
Draw or die
This thread is for anyone who wishes to share personal experiences, spiritual thoughts, or reflections on well-being that might not fit elsewhere on the site. It’s a space for expression and support, allowing users to share their journeys and connect with others.
- All site rules apply in this thread - especially Rule 0. Please respect others and keep your posts and replies civil and constructive. Please avoid antagonizing or threatening behavior.
- Remember that posts are public and can be seen by anyone globally. Share only what you’re comfortable with everyone else on the planet being able to find with a simple search.
- Do not post personal information about others.
- Keep political discussions out of this thread; there are other spaces for that.
- This space is for personal expression and support, not debates or attempts to correct others. Offer support and understanding, but avoid trying to “fix” or correct someone else’s experiences or beliefs.
- Moderation here will be minimal. We rely on users to report rule violations. Any posts involving credible risks of harm to self or others may be escalated and dealt with swiftly.
This is not a therapeutic space, nor a replacement for professional help. If you’re in need of professional assistance, we strongly encourage you to seek it.