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Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1092

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1091

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1090

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1089

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1088

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1087

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1086

Garka la Garka
Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger

Garky la Tsuchinoko
@Hoffun Way
What I can do (mostly give the implication and color to tags) is done. Alias, I will need to wait a bit more, until I can do it, or talk with a moderator with free time to do all the changes. Thanks a lot, really. That fixes are necessary because of me, it is my fault. When uploading, I decided to use the wiki names, instead of the traditional japanese way of naming. An example of this is Asagi Mutsuki

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1085

Hoffun Way
Even Worse Kobold -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

On Fire

Blue Archive.

Categorize as character and imply blue archive:
Change requests (alias or purge):
(The tags without a link do not exist yet.)

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1084

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1083

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1082

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1081

Hoffun Way
Even Worse Kobold -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

On Fire
Here are some characters from the webcomic “Rascals”.
I’m not familiar with the comic myself. If anyone is familiar with it, please help out a bit here; specifically, I don’t really know whether these characters’ surname should be “Asagi” or “Usagi”.
Alias or purge:
reiko asagi (las lindas)reiko usagi (rascals)
(The character is currently incorrectly attributed to another comic, as the sources of the images under the tag would indicate.)
Categorize as “content-fanmade” (I think):
rascals (webcomic)
Additional notes on Asagi/Usagi:
I’m inclined to believe that their surname was “Asagi” at some point and later changed to “Usagi”.
The 5 pictures currently under the tags reiko asagi and jazmin usagi have their sources list their names as “Asagi”, and they are all at least a decade old.
Meanwhile, the webcomic has the cast page list their surname as “Usagi”, and most other sources that I can find on the Internet also use “Usagi”.
And just to mention, I did find an unofficial source that claims the opposite. Given the above, I believe that the name is currently “Usagi”.
Posted Report

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1080

Garka la Garka
Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger

Garky la Tsuchinoko
Done! My personal take in tagging characters is put first name, and last name. (You can view that with for example the blue archive furrified characters I usually upload xD) so dont worry, it is fine
Posted Report

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1079

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1078

Garka la Garka
Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger

Garky la Tsuchinoko
Back in Action!
Yes, no. Teo is blue tag now, and implies world flipper, but, cannot imply lion. For example, someone can draw it humanized, or other race, and the imply will be wrong. Never a character should imply a race.
And, to everyone that was waiting, sorry for the mostly one month delay, seriously :^P I will try to stay in day from now on
Posted Report

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1077

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1076

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1075

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1074

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1073

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1072

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1071

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1070

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1069

Tagging Discussion » Character Tag Categorization. » Post 1068

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