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Tagging Discussion » Why is 'not furry' tag permitted here when on Derpi, it isn't? » Post 4

Satu Putra
Artist -

I am wolf therian đŸș
But on this site “not furry” doesn’t necessarily mean it is “off topic” for the site. For example, there are lots of furry comics that have pages where there’s nothing furry shown. And “Furry Adjacent” or derived content, such as humanizations of furry characters or non-furry representations, abound.
Oh ok

Tagging Discussion » Why is 'not furry' tag permitted here when on Derpi, it isn't? » Post 3

Even Worse Kobold -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.
Gold Piece - Gold Supporter on Patreon
Artist -
Since the Beginning - Registered before the site was public

Draw or die
If I may, I think that you are looking for a ‘granularity’ - a level of precision - in tagging that may not be appropriate for this site.
And you also appear to be looking for a consensus between different sites, when the different sites have entirely different goals and focuses and so their tagging conventions will never align.
On Derpibooru, something being “not pony related” almost always results in it being deleted. Because baring any unusual circumstances, anything that isn’t “pony related” shouldn’t be on a “purely pony related” site. And that’s fine - that’s their call.
But on this site “not furry” doesn’t necessarily mean it is “off topic” for the site. For example, there are lots of furry comics that have pages where there’s nothing furry shown. And “Furry Adjacent” or derived content, such as humanizations of furry characters or non-furry representations, abound.
So, there can be lots of reasons why different sites handle content differently.

Tagging Discussion » Why is 'not furry' tag permitted here when on Derpi, it isn't? » Post 2

Tagging Discussion » Why is 'not furry' tag permitted here when on Derpi, it isn't? » Post 1

Garka la Garka
Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger

Garky la Tsuchinoko
In the words of Teaspoon some days ago:
Teaspoon — 09/12/2023 18:41
The site is basically "everything not simply human", really
Even elves and such
Though the more clearly "not furry" stuff gets a not furry tag
That is why you can see some not furry stuff here.
If you go to the tag guidelines, you can found also a bit more info about that tag, such as:
The “not furry” tag is for images that do not directly contain furry content. This tag must be placed on all images that feature:
Non-furry images in furry settings/series, like a page of a comic about furry character and a human that only shows the human.
Non-furry anthropomorphic content, such as robots, sapient objects, or most types of aliens.
Furry adjacent/derived content, such as humanizations of furry characters or non-furry representations.

Tagging Discussion » Why is 'not furry' tag permitted here when on Derpi, it isn't? » Topic Opener

Satu Putra
Artist -

I am wolf therian đŸș
On Derpibooru, there is a tag named not pony relatedwith the index saying this:
Do not use this tag. If an image isn't even barely pony related, report it for rule #3.
On Furbooru here, the third rule/Rule #3 said this:
Additionally, as defined in the not furry tag, the following is permitted, as long as it is appropriately tagged with the "not furry" tag
Why are off-topic things allowed here when on Derpibooru, it isn’t? Is it because boorus have to be unique and not the same?

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