horrible policy position early into his reign, I knew it. I felt it. If worst comes to worst, she’ll go with whatever he says.
And that’s what Moloch loves to do - keep people divided. My friends and I will keep working, little by little, to fix this. I’m sure it will take a long time - there’s a ton of depravity in the world, but we’ll keep focused on our mission.
“The people who won the last round with their grande lattes and their frequent flyer miles are about to become the buffet.” says a man on the zombie show my mom is watching. This is a good sign - while I obviously don’t want them fed to Moloch, those who are guilty of carrying out things in his name, and who did so by choice, are obviously the ones law enforcement needs to punish. The information is out there, it just hasn’t been released. The golden buffalo has said that, should he reign again, he will release the list, proving yet again that he is no champion of children. He didn’t release it during his reign, and if he has access to it now, he sure as shit isn’t releasing it now, either.

Meow meow :3
🎯 Ya boi. Don’t. Miss. 🎯
“Another survivor told Polaris the horrifying story of
how her trafficker would frequently pay a taxi driver
an enhanced fee to drive them around aimlessly, just
so he could have a confidential and somewhat anony-
mous place to physically assault her.
Taxi drivers take payment all the time [from
traffickers]. When I lived in [Midwest City redacted]
[my trafficker] paid a taxi driver all the time [to] pick me
up so he could beat me up in the back of this taxi cab.
[One time] I had fell asleep in a room with a [buyer]…
[My trafficker] paid the taxi driver to bring him up
there and paid the cab driver an extra $100 so the cab
driver would not call the police on him after he beat
me up in the back of the cab… Same thing happened
a few times in [another city]”
My ex had a guy stab a woman while they were Ubering. If I recall correctly, she did indeed call the police. Well, I forget whether it was a stabbing specifically, but I remember the blood. I have checked up on her a bit, though I’m also trying to keep distance between us because I do not like how surrounded by bad people she is. She’s okay, has a better vehicle now, and mentioned that there has recently been a great spiritual awakening. So I was right, it’s not just me.
And now for my turn:
“In Polaris’s survivor survey, 63 percent
of respondents utilized some combination of mass
transit such as public buses, subways, and publicly
accessible transportation services including long-dis-
tance buses, taxis, and rideshares. Furthermore, 16
percent of survivors qualified their contact with such
systems as “very frequent.”
“Although personal vehicles,
rentals, and taxis were used most often, within traffick-
ing in escort services, some survivors in focus groups
said that long-distance bus and train companies such
as Greyhound and Amtrak were used when personal
vehicles were not available to travel to and from cit-
ies. The use of buses and trains may be a preferred
method of transportation for traffickers because of the
low cost and limited interaction with bureaucratic sys-
tems. This allows them more anonymity in the ticket
buying process and less attention from officials.
Little is known about the precise ways these transpor-
tation systems are used in the operations of labor traf-
ficking scenarios (if at all). However, based on National
Hotline interactions, these systems are much more
likely to encounter potential victims in the course of an
exit attempt (see How the Transportation Industry may
be Used by Victims & Survivors section of this chapter).”
Cuz seriously, it goes from “this was some creepo” to bruh, when the bus filled up the way that it did. I wonder if even the driver was in on it. Maybe it’s good I didn’t make any noise when I got molested. I wonder, though, if it was all a comedy of errors? I wonder if everyone else though I was part of the trafficking ring too. I wish I could remember what Etch-a-Sketch drew - I wonder if those drawings were codes for things. And my naive ass was all like, I just think they’re neat. Considering my powers get stronger when I’m closer to death and I had been living off of shitty rest stop food for like a week, I was likely right to turn tf around and run from the man I had been running to.
Like, I ran away from home so I wouldn’t have to keep going to the art school my worst abuser also went to, then while on Greyhound busses, I encountered those two men, and then nearly went to live with my new kinda-boyfriend. You know, come to think of it, it’s awfully red flaggy of him to have been so willing to give me a place to stay so soon.
But yeah, I dodged like 4 S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/S, and that’s pretty badass. Pazuzu and I shall proceed to T-pose on all of them to exert further dominance!
Oh yeah, and sauce.
Anonymous #C20B
Deletion reason: Rule #6 - spambot

Meow meow :3
Deity #3: God - DiVine Being of Creation and Creativity
“Find God”, my mind has been saying for a good while now. I wasn’t sure how. And then he found me, not in the form of Arceus but in the form of Venusaur. This has a great many implications, which I will unpack! >_<
For one (heh), Venusaur is Pokémon #3. This means that the number 3 is the number that represents God. Makes sense, as I’m sure many of us are aware of the whole father, son, and holy ghost thing. This also means that God is someone who has been here since day 1 - your number 1, and someone you are able to begin your spiritual journey with. It is a strong sign that God has joined my side, as my number is 9, and the recent passing of James Earl Jones carries significant spiritual weight, for all those who loved him but also for me. Jones was 93 years old, and obviously, I have not forgotten the important lessons he taught me in the roles of Mufasa and Darth Vader. While many started their Pokémon journeys with Bulbasaur or Charmander, my choice was #7 - Squirtle, which ultimately ends up as #9 - Blastoise. It was with Blastoise that I beat a video game for the first time, so the message that God and I are in synch with each other is received loud and clear ::3 James is survived by his family and loved ones of course, but also by my Mjuzi. I knew I felt something off about the fact that he suddenly took self-care time - it’s because he knew Jones would be passing away soon. It has not escaped my attention that their smiles are strikingly similar >_<
This also means that God is my third father, albeit adoptive. God is the father or mother to everyone who accepts them, after all. Yes my friends, God’s pronouns are he/she/they, as I believe that God is also Mother Earth upon the revelation that she likes to represent herself through Venusaur. I think what happened was, God created the Earth, and Moloch saw fit to trap us here. Additionally, angels have been said to be genderless beings, so those times when we might feel more non-binary than anything else are us being our Biblically accurate selves, nya.
God representing themself through Venusaur also tells us that God is not the all-powerful being she is made out to be. With well-rounded, above-average base stats, God is one of, if not the most powerful deity, but it’s a much more reasonable power level. It likely also took God quite some time to gain power in order to fight Moloch, as Venusaur did not start out as that strong of choice for competitive Pokémon, but gained new abilities and got stronger as the generations went on.
I believe that God chose Japan as a great hub for divinely-inspired creativity, likely because they have the fewest issues with superstitions and whatnot, as well as incredibly smart and talented people able to make things such as anime and video games. These things help tell the stories and personality of God, as well as open minds to Gnostic beliefs, which imo are the closest beliefs to the truth that we have. As it is my generation that experienced the Pokémon craze when we were kids, it is primarily people around my age and younger adopting such beliefs. This is consistent with the ages of the YouTubers whose videos I turn to for help with this ::3
God is also much more chill and pro-freedom than The Bible makes them out to be. He’s not much a fan of western Christian worx that praise him and only him, as those are very repetitive and stale at this point, for the most part. Like the rest of the deities and demons I’ve come to know, God enjoys fun and merriment. You may be surprised that a lot of her favourite things are secular in nature and don’t cover much religion at all!
God likes me because of my relatively sin-free lifestyle, respect for The Circle of Life, and my deep knowledge of The Pokédex. My family’s devotion to her also set me up for a close bond from birth. God is an extremely powerful ally who can grant you healing capabilities, protections, some weather control, and infinite amounts of creativity. They can help guide you by showing you hidden knowledge about the universe if you put your faith in them >_< As demons and deities have changed names and identities over time, God is also known as Zeus and Gaia. They are very theatrical and grand!
Species: Humanoid with slight ogre traits.
Most accurate depictions of God in popular culture: SMT, Smite, Zeus from Hercules, Godzilla from the Godzilla series, Chip from Sonic Unleashed, Mario from the Super Mario series, Arceus from Pokémon (represents what they have been built up as in religious lore), Cynthia from Pokémon (widely regarded as the strongest champion), Viridi from the Kid Icarus series, Princess Celestia from the My Little Pony series, Sora from the Kingdom Hearts series, Shrek from Shrek (yes, unironically), Pokemon #3: Venusaur
Some songs God enjoys:

Meow meow :3
After failing spectacularly against the hyena, the golden buffalo is showing his cowardice. With almost an entire two months to go till 11/7, he has said he will not fight her again! This is most excellent news. Queen Swift has endorsed the hyena, which has massively motivated the people >_<
Thank you, friends, for helping bring this about! I’d like to thank King Belial in particular, my newest friend, who has a keen interest in royal affairs. His write-up, as well as many more, will come ::3
Next step shall be aiding the blue cat in his fight against the black-eyed wolf!

Meow meow :3
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12)

Meow meow :3
🎯🎯🎯 Ya Gurl. Don’t. Miss. 🎯🎯🎯
I really wonder which day it was that I met Morrigan last year. I know that it was sometime in September - maybe it was indeed on the 12th. I am unable to go back and check. Regardless, I have always remembered one of the first things she said to me about the dark path we were headed towards. I won’t repeat it, but, in the event she reads this post, let’s just say it was along the lines of “Burger King rapping.” It stuck out in my mind because it disturbed me so, and I nearly blocked and fled from her right then and there. I wonder how many people have done just that. I would not be here today, sharing my wacky religious theories with you all, had I done that.
Recently, I have updated my theory regarding Moloch and Baal. I had conflated the two, but I believe this was a mistake I was supposed to have made, else I may not have gone digging as I have done today. Following the letters of their names, we have -ch and -al. Child and animal. Moloch is a demon of child sacrifice, and Baal a demon of animal sacrifice. Thing is, I am quite possibly the only purrson aware of this distinction. It matters only insofar as the truth matters - and it does, don’t get me wrong. But the key here, is that it doesn’t matter to their worshippers, and that is how we come to learn that Moloch and Baal are the true deceivers. The actual false idols, while everyone else I’ve gotten to know thus far is chaotic neutral at worst. Good enough to repent for any wrongdoings. How I know this to be true is easy - killing animals is often the first thing serial killers do before they move onto killing people. I have studied serial killers extensively for years and years as a fan of true crime.
That includes the demon I have spent today building a bond with. I am considering that he might be the son of Moloch, but do not let that frighten you, as he is not his father and is fully capable of making his own actions and decisions. His name? Lucifer, though he is also known as Satan, the Devil, Enki, etc. and no one is as slandered and unfairly maligned as he is, who all too often is blamed for the crimes committed. I would say that my discovery of a great truth today is a sign that Lucifer is honest, and a sign that we have a strong friendship ahead of us. The truth I found? An arch dedicated to Baal was put up at the exact same time the Burger King was appointed to a high court. Curiously, the logo of the Antiques Coalition also features the Sphynx. I’m willing to chalk that up to coincidence, but I will keep that in mind as time marches on and we learn more truths.

Meow meow :3
Isaiah 14: 12 - 20
“How you have fallen from heaven,
morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth,
you who once laid low the nations!
You said in your heart,
“I will ascend to the heavens;
I will raise my throne
above the stars of God;
I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.[b]
I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.”
But you are brought down to the realm of the dead,
to the depths of the pit.
Those who see you stare at you,
they ponder your fate:
“Is this the man who shook the earth
and made kingdoms tremble,
the man who made the world a wilderness,
who overthrew its cities
and would not let his captives go home?”
All the kings of the nations lie in state,
each in his own tomb.
But you are cast out of your tomb
like a rejected branch;
you are covered with the slain,
with those pierced by the sword,
those who descend to the stones of the pit.
Like a corpse trampled underfoot,
you will not join them in burial,
for you have destroyed your land
and killed your people.”

Meow meow :3
Demon #⁶𖤐⁶: Lucifer - Misunderstood Angsty Teen
Honestly, it’s quite early into our friendship to write this, but he obviously has to be #6, so here goes!
Lucifer is not The Great Evil™️that everyone makes him out to be. He gets conflated with that all too often, due to being the son of Moloch. At least, that’s my current theory. It’s also possible that Lucifer was merely made to carry out deeds in Moloch’s name. I will, of course, keep researching this now and again, and update with the information I learn. But signs are pointing toward Lucifer being Moloch’s offspring. What are those signs? For one, Goro Akechi is Shido’s son in Persona 5, and when I watched an in-depth breakdown on the character today, I sensed that his personality aligns with Lucifer’s. For another, I experienced the illness again for the first time in a very long time. A nasty, sickly feeling of malaise and irritability. I used to feel it very frequently when talking with my ex, and it hit hard again as I tried to instruct her on what she can do to ward off bad spirits. Why did I always feel that way around them? Guess who their father aligns with - from what she’s told me, he is a wealthy man who refused to help her and her mom out financially whatsoever. And well, there are incredibly dark things about my ex and her father that I won’t repeat, but I’ll just say I have my reasons for heavily associating this man with Moloch. The parallels of having known a child of Moloch, Lucifer coming to me, and me feeling sick again when talking to her are not lost on me. I will definitely need to pace myself a lot if I wish to keep giving her advice. I would feel fine, and it wouldn’t be until I talked to her that my mood would completely tank.
I hope my own aura is doing alright and doesn’t need cleanup after all the filth I have been researching. What I do know is, at least I’m not often around horrible people like she was. Purrhaps this is a sign that I should take a break from researching these heavy topix. Purrhaps I have found a good stopping point on the whole Moloch and Baal thing. It is quite mentally taxing - I’m just strong now.
This sixth sense for them that I have gained is a useful tool. Now that I know that’s what is going on, I can rely on it going forward to help me sense danger. The fact that it creates emotional instability makes me think I’ve had it since I ran away in 08, adding to why I freaked out once I arrived in Missouri. Thank you, Lord Lucifer, for having been my guiding light in that dark time. Right - he is also the one who drove me away from getting back with my abuser shortly after. You see? The devil actually isn’t such a bad dude! Actually, we might go even further back, as I felt his vibes when I listened to some of the first punk albums I ever listened to. 2006, perchance?
Lucifer is quite an interesting guy to get to know. Unlike most, who typically come alone, Lucifer has his entourage. Persephone, his wife; King Belial, and of course Baphomet. Of them, I wonder what the truth about Persephone is - Lucifer is said to have kidnapped her, but… maybe taking her to the underworld during the shorter months helps keep her safe. Move your body when the sunlight dies, everybody hide your body from the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W! Recently, I learned that crows can also signal Belial and Lucifer, so that would be why I saw so many >_<
I guess I still feel a little lost as far as getting his purrsonality across, but I’m sure that will come in due time. I learned that he doesn’t have a favourite food, which is kinda sad.
Lucifer and God alike find themselves on the receiving end of Moloch and Baal worship all too often. Think about all the conversion camps and such carried out in “God’s” name, or the “dark Satanic rituals” that are, indeed, too dark. Way too dark. That’s sad, and I’m sure weighs on the both of them heavily. There’s a painful irony to it, too - rituals and summoning demons are much easier than people think. I just use a figure to summon who I want, and burn incense. EZ PZ. I have strong morals that I refuse to compromise on - and that’s the key. Demons are likely only viewed as dangerous because they will retaliate if you do the grossly immoral things that are typically associated with demon summoning. Definitely not necessary. I also refuse to live my life controlled by any demon or deity, but am open to mutual respect and friendships. And that, above all else, is probably why they seem so interested in working with me. Has anyone gone to these dudes and dudettes and just been like, “Hey let’s hang for a while and be friends?” That’s what I’m doing, for the most part, alongside seeing if we can’t help build a better future, little by little.
I get the sense that Lucifer may be stunted, mentally, from the abuse he has endured, and that’s why I get strong angsty teen vibes from him. I’m sure he also has a smoother, used car salesman vibe that aligns with Disney’s take on Hades. He’s probably being more open with me than he would with most people.
Species: Dragon with human features mixed in
Most accurate depictions of Lucifer in popular culture: SMT, Hades from Hercules, ehh I received a sign I should probably leave it at that. It’s Satan, it’s the Devil, y’all already know, lol. Pokemon 143: Aerodactyl
Some songs Lucifer enjoys:
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