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Site and Policy » Questions about YCH content and multi accounts » Post 4

Site and Policy » Questions about YCH content and multi accounts » Post 3

Site and Policy » Questions about YCH content and multi accounts » Post 2

Site and Policy » Questions about YCH content and multi accounts » Post 1

Ani Artist Test - TEST
The 1% - Hit 1% of Uploads Milestone for a year
lunar test A 1 -
sun test A 1 -
lunar test -
Even Worse Kobold -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Seedling - Gave the site life with many uploads during its first months
Heavy Lifter -

still using a ps/2 kb
“You may not post images intended as “reminder” posts for your announcement or advertisement posts (such as YCH announcement posts)”
This refers to an artist posting a “ad” for a YCH auction/sale multiple times, with the intent of subsequent uploads to make the ad visible on the front page again.
Regarding multiple accounts…
Using multiple accounts for different purposes (like SFW/NSFW split or having a roleplaying identity) is fine. What is not is using multiple accounts (or being anonymous) to pretend to be different people, for example to argue opposite points on the same image/forum thread, or to appear to give support to yourself.
And did I hear something about a badge?
To my understanding (and I may be slightly out of the loop on this one) there will be a badge granted to everyone that registered and used the site before some future date this month.
And welcome to the site!

Site and Policy » Questions about YCH content and multi accounts » Topic Opener

Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.
Artist -

Please excuse my poor english. I’m mainly a derpi user, since most sites either are unable to host Webms or have rules against YCH (I had an animation that was 100% complete deleted from one of them because it has “ych” written on it)
I did read the rules, but I’m not sure if I understand them.  
“You may not post images intended as “reminder” posts for your announcement or advertisement posts (such as YCH announcement posts)”  
What exactly are we not allowed to post? Can someone please give me some examples? I wish I could share some of mine, but I’m not sure if I can since they are all explicit, and… Well, derpi is down, so I can’t get any links.
Regarding multiple accounts, I usually have this one and Brightroom, where I post only SFW stuff. Is that okay, can I create it here? Once again, I did read the rules, but just thought it was better to check in case I got something wrong since I didn’t see anything specific about posting with multiple accs.
%And did I hear something about a badge? Me love badges, how can I get it?%

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