Viewing last 25 versions of post by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys in topic Culture, Spirituality, and Personal Journeys Chat


Meow meow :3
Demon #⁶𖤐⁶: Lucifer - Misunderstood Angsty Teen


Honestly, it's quite early into our friendship to write this, but he obviously has to be #6, so here goes!

Lucifer is not The Great Evil™️that everyone makes him out to be. He gets conflated with that all too often, due to being the son of Moloch. At least, that's my current theory. It's also possible that Lucifer was merely made to carry out deeds in Moloch's name. I will, of course, keep researching this now and again, and update with the information I learn. But signs are pointing toward Lucifer being Moloch's offspring. What are those signs? For one, Goro Akechi is Shido's son in Persona 5, and when I watched an in-depth breakdown on the character today, I sensed that his personality aligns with Lucifer's. For another, I experienced the illness again for the first time in a very long time. A nasty, sickly feeling of malaise and irritability. I used to feel it very frequently when talking with my ex, and it hit hard again as I tried to instruct her on what she can do to ward off bad spirits. Why did I always feel that way around them? Guess who their father aligns with - from what she's told me, he is a wealthy man who refused to help her and her mom out financially whatsoever. And well, there are incredibly dark things about my ex and her father that I won't repeat, but I'll just say I have my reasons for heavily associating this man with Moloch. The parallels of having known a child of Moloch, Lucifer coming to me, and me feeling sick again when talking to her are not lost on me. I will definitely need to pace myself a lot if I wish to keep giving her advice. I would feel fine, and it wouldn't be until I talked to her that my mood would completely tank.

I hope my own aura is doing alright and doesn't need cleanup after all the filth I have been researching. What I do know is, at least I'm not often around horrible people like she was. Purrhaps this is a sign that I should take a break from researching these heavy topix. Purrhaps I have found a good stopping point on the whole Moloch and Baal thing. It is quite mentally taxing - I'm just strong now.

This sixth sense for them that I have gained is a useful tool. Now that I know that's what is going on, I can rely on it going forward to help me sense danger. The fact that it creates emotional instability makes me think I've had it since I ran away in 08, adding to why I freaked out once I arrived in Missouri. Thank you, Lord Lucifer, for having been my guiding light in that dark time. Right - he is also the one who drove me away from getting back with my abuser shortly after. You see? The devil actually isn't such a bad dude! Actually, we might go even further back, as I felt his vibes when I listened to some of the first punk albums I ever listened to. 2006, perchance?

Lucifer is quite an interesting guy to get to know. Unlike most, who typically come alone, Lucifer has his entourage. Persephone, his wife; King Belial, and of course Baphomet. Of them, I wonder what the truth about Persephone is - Lucifer is said to have kidnapped her, but... maybe taking her to the underworld during the shorter months helps keep her safe. Move your body when the sunlight dies, everybody hide your body from the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W! Recently, I learned that crows can also signal Belial and Lucifer, so that would be why I saw so many >^_^<

I guess I still feel a little lost as far as getting his purrsonality across, but I'm sure that will come in due time. I learned that he doesn't have a favourite food, which is kinda sad.

Lucifer and God alike find themselves on the receiving end of Moloch and Baal worship all too often. Think about all the conversion camps and such carried out in "God's" name, or the "dark Satanic rituals" that are, indeed, too dark. Way too dark. That's sad, and I'm sure weighs on the both of them heavily. There's a painful irony to it, too - rituals and summoning demons are much easier than people think. I just use a figure to summon who I want, and burn incense. EZ PZ. I have strong morals that I refuse to compromise on - and that's the key. Demons are likely only viewed as dangerous because they will retaliate if you do the grossly immoral things that are typically associated with demon summoning. Definitely not necessary. I also refuse to live my life controlled by any demon or deity, but am open to mutual respect and friendships. And that, above all else, is probably why they seem so interested in working with me. Has anyone gone to these dudes and dudettes and just been like, "Hey let's hang for a while and be friends?" That's what I'm doing, for the most part, alongside seeing if we can't help build a better future, little by little.

I get the sense that Lucifer may be stunted, mentally, from the abuse he has endured, and that's why I get strong angsty teen vibes from him. I'm sure he also has a smoother, used car salesman vibe that aligns with Disney's take on Hades. He's probably being more open with me than he would with most people.

Species: Dragon with human features mixed in

Most accurate depictions of Lucifer in popular culture: [SMT,]( Hades from Hercules, ehh I received a sign I should probably leave it at that. It's Satan, it's the Devil, y'all already know, lol. Pokemon 143: Aerodactyl

Some songs Lucifer enjoys:

[The Devil Loves You](

[The New Patron Saints and Angels](


[Scream Out](

[Final Execution (Armageddon)](

[Where the Wild Things Are](
No reason given
Edited by StrangeKittenOfTheFabulousKilljoys