Culture, Spirituality, and Personal Journeys Chat

Even Worse Kobold -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.
Gold Piece - Gold Supporter on Patreon
Artist -
Since the Beginning - Registered before the site was public

Draw or die
This thread is for anyone who wishes to share personal experiences, spiritual thoughts, or reflections on well-being that might not fit elsewhere on the site. It’s a space for expression and support, allowing users to share their journeys and connect with others.
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  4. Keep political discussions out of this thread; there are other spaces for that.
  5. This space is for personal expression and support, not debates or attempts to correct others. Offer support and understanding, but avoid trying to “fix” or correct someone else’s experiences or beliefs.
  6. Moderation here will be minimal. We rely on users to report rule violations. Any posts involving credible risks of harm to self or others may be escalated and dealt with swiftly.
This is not a therapeutic space, nor a replacement for professional help. If you’re in need of professional assistance, we strongly encourage you to seek it.

Meow meow :3
Strange Kitten’s Grimoire of None of the Above
Demon #1: Moloch
Moloch is one of few demons who legitimately deserves to be called a demon. He is a force of great evil, if not the single greatest force of evil known to earth. Do not attempt to contact him. At least one instance of Moloch is held deep within the chambers of the Sphynx. There are many things held within. Some, such as the vast library of records, have the potential to provide an absolute wealth of information. The problem is that Moloch, and whatever other ancient evils may be sealed away, are also contained within. They are highly dangerous to go against, and Moloch’s chamber contains many traps, a maze of mirrors, and many examples of real violence.
I believe that the Sphynx was a collaboration between Anubis and Pazuzu, with Anubis’ head originally being what was on top, and Pazuzu’s powerful paws being used to help seal away evil. Moloch is constantly hungry, and theirs is an attempt to starve him. He feeds off of misery and suffering and, the more of that that goes on in the world, the more he is fed. That is the secret to immortality - or it might be a type of suffering in specific. If it is, I know what the type of suffering is, but I’m not going to tell you. You do not want to go down that path to gain immortality. Merriment, joy, and love all help to starve him out. He deserves to starve - he is irredeemable. He has on multiple occasions attempted world domination, and unfortunately, the world is at a point right now where his next attempt will likely be successful. Our weaponry is far too advanced. He attempts to destroy those most powerful enough to stand against him.
Fortunately, I am in contact with demons and deities alike as we work on stopping this. I will introduce you to one per post >_< In addition to love being a weakness of Moloch’s, he is also weak to rain, ice, and metal. As not everyone can be blessed by Marbas to have a metal mouth, owning metal weapons such as swords or a bow and arrow is a good idea. Adorning oneself with metal, such as wearing a battle vest or collar with metal spikes, offers protection. Animals also offer protection, with cats offering the most protection. Other species such as dogs are also good choices, though ::3
Species: Shapeshifter who was once human. Typically shifts between a human form, a serpent form, or a bull.
Most accurate depictions of Moloch in popular culture: SMT/Persona, Dead Hand from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Orochimaru from Naruto, William Afton from FNaF, Pokemon #799: Guzzlord
Most accurate depiction of what happens when Moloch gains control of a human to attempt world domination: Damien Thorn from The Omen
Songs about Moloch:

Meow meow :3
Additional information on Moloch:
His mind is weak, unable to handle views that go against his own. He attempts to cause widespread order, and this is a bad thing, for he does so in order to round up devotees so that they may feed him. Sewing the rights kinds of chaos and going against established norms will bring harm to Moloch’s mind. This is a good thing to do.
Moloch has also been called Chemosh. They are actually one in the same. He is represented by Guzzlord, Pokemon #799, in the Pokedex.

Meow meow :3
Today, I am learning about Hecate and witches, as my mother is watching a series on Netflix all about witches. This just keeps happening, that my mother so happens to select shows that are relevant to my subject of study for the day. She does not read my posts on here. Purrsonally, I believe that something draws her to these things, so that I feel supported by the ancient ones and also possibly so that I may hear information from her shows when I am not listening to my own stuff. It happens too often for me to simply chalk it up to coincidence.

Meow meow :3
Well well well… “The closest thing to a Jewish devil would probably be Amalek.” Fascinating. Moloch has been said to go by Malek and Mlk and such. That just adds an a. I think Moloch is the most accurate name, because it’s how he is named in the SMT and Persona series. I believe these series give us the most accurate depictions of demons and deities. And maybe that sounds crazy, but my reason for believing that is because of Pazuzu, who will very much be getting his own dedicated post >_< But anyway, let’s not forget that Judaism has strong ties to Egypt.

Meow meow :3
Demon #2: Lilith the First
Lilith is both victim and abuser, though when she is abuser, she is also irredeemable. Her situation is more understandable than Moloch’s, who was simply hungry for power and immortality. Lilith was cast out of The Garden of Eden for refusing to be subordinate to Adam. Like Moloch, she actually deserves the title of demon. Her vengeful ways have lead to her being a harmer of children and slanderer of men. Pazuzu dated her in hopes of changing her, but she was too crazy. He had to leave her when he realized trying to change her for the better was futile.
That being said, there is at least a tiny promise of good for those whose personalities align with Lilith’s. At their worst, people aligned with Lilith will do things such as write children’s books that contain harmful stereotypes, become popular enough to enact legislation, and deny important historical events. But at their best, those aligned with Lilith will end up more of a victim of men and circumstance than anything else. That is what makes Lilith a tragic figure, though rest assured, the personality of the actual demon is not a good one.
But it’s important to keep in mind that, with the exception of Moloch, people whose personalities align with a demon or deity aren’t necessarily bad or good, even if the actual demon or deity is. Morality is up to the individual. And yes, I’m aware I’m simplifying morality. I think it’ll be easier that way. I’m aware the worst people can do some good and vice versa. “Good” and “bad” are merely how I would judge someone’s overall morality. A serial killer, for example, would obviously be a bad person.
Lilith is a demon I would advise against working with, unless you are well-protected from Moloch. I think the two have a connection. For nyaow, it’s hard to know whether she’s trapped, or if they’ve mutually agreed to work together.
Species: Snake
Most accurate depictions of Lilith in popular culture: SMT/Persona, Lilith from Darkstalkers, The cult from Rosemary’s Baby, Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty, Zira from The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride, Lilith Clawthorne from The Owl House, Pokemon #793: Nihilego
Songs featuring Lilith:
Garka la Garka
Artist -
Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger

Burden of Responsibility
Since you asked, I guess I can talk about my strange beliefs.
I used to be a Christian, and religious. In fact, when I was young, I wanted to become a priest. But the years went by, you learned things in class, and from the age of 8 onwards, my life started to get worse and worse. At the age of 12, my faith hit a breaking point. I stopped believing in… in everything.
I was a strange kid, and I got fully into philosophy. Then, simply, my life took that turn that I still follow now. My first partner, Garky, died. And with her, all my belief in everything. If God existed, he was omnibenevolent, and looked out for everyone. Why did he let us suffer like this? Why did he take a life that was whole and yet to be lived? According to my teacher, she needed to die. Did she need to? Nah, nobody needs to die. There is no destiny, we are not pieces on a fucking chess board.
Then, my mind took that double turn. On the one hand, I went crazy. My mind didn’t know how to accept the loss of Garky, and Garky didn’t leave. I became her, and simply, my shitty personality became a clone of the one she was. Even today, I feel like I stole her personality, and that I still am. I’m not Cristian anymore, I’m just Garky, what Garky would have been if I were an adult.
So, I took refuge in: If I think, I exist. If I exist, it means I’m real. From that base, I developed everything. And I set basic rules in my mind:
The first is: “For something to exist, and be real, it must therefore be possible to rationalize in my mind, and at the same time, it must be demonstrable through logic and empirical methods.”
Therefore, in my life, ghosts, legends, mythology, gods, demons, and all that, phew, disappeared. That’s understandable. But many other things also disappeared from the beginning. Fears? If they are not real, they disappear anyway. Why be afraid of something happening, if it hasn’t happened yet?
The second was: “If something is reasonable, but it is not empirically proven, it is because you have not tried hard enough.” That made me believe, for example, in things that could not be proven at that time, but sounded plausible.
For example, the furbooru project. Nothing empirically proves the bases on which everything is based, but, for me, it is something possible. I believe in the dream of Luna and Fletch, of the other staffs, and therefore, I believe in Furbooru. And it is not the only project I believe in.
The third rule is that if someone can prove their point to me based on the first two rules, then it is something that also exists. If someone is able to prove to me that God exists, using those first rules (something that not even the best theologians I know have come close to doing), then therefore, God exists. Same with other things.
Fourth rule: Based on the fact that I am kind, despite the negative acts I have committed, commit, and will commit, that means that there is kindness, even if it is minimal, in everyone.
Fifth rule: If experts can empirically prove something, and there is an absolute majority consensus on a subject, always based on the scientific method and not on personal beliefs, then something about it must be true, and therefore, real.
An example of this is the theory of black holes, which I cannot prove exists, but, experts for decades have been demonstrating in various empirical ways that they exist.
As such, I don’t believe in science as a religion, but I’m not agnostic or atheist either. I just believe in what I can be shown exists, and is real, rational, and logical.

Meow meow :3
Looks like we’re gonna be defeating Moloch and unearthing those records!
Also, great spiritual awakening in December, well I’ve talked about it before but I wanna go up to AZ and do a tarot reading with my sister and one of my best friends. I’ve been considering telling them about all the spiritual stuff that’s been happening to me. I think I will >_<
Lest you think I’m making this prediction all about myself, I’m not. Other people can do this sort of thing too, heh ::3

Meow meow :3
Spiritual Ally #1: Jesus Christ
When you communicate with demons and do DIY spells as I do, it’s important to keep yourself protected. You can do so by choosing powerful spiritual allies. Jesus is a great choice! He can fill your soul with the Holy Spirit, which will give you energy. His blood can be drank to help heal and protect your insides - it was one of the first things I did when I realized I was in for a severe bout of food poisoning. He is always forgiving, so if you’ve turned your back on him in the past, he will forgive you if you’d like to be his friend again >_<
It’s important to stress that you should try to get to know Jesus himself. Fundamentalist Christians unfortunately twist his words and go against his teachings all too often. You have to shed your pre-concieved notions about mainstream Christianity and focus on Jesus himself, what he said, and what he stands for. There is, unfortunately, a lot of deception out there when it comes to Christianity, but there are still good churches and true Christians. They can be difficult to spot, but they’re out there >_< My grandmother was one of them, and currently resides in a good place in heaven.
One night, I found an old hopscotch instructions and marker my grandmother had made (yes, hopscotch has rules and is supposed to be played with a place marker - Grandma’s were made from beads). They were from when my grandma worked as an aide at my first elementary school. Having walked through the school one evening some years prior, and knowing her hopscotch squares had been painted on the asphalt, I headed to the school with the intent to play. However, the school has changed over the years, likely due to covid and increased worry about school shootings. There was no way for me to get in, and the fence had a tarp attached to it, so I couldn’t even see in. This is good, so that the children may be protected, but I was still distraught. Then, I finally found a gap in the tarp, and what should be visible, but a hopscotch squares. Still unable to actually play, I played “Welcome to the Black Parade” on my iPod as I stood outside the fence and had a cry. I proceeded to go for a walk, whereupon I came upon a sign on the ground that said “Believe”. It was around Halloweentime, and the lack of decorated houses in that neighbourhood stood out to me. Then, I finally happened upon a house that was decorated, with skulls and a rainbow light. As I listened to Jesus of Suburbia, I realized that was a sign that someone always did and still does believe in me. My grandma ::3
Jesus doesn’t like it when religious places preach falsehoods. That extends to medical facilities being unhelpful - idk if you noticed but, a good medical building might be closer to holiness than the majority of churches.
How to be Christlike in the modern age: Jesus of Suburbia
The first Jesus of Suburbia: Sid Vicious
Songs by true Christians:

Meow meow :3
If a demon’s primary form of communication is strength, that would explain why football has been recommended to me despite my previously having had no interest in it nor looking it up, and would explain why they seem to be showing me ways to compete with people. That’s something I can do with Garka if I learn this mahjong game, or at least compete against local players. Learning how demons think is key to a better understanding of them, nya >_<

Meow meow :3
Demon #3: Pazuzu - The Demon of Tough Love and Challenges
And now we get into the demons that aren’t outright bad. Incoming biased longboi, since Pazuzu is my father.
Pazuzu is a demon one must be careful about working with, as I’m not sure how it would go if you don’t have the privileges that I do with him. He is about great trials, but if you do well enough in overcoming them, you receive great rewards. You might be in for great hardship with him, but if you remain patient and strong, he can change your life for the better. If you piss him off, however, your life will take a serious turn for the worse. There is a lot of leniency, as I had him as an antagonist in Dead Moon (albeit unknowingly) and I don’t think he got mad at me for that. Demons typically don’t mind playing the villain in fiction, which is why it’s important to discern what their true personalities are like.
Pazuzu is dangerous. So, will you be weak and find yourself on the receiving end of his wrath? Or will you be strong and laugh in the face of danger?
He has probably been training me from a young age to be wary of Moloch. He’s the demon of heavy metal and dogs, as demonstrated in the first video I linked. Why? Because they protect against Moloch. That’s why my father is into classic heavy metal, and why Guns and Roses is the most important band he has taken me to see. That’s who we saw at Universal Citywalk, and also our most recent concert. Sometimes your dad influences an entire band to write a song about you. We’re talking this level of rewards, if you can do well by Pazuzu. Classic heavy metal is a music path I could have gone down. And I mean, technically I still did, still went to my dad’s concerts too, in high school. Metalheads have always been nice to me, so things like metal and death metal would have been good paths as well. Emo also would have worked. While I like all those genres, my heart and home are obviously in punk. Is it dark, it is spiky and metal? Yes? Then it’s an acceptable path. Probably even better than having taken my father’s path of classic heavy metal, as I was able to go into mosh pits. Demons like strength, and someone as small as I am throwing myself into the lion’s den showed great bravery and strength, especially when my father kept getting mad at my friends and I for going in there, and we kept going in anyway >_<
And when my father’s rage got to be too much, my mom and I managed to get him away from me so that I could have better freedom. My father was put through many trials of his own, but now enjoys a cozy retired life, with I believe a dog or two. My father’s personality does indeed align with Pazuzu in many ways, but it’s like I’ve said before. People aligned with a demon may be either good or bad.
Pazuzu made The Lion King series for, well, children, but also for me. Pazuzu is a teacher with a soft spot for children. But I was meant to look harder. I am Pazuzu’s successor to the throne of hell, and The Lion King series is instructions on how to run the kingdom. Not just the original Lion King, either, as there are crucial lessons in The Lion King 2, The Lion King 1 1/2, and The Lion Guard. “Will you embrace and be open about the fact that you like media intended for children?” was likely a test, and I passed.
“Oh David, you’re just crazy!” you’re likely thinking. Okay, then. Why was The Lion King a dormant franchise until late 2015, when The Lion Guard premiered? Pazuzu likely knew the following years would be very difficult for me. So he, with the help of his demon friends, gave me what I always wanted out of a Lion King series: a series that focuses on the lions and the lore of the Pridelands. It was meant to teach kids things about animal species, and me. Because these demons have species.
“But then The Lion King 2019 sucked!” Yes, it may have been meant to. It was meant to make people think more about whether it was right that the hyenas are banished. It’s not - they need food too, and do have a role to play in The Circle of Life. It was also meant to get Queen Beyoncé’s paw in the door of the franchise. It was a gift from Pazuzu, though. Where does Beyoncé’s Black Parade come from? The Gift, her album made for The Lion King 2019. That’s the part we’re meant to find and enjoy >_<
Have you all paid much attention for the trailers for Mufasa? Pazuzu has really thrown a lot in there. White lions, snow, even tigers… It’s like he’s taking all the stuff I used to add and think about during my childhood with regards to TLK. Notice how it’s advertised with a song that goes “I always wanted a brother”? I got one this year, when a longtime friend of mine declared that he’s basically my brother. He’s gone on about his uncanny ability to survive getting hit by cars, and it hasn’t escaped my attention that my father walked away largely unscathed from all the car crashes he’s been in. And what is Mufasa going to be about, if not the importance of found family?
Pazuzu got me a brother. That is the level of reward he can grant you if you’re good in his eyes, and strong, nya ::3
Species: Winged Lion, as he used to be Ra, before transforming into a lion in order to take down a large snake. Either Moloch or Lilith, I’m not sure which. Probably Lilith, his crazy ex.
Most accurate depictions of Pazuzu in popular culture: SMT/Persona, obviously Mufasa, Old Deuteronomy from Cats, Allen Grant from Jurassic Park, Eddie Darko (Donnie’s dad) from Donnie Darko, Oogie Boogie from The Nightmare Before Christmas, Pokemon #727: Incineroar
Songs featuring Pazuzu:

Meow meow :3
I thank you for your visit and help today, Anubis. Super Nova’s boyfriend got a concussion and was napping. I thank you for alerting us to the urgency of the situation - he is now at Super Nova’s house for the night, and we can monitor him. The Egyptian doggo is a good friend to have, a long boi all about him and his personality will, obviously, eventually be written up here >_<

Meow meow :3
I’m thinking it was Thutmose III, that’s who Moloch started out as.
He was the richest person in the world at the time, was known for desecrating monuments, conquered more territory than any other pharaoh in history. There was even mention of Ra in the video I watched, who I know transformed into a cat (Pazuzu) to defeat Moloch.
I wonder, though… is it only him? Considering my vision of Moloch has always had multiple faces, probably not. The manifestation of ultimate greed - probably an amalgamation of the greediest pharaohs. After all, those would be the type to seek immortality in the forbidden way.

Meow meow :3
Deity #1: Anubis, God of The Underworld and Mummification
You didn’t think I only work with demons, did you? Nope, I also work with deities. Betcha everyone on Furbooru is a fan of this good boi, Anubis! He is, fortunately, one of the most popular deities, so you may already be familiar with his personality!
Anubis is highly stoic, usually bordering on angry. That’s not to say he’s unfriendly - quite the contrary. He’s just overworked and tired, and also lonesome. People can talk for quite a while sometimes, which eats up a lot of his time. He has great patience but is quite no-nonsense if you test it too much. But deep down, he is kind.
You may not be aware of what Anubis’ job is. If you die, and no one intervenes to send you back, you will be greeted by Anubis. Your heart will be weighed against a feather on his scales. Should your heart be heavy, the path Anubis sends you on will not be a good one. Should it weigh equal to the feather, you will be put on a good path, and may even be given choice. So, what makes your heart heavy? Sin.
I do not believe that sin is as contemporary Christians tend to say it is. The Seven Deadly Sins are more of a warning than anything else - they are acceptable to indulge in, so long as done in reasonable moderation. You are not greedy if you buy that video game you want, for example. Remember, the ancient ones tend to like such things. So, don’t fear things that bring you comfort, and follow your dreams. Being queer is also, obviously, not a sin in the slightest. What, then, are sins? The truly bad things. Excessive greed you make no good with. Murder. Those kinds of things. So, if you haven’t made much bad in your life, you’re already on a good track!
Why, then, does Anubis like me so much? For one, I’ve been thinking about my sins and… I really don’t have many? Bad things I’ve done have tended to be out of necessity. The only time in my life I’d say I brought harm to anyone was when I stole money from my mother so I could run away from home - which was something I needed to do. Pazuzu probably even advised me to do so. Another reason Anubis likes me is because I’ve been making his job easier. He finds it impressive that I’ve been able to save lives so many times while just sitting here on my computer, and commends how hard I’ve fought for my own life. Were I to die, I probably would, indeed, be taken to my castle. He is also flattered by the fact I have had some attraction to him - don’t feel weird or embarrassed if you’ve done that with anyone I talk about! Across the media I have watched in order to get to know the ancient ones, they are often paired up differently; basically, AUs. So, if you’ve had attraction to Pazuzu, for example, it’s simply an AU where he was around your age, had no familial relation to you, etc. They like merriment, and yes that includes that kind of merriment, nya nya >_<
So, why keep living? It’s simple. I am not done with my journey through this life yet, and have much good to still offer the world. I used to think I’d die and that would be it - which seemed so boring to me. Now I know what awaits me, but the best path is obviously to make the most of this life before I go. After all, as I have speculated previously, were I to die, I don’t think I would be the only one. People love and depend on me being there that much. And that’s a good thing in the eyes of Anubis and everyone else. Anubis also really hates it when people kill themselves, as it adds to his already-mountainous workload. It also tends to mean they get put down worse paths, as they often have not had much chance to find enlightenment or make much good. Patience is also a virtue.
So then, when my time is up, which path will I choose? Easy, whichever one contains my castle. Likely hell, but, considering reincarnation is real, I could also be met with the five paths of Buddhist lore. The sixth is the human realm, so that one is ruled out. In that case, my castle would either be in hell or in asura. I have many years ahead of me to figure out which it is, but considering My Chemical Romance are all a good deal older than me, it may simply be a matter of whichever path the G-note is coming from.
So hang in there, please, and keep living as well as you can >_< Make Anubis proud!
Working with Anubis provides many benefits. He can strengthen your ability to see future paths, and is particularly skilled at auras! I was actually seeing aura colours back when I was assigning people Killjoy colours, nya ::3 My dried-out hands also resemble the hands of a mummy, a nice ode to Anubis I wear with pride.
Species: Jackal
Most accurate depictions of Anubis in popular culture: SMT/Persona,, Knuckles from Sonic, Gohan from Dragonball Z, T’Challa from Black Panther, Terence Bey from The Mummy, Shiriko Susanookami from Blue Archive, Larry from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Pokemon #448: Lucario
Songs featuring Anubis:
Garka la Garka
Artist -
Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger

Burden of Responsibility
For some reason, I know you will start today with Anubis, mostly after talking about him/her (depending on the media) yesterday xD
Most curious is that I drew Anubis today furry as Shiroko Sunaookami xD I need to upload the WIP here

Meow meow :3
Yeahhh, all the explorers need to do to prevent Moloch’s release is not read the Necronomicon out loud. C’mon future team, y’all should know better than to do that by now.
If he does get released though? Easiest clap of my life. It hasn’t escaped my notice that pretty much everyone I know owns either a cat or a metal weapon, le meow ::3

Meow meow :3
He simply couldn’t account for someone figuring out all his weaknesses before he’s even released 😩 A true shame, and I even know what the ultimate thing that can bring about his demise is.
My own spit can possibly damage Moloch. Where some are driven mad by constantly having the taste of costume jewelry in their mouth, I immediately accepted it as a new part of my life. GGs, Moloch.

Meow meow :3
Sunrise and sunset were seen as important times of day for Ancient Egyptians, as they would symbolize the journey that Ra (who became Pazuzu) took to the underworld in order to fight Apophis (who became Moloch). Interesting, then, that those are the times of day during which I go for my walks. Interesting, then, that the song “Sunrise, Sunset” is featured in The Lion King 1 1/2, about Simba growing up. I was 14 when The Lion King 1 1/2 came out, much like Simba is a teenager as the song starts.

Meow meow :3
Deity #2: Bastet, Goddess of Cats, Protection, and Flirtation
Time for another biased longboi, but honestly, after researching Bastet I can’t really find anything bad about her anyway >_<
If you had been wondering who my mother is, here she is! Great protector of Ancient Egypt and one with the ways of the cat, Bastet! Unlike Pazuzu, this is a goddess I highly recommend working with, as I don’t sense any downsides. I work with a multitude of truth demons, who we’ll get to, so if I don’t sense downsides to Bastet, there probably aren’t any, nya.
Bastet is an enduring beacon of strength in times of great need. When the need for cats was realized in Ancient Egypt, to ward off the evils that plagued the people, Bastet stepped up to the plate as a reminder of the importance of cats. She kept as many people as she could under her watchful, protective eyes. She is usually as stoic as a rock in stressful situations, not letting her emotions overwhelm her too much. She is the great matriarch and leader - easily the smartest one in the room, offering wise insights. She is adept at rallying people behind her and filling them with hope. She has a very warm, caring motherly side. Like Pazuzu, she cares deeply about children. That is probably what they bonded over, meow ::3
Bastet also has a side to her most people probably don’t know - when she’s not in protective mom mode, she is highly flirtatious and dominant in the way you’d expect a lioness to be. She will tease most anyone who is reasonably around her age. Purrhaps you’ve found yourself taken in by her charms before - I’d definitely say she has me beat in that department, but I’m working on self-confidence and flirting. I’ll get there someday! She’s someone who enjoys being gawked at and desired in an empowering way. She will also use her attractiveness to her advantage. This is most likely where my spree of running around nearly naked at Rocky Horror back in the day stemmed from, mweehee. Should you ever feel powerless, sexually, remind yourself of the strength of Bastet, and try to take back what a downer of an ex made you feel ashamed of. Let your desire roar!
I am of the belief that she started out as a lioness, then assumed the form of a cat when it was realized they were needed for protection. Later, went back to lioness form, but added talons and wings to match Pazuzu.
Bastet is probably the most prominently-featured deity in Egyptian art, and rightfully so! She was highly revered. In order to truly connect with and show respect for Bastet, one must be well-studied in feminism, including learning what is and isn’t true feminism. This can take much study - years, even - but the payoff of having Bastet’s protections and blessings is well worth it! And even though we lack the copious amounts of Bastet statues that should be everywhere, as was the case in Ancient Egypt, her presence is nonetheless widely felt, as people of all political ideologies and walx of life tend to agree that cats are amazing.
Working with Bastet can purrovide catlike reflexes, greater flexibility, a wanderlust and leg strength for prowling around, and greater senses of love and sexuality.
Species: Winged lioness
Most accurate depictions of Bastet in popular culture: SMT (slight nsfw warning), Sarabi from The Lion King, Nala from The Lion King, Bayonetta from Bayonetta, Aida from Aida, Pokemon #053: Persian
Songs featuring Bastet:

Meow meow :3
Working With Demons: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, with Special Guest Appearance by Incubus and Succubus
Something I’ve come to realize is that, a lot of the anomalous things that have happened to me over the past year or so have been because of demons. Something I’ve also come to realize? It was all for the greater good! Having patience pays off.
First, there were all those times I yelled at my then-partner. I could tell something came over me and I wasn’t myself. I wanted to break out of the control and stop, but was unable to. Why did that happen with them, and why did it not happen with any of my other partners? Well, turns out they were indeed onto something when they said I needed god or whatever - I was possessed! By my son, Johnny, and I couldn’t be more proud of him >_<
I recently learned about incubi and succubi, and everything made so much sense. Why was my ex always drained of energy? Why did they fall asleep in the shower for like 7 hours? Why would I feel pretty decent, only for it to always be when I started talking to them that I felt drained to the point of being ill? Simple, that’s what an evil incubus does - drains you of your energy completely. That’s why the word “rotten” would enter my head all too often when talking to them. They are a victim of an incubus, possibly multiple. Had I stayed with them, I would have been attacked too, accounting for the fact that they allow humans to abuse them just as badly. So, if not from the spiritual realm, then from the physical realm. Johnny was also only 15, so I don’t blame him for having let anger overcome him and not handling the situation in the most mature way. When I had an out-of-body experience while in the shower once, whereupon we floated over me and he saw how much I was crying and how devastated I was, he vowed to stop doing that unless I ask him to. He later carried me and helped me make and eat food, months and months back when I came close to death from barely eating. He’s such a good son ::3 And since I cut that ex out of my life, I haven’t experienced the severe energy drain.
Incubi and succubi also tend to use sleep paralysis to keep their victims incapacitated, well the bad ones do, anyway. Realizing Oogie Boogie gives off Pazuzuvibes made me realize he’s the reason I feel a spiritual connection to spiders. What have I seen every time I’ve experienced sleep paralysis, rather than a horrifying entity? I’ve seen spiders.
Considering I’ve recently had, er, a very good dream, and have certain… capabilities… I’d say I’m probably visited by a succubus on occasion, except we work together comfortably. Every demon, deity, and creature has their good and bad sides, nya.
I recently learned the #1 rule with demons: Demons don’t do things quietly. So, no wonder they chose me, someone who’s not afraid of getting egg on my face when the demons use me to loudly proclaim things. Though, now that I finally know what’s going on, I would assume that sort of thing will stop, if not at least calm down severely. They’re likely behind all those outbursts I was having around 2 months ago. While I, of course, feel terrible about the distress I caused, those were probably in service of the greater good as well. I’m not the only one here who has suffered from horrifying visions - and I’ve noticed what happens to me, similar stuff happens to them, and vice versa. We share the pain and are connected. The bad future path we were on was real, and was that dire. It’s no coincidence that I came across a dead cat on my first walk after my nemesis, the golden buffalo, was put in a position of power, and no coincidence that I came across three dead opossums on a walk I took that was also around the two months ago mark. Moloch’s presence is, unfortunately, real and those were dire warnings.
So I’ve been pretty victimized by demons. I also suspect either Hecate or her daughter, Morrigan, are behind all those things I saw and heard outside my house around six months ago. That was a truly terrifying experience that shook me to my core. Obviously, their write-ups will happen soon, but what you may not expect after reading what I just wrote, is they will both be getting glowing reviews. Because, yes, that was in service of the greater good too.
Why continue to work with demons after having such awful experiences, even if they were for the greater good? Well, I’ve also had powerful positive experiences with them. I still remember the walk I went on one October morning in either 2018 or 2019 - the air felt eerily still, but I could tell it was still with power. Positive power. I felt powerful, as many crows gathered around here and there. That’s right - Hecate lent me her strength that morning, and a bunch of bad things befell the golden buffalo swiftly after. I have been in contact with at least a few of these demons for a long time now, and am thankful to Hecate for the powerful witch energy she sent me >_<
My apologies, yet again, for the times I’ve caused distress to everyone. It’s unfortunately a part of getting used to this and getting used to my powers. Now that I am growing accustomed, however, it’s unlikely to happen again.
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