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Tagging Discussion » Please help me with the Pokémon tags » Post 4

Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger

Feral aficionado
I see that you edited your comment, but when I call for standardizing tag syntax, I really mean a standardized syntax for all tags on this website. The status quo is, in my humble opinion, rather inadequate. Having aliases and preferred terms is a big step up from many other sites—yet, consider the tags eyes closed and open mouth. These very common tags differ on whether the adjective should come before or after the noun. Worse yet, one has the alias “closed eyes”, the other “mouth open”. To reiterate, aliases and preferred terms are superb, but some sort of consistent and explicit system should be implemented.

Tagging Discussion » Please help me with the Pokémon tags » Post 3

Even Worse Kobold -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.
Gold Piece - Gold Supporter on Patreon
Artist -
Since the Beginning - Registered before the site was public

Draw or die
  1. Ah! Thank you - I didn’t know. Maybe those aren’t useful - there’s really just a couple handfuls of them.
  2. Makes sense - if we don’t just eliminate those tags.
  1. Standardize tag syntax - For me, standardizing the tag syntax would be something like:
• Make pokémon the first word in all those tags, ex: generation 1 pokemon -> pokémon generation 1
That way when you type pokémon in the search bar, there’s all the pokémon stuff that isn’t a character name.
Are there other kinds of nonstandard Pokémon tags that need to be fixed?

Tagging Discussion » Please help me with the Pokémon tags » Post 2

Tagging Discussion » Please help me with the Pokémon tags » Post 1

Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Artist -

A Furry
Oh lawd, the Pokémon franchise tagging is a mess.
  1. I couldn’t find any other typing tags than the ones you listed, but I also didn’t try literally every combination of spelling out a Pokémon’s typing that I could think of… (at this point in time, at least.)
    • Personally, I don’t see a big reason to tag a Pokémon’s elemental typing on an image booru like this. I can’t imagine you’re trying to provide information relevant to the games and how the types interact with each other, really.
    • …but if we must…
  2. Might I suggest normal-type pokémon, grass-type pokémon, fire-type pokémon, etc. instead of wrapping the franchise in parentheses? It’s more describing a characteristic of the particular species of monster, and not an individual character. Unlike cynthia (pokémon)
    • It would also be more in-line with your example from question 4 – generation 1 pokémon
  3. I’m not entirely sure how to answer this one. There are definitely a few oddball monsters that got released in debatable generations. Meltan, Melmetal, Enamorus… OMG there’s an upload with every Pokémon through SwSh and some hybrids it seems: >>163226
    • How would regional forms fit into this?
    • PLEASE
Granted, this would make it a little bit weird to tag trainer characters, but who cares about the humans, amirite? 😂

Tagging Discussion » Please help me with the Pokémon tags » Topic Opener

Even Worse Kobold -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.
Gold Piece - Gold Supporter on Patreon
Artist -
Since the Beginning - Registered before the site was public

Draw or die
There are many, many nooks and crannies in the vast web of Pokémon. So much you could literally create an encyclopaedia exclusively devoted to it, that might run to many volumes. It would be such an enormous work, you could even call it a Pokédex, I suppose.
I’ve uploaded my first real Pokémon fanart, and realized almost immediately that some of the tags are really well set up and in good shape - but there’s also set of Pokémon specific tags that could use a little love. So I started categorizing things, and getting things aliased into a common set. You can see the start of that on the tags on this image:
I know there’s a lot of posts in the forums about Pokémon tagging, and I will begin working through them to make sure they’ve been taken care of. But I wanted to create this thread to create a place to ‘find them all, to bring them all, and in the database bind them’.
So if you have some Pokémon specific tagging ideas, like getting standard names for generations, and getting the types documented (if that’s something we want to do and it is useful for searching or filtering), and making sure that the initial generation for each Pokémon is in its implications, please feel free to comment them here and I’ll spend some time on this thread every week.
Please note that I am not looking to create a Pokédex here - I’m only looking for tags that are in use - or SHOULD be in use on the site. For example, if a fanart of a Pokémon, or an evolved form of a Pokémon, has never been uploaded here, there’s no reason to add tags for it. I just want to get the existing tags on the site to be more conformational.
I know this is going to be a lifetime effort, so I’m not looking at fixing everything right away - but I’d like to begin by taking care of any tags on this site that are one-offs or that could be pulled into more standard forms, and get them set up with a more uniform spelling, the proper tag category, and aliases and implications where appropriate.
As I update things, I’ll try to map them here in these categories:

Pokémon Types

To start with, I’ve pulled the existing types that I could find into this set:
Are there any Pokémon -types tagged on this site that I’m missing? If so, please give me some examples because this is all I could find.
And is *-type (pokémon) a good way to format this tag? Would pokémon *-type be better?

Pokémon Generations and Game Titles

These are the titles that I see tagged on the site:
I know these titles are within Generations, and the Generations are numbered and also have themes like ‘Kanto’ (Generation Science), ‘Johto’ (Generation Culture), ‘Hoenn’ (Generation Environment), etc.
So, it seems that pokémon black and white should imply generation 5 pokemon, and images from pokémon black and white should also be tagged generation 5 pokemon. But I can only find 2 examples of this being done on the whole site:
So … while it makes sense to me to do this, it is not something that this community has been doing.
So - let’s make that the first four questions:

Question 1. Are there any Pokémon -types tagged on this site that I’m missing in that above list? If so, please give me some examples because those are all I could find.

Question 2. Should it be *-type (pokémon)? Or pokémon *-type?

Question 3. Should all Pokémon Titles also imply their Pokémon Generation, and should all the Pokémon images with Title tags also gain Generation tags? Thus all the Pokémon Black and White would ALSO be tagged Generation 5 Pokémon (once I get those tags fixed).

Question 4. Should the generation tags be changed to match the syntax of the other Pokémon tags? For example, should generation 1 pokemon become pokémon generation 1?

Please reply with your answers - nothings going to happen fast on this that I can’t undo with a simple aliasing project, so we absolutely have time to talk about it.
And, as seems very appropriate with Pokémon, this certainly is expected to evolve over time.

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