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Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2103

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2102

background furry #19375
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

[ link to quote ]
“A steadily coiling spring of murderous energy with no release. Great Leader has kept the peace, yet Armbruster Pizzamovies was baked as a lethal dish to spill a torrent of blood; in another life he would have gone far in our own ranks. Instead he and his kind wait for us in every city, every country, every planet in which the Concern seeks to regain control. Waiting like the black holes invisibly pitting the night sky over Solo Nobre, impatient for anything to get too close. Waiting for the freedom of the Contract, without ever knowing it.”

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2101

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2100

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2099

background furry #19375
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Mechs take considerably more maintenance than anything on wheels or treads. But when the War Council gets to see a new heavy legs unit put their foot straight through the top of a tank, it shakes the part of their brain that worries about money. I like to think the first mech field test was sort of like when the military first got real hot and bothered for helicopters back on Earth. They want the slick new stuff, who cares what it costs?
Mechs are the standard-bearers, the cavalry, and the commanders all in one. Being taller means overlapping fields of fire with shorter vehicles, better top kill and defilade, and less trouble with comms in dense urban areas on account of the antennae height. Put them hull down (“kneeling”) and you’ve got great defensive fire, perfect for covering infantry and powersuits.
%[ Category:Mechs | Brigador Wiki | Fandom ]%
It’s the nature of military engineering to take things too far. The Praetor represents that limit, as least as far as Loyalists are concerned. Touro’s stouter younger brother, the Praetor is a command variant with major firepower and the ability to take a little more on the chin. Pays for it in tight corners though.
Praetors are slower and can’t turn for shit, but you can ride the thing straight through an enemy line and out the other side. Design Bureau laughed at Chief Engineer Halleck after that “maneuverability is for cowards” rant, but Praetors have plowed though walls and even minefields without a dent before, so who’s to say? Besides, Halleck is second only to the Founders in the Praetor driver set.
[ Bishop | Brigador Wiki | Fandom ]
The Bishop is, quite frankly, a ridiculous weapon. Essentially a short-barreled smoothbore version of a cannon designed for frigates and larger littoral class vessels, the combined weight of the barrel and munitions means it can only be fielded by the heaviest mobile platforms, and even them with very limited ammunition.
Whoa, someone in the Corvids stopped huffing gasoline long enough to bolt something together with a semblance of balance and symmetry? That’d make front page of the newspaper, if it weren’t illegal to write about or even mention the Corvids.
The Blackjack is a pressurized transport container with even more armor on top and about three agravs’ worth of indirect vision systems slaved in to compensate for the fact that driving one feels like being strapped in a chair at the bottom of a well. Drivers can’t tell if they’re untouchable or if they’re drowning. Better to be in one than on the receiving end of those double cannons, though.
A combination of phased array optics and vibration damping renders a vehicle effectively invisible. However given the massive energy requirements and sensitivity of the system, the field can only be maintained for a few seconds at a time and is disrupted by weapons fire or heavy impacts. As the effect is not perfect, close proximity will also reveal the stealthed vehicle.
full %:P%

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2098

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2097

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2096

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2095

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2094

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2093

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2092

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2091

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2090

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2089

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2088

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2087

background furry #19375
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

s’not much, but ‘ere;
I also found these lookin’ around, just wanna throw’em in, just cuz. <-<  
[ Irritable Tortoise ]
“A squat reptile with a massive shell, the tortoise glares at you fearlessly.”
[ Taco Suprema ]
“A delicious taco, wrapped in thin paper.”
A rare and expensive super food item. Its food level is treated as a meal.
Eating one will fully restore both hunger and thirst.
It can be found as a drop from legendary monsters and higher leveled npcs.
Message upon consumption
“Usted ama el tacos!” ( You love the tacos! )
To know what one is through a video, here is a link to someone that makes one. (Youtube)
%“I’m assuming, after this election, the world is going to descend into chaos, and the way they were burning down those Wendy’s and the Target supercenters… Taco Bell might be on the list. They might get taken out–wiped from history. And I feel like me making this, has, helped pass on the knowledge of how to make one of their staples of their menu. And so, even though… America might fall, it warms my heart knowing that the crunch-wrap supreme, may live on.”%

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2086

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2085

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2084

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2083

background furry #19375
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

tho, maybe leik, in the last few decades, the nasties have disappeared, and the defenses have ceased and rusted into nonmoving wreckage, tho close studies indicate they could partially function and turn back on at any time.  
the storms have also lifted after the nodes deactivated, but the unusually-savant, if partly-insane survivors living among the network are now exposed to the outside world and visitors. Do the survivors want to reintegrate back with the rest of recovering civilization, or does some twisted form of nostalgia yearn for them to try tinkering around with the dormant networks, in attempt to bring back “the good old days”? %>->%

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2082

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2081

background furry #19375
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

(cities be built around he few hardy heaters that survived)
digging through the crust takes a lot of energy, and sunlight is not that dense (the chemical bonds of the crust contain about 10^29 J, rearranging them is going to take a least a fraction of that huge energy). But even if they did not go for dismantling the planet completely it is enough to set off a few flood basalts to make it a very nasty place.
Imagine a huge lava lake, releasing massive amounts of sulphuric gases and toxic dust. Lava slowly melts through nearby landscape, making its way outward. Right in the middle an enormous structure resides, extending white-hot spires kilometres into the sky where hurricane-strength winds and a permanent volcanic thunderstorm cools them.
The large part of the structure is under the lava, extending roots into the magma chamber to do whatever it is doing. Maybe it is a functional energy collector, maybe it is an overgrown remnant of the weapon that broke open the hotspot.
Not quite, would be more towards the end of a volcanic winter, world wouldn’t completely die, just….again Alaska.
still functional (?) AI network nodes extend into the sea near a coastline, their cooling boiling the frigid water and creating a permanent snowstorm inland. Which incidentally provides a covering blizzard, allowing a small tribe of survivors to exploit the node defenses to protect them from other nasties: as long as they are no threats the defenses will not strike.
So they hide among the alien datacenters in the perpetual snowfall, growing meager hydroponic crops and catching boiled-flashfrozen fish. They do not speak of how the presence of the computing seems to intrude into their subconscious, almost as if their brains are slowly turning into resonators for the processing nodes.

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2080

Roleplaying » Suggestions and bullshitting thread, venting, etc. [NSFW] » Post 2079

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