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Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 83

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 82

Even Worse Kobold -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Loves a German
I understand that my lord may be…angry…with this traitor, though it would be better to make public show of him, as an example. This is just my thoughts, my lord.

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 81

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 80

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 79

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 78

Even Worse Kobold -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Loves a German
it wouldnt be her helping him escape, instead it would be the rat clan secretly paying off and otherwise to get him out
she stepped forward

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 77

Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Loves a Demon
the King’S eyes, long replaced with glowing orbs, some chalked up to magic, landed on her, she could guess why people thought that, it was a deep discomfort to feel them on you.
“Sir Matt, who is that?”
“an emissary from the rat clan, delivering an outlaw from the bandit clan.”
“THEY ARE NO CLAN! they are traitors that slipped from the noose thanks to the incompetence of you all!”
at that the assembled soldiers flinched, it was no secret the king could fight the entire lot of them and win, any potential murderers had to choose wisely the moment they strike.
Matt: “we will be making up for lost time right now, mylord.”
he waved for her to bring her prisoner out.
she was faced with a choice, truly hand him over, gain some renown and the everlasting enmity of the one force in armello not afraid to openly rebel, or help him escape from the lion’s den, now that the king has seen her face.

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 76

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 75

Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Loves a Demon
Lucky her, King Tau himself was currently present, inspecting his armed underlings, the Tiger, the only being at his majesty’s eye level in present company, was peobably their target.

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 74

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 73

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 72

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 71

Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Loves a Demon
Scarlet: “… would be quite a blow to finally get that one into reach, that guy’s running the royal guard like a machine… alright, we pull back for now.”

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 70

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 69

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 68

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 67

Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Loves a Demon
“i propose an alternative deal, let him out, and we all walk away from this as friends, hand him over to the royalists and your friends in red will find that good times are over.”

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 66

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 65

Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Loves a Demon
it was a bit of a ways to the capital and in a forest she and her retinue were rather suddenly surrounded.
??S: “I’m going to have to ask you to let my lieutenant go now.”

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 64

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 63

Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Loves a Demon
the other bandits had booked it for the hills when the champion went down, mercenaries wearing the colors of the rat had replaced them around town.

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 62

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 61

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 60

Roleplaying » Armello: fate of Kings and Heroes [NSFW,violence] » Post 59

Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Loves a Demon
“if you’re set on turning me in that would be better, the tiger boy will see me pulled apart for hurting his precious pet dogs anyways.”

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