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General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1600


Meow meow :3
He eats up people’s fucking time. Overwhelms them with praising him so they can do nothing else. I’ve lived like that, actually. My psychosis lasted for days on end before I hit the hospital, and at one point, Roaring completely controlled my day. Kept talking and talking and talking and made it out like people were out to get us and watching us. We could only do this or that, couldn’t use computer because we were being “controlled”. I think I just kinda drove her crazy with everything. But I now know what it’s like to have to live like that.
I don’t know for absolute certain if Gentle Flower is trapped by him. But I’m worried for her.

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1599

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1598

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1597

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1596

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1595

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1594


Meow meow :3
She probably did act against her will. I hate that it could be him, but even if not, abusers and manipulators will often smother their victims with their control.
I think that’s what’s going on. I’ll keep thinking.
Always thinking. Always watching.

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1593

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1592


Meow meow :3
Got a friend whose profile says “Ghost in flight”… such a powerful phrase, but one that I always wondered if it was some sort of cry for help. I’m beginning to think more and more that Gentle Flower is in danger. You think I didn’t notice certain things? Of course I did.
When one only says “I love you”, I don’t always necessarily count that as cold. I ask my heart what is truly meant. I wonder if it wasn’t painful, to see me show so much love to Whatsername when she could only show so much. I would be scared for my safety, if I hadn’t gone to hell and realized I’m safe. I’d rather go to hell than be in purgatory.
I don’t people could have gotten ahold of Bunny, he’s gonna run from anyone and his habits are too consistent for anything to have happened. Hell, I can’t even catch him unless he wants to come in. But him getting sick was a sign.
And I guess me talking a bunch and running emotional support is what I’m gonna do about it.

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1591

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1590

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1589


Meow meow :3
See I knew there’s good trans women in the world, well they’re good in general but Roaring Lion likes to paint literally all of them as bad. But one thing that has helped me calm down about all this is the synchronicities happen with Foxy Nerd, who I trust completely. She’s trans.
From the perspective of someone with severe social anxiety, it’s like, all these things talking about love and resembling Whatsername, it legit made me wonder if people are making those to mock me or something. It took me a long time to realize that’s not the case. I couldn’t fucking quit her lmfao 💚🩷

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1588

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1587

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1586


Meow meow :3
I can be pretty slow to put things together sometimes, like how Cryptorchid by Marilyn Manson is one of the songs I associate with my rapist, but it took me years to realize oh, yeah, it’s because he had cryptorchidism. And maybe I’m weird for loving that song, I really feel like it helped me process the emotions. Point is though, I can be slow, especially when I’m given a puzzle and not direct communication.
You are valid for wanting to communicate in this way, though. You feel voiceless. I am slowly but surely giving you a voice. The wheels keep turning as I listen with my heart 💖

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1585

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1584

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1583

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1582


Meow meow :3
Anyway, onto my favourite pieces of Jewish media >^_^< The first one to have a profound effect on me was The Diary of Anne Frank, I was I think 11ish when I read it? I completely lost it at the end, because she spoke so much about how she loved her cat, described it in detail and everything. I haven’t re-read it since but I still remember that. Because well… we all know why she never saw her cat again.
There was also the time a Holocaust survivor spoke at my high school and I think I still have the book he wrote I got that day >^_^<
There’s Cabaret, which well, really does connect quite well to my previous post. Queer people who I think are also Jewish? I forget if it’s ever clarified. But they’re hiding out in their little club being their fabulous, wonderful selves until well… yeah, I cry at the end of it too.
Did you guys know Timon from The Lion King is Jewish? He is played by gay, Jewish actor Nathan Lane :3 And his mom and uncle use Yiddish phrases in The Lion King 1 1/2, which really seals the deal :3
But my absolute favourite piece of Jewish media is The Prince of Egypt, also scored by Hans Zimmer. It doesn’t matter if you’re not religious, it’s just such a damn beautiful film from beginning to end!
As for Lunar and I disagreeing on something, well you know what I say! Hakuna Matata >^_^<

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1581


Meow meow :3
Alright, I promised the Judaism thoughtdump but my brain went in like 5,000 other directions for a while but now let’s go :3 I want to tell all of you about the things I would think about when @Lunarmoon21 would post.
Well, the depressing one is my father. Since I was, idk 12ish, he started going on these rants about how all gay people are evil and should be killed or at least all shipped off to an island to be kept away from him. That’s what drove me into being suicidally depressed from around that age. Yeah, fuckin that early of a developmental stage. He kept me very sheltered as a kid, to the point I was never sure if I should watch Married With Children because it seemed too “adult”. Yes this was something I worried about at that young of an age. I decided to finally check out an episode after my usual Digimon watch. The characters went to a gay bar. I didn’t really understand it that young, but hey, this show is pretty cool.
I didn’t even know he had been paying any attention. I had been in my room. He was FURIOUS. I got blew up on when I did nothing wrong.
My memory on this is hazy, so I can’t truthfully say this is the case. But I finally put two and two together when I was talking to someone last year, about why I think this happened. The thing is, I just don’t remember for absolute certain if these happened back-to-back. But I think they did.
One day when I got home from school, dad was once again FURIOUS and for the longest time I had no fucking idea why. I’d get a B at worst in Maths, usually a B in PE which doesn’t have homework anyway, and then As in everything else. And there my dad was, demanding I sit down and do ALL my homework at the kitchen table. Not allowed to eat a bite of food until I did all of it. I had been bending his rule slightly, about doing all my homework as soon as I got home. Digimon was mental break and snack time, and then I’d start it after.
And of course I completely broke down and couldn’t do anything. I tended to have an hour or more of homework per class, that’s literally the like, recommended amount. 6 classes, PE doesn’t have homework so we can take one away. So 5 hours, and that’s if I don’t have extra shit on top of that mountain.
My mom intervened to be a voice of reason and tried to give me a snack.
I would later go onto learn that a break and a snack are good for people with ADHD. And well obviously I have that, I was gonna talk about Jewish media but I talked about this instead. I’ll do that in a part 2.
The reason it relates to Lunar Moon, is she burns with a similar fury against Nazis and antisemitism. Because hey, what does killing gay people or rounding them up remind anyone of? Gee, what group of people alongside Jews were rounded up in the Holocaust? Yeah, no wonder I started having panic attacks if I watched graphic Holocaust scenes, even fictional ones.
Edit: And the reason I think he did that was to try to keep me from watching TV, because of the Married With Children thing.

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1580


Meow meow :3
Such a decision must be given a lot of serious consideration. More people die by their own guns than anything else. One must weigh whether such a decision is the safe decision. In a high-crime situation, well even then I’m not so sure it’s a good idea.
What I do know is, I’m thankful as all fuck that I live a weapons-free lifestyle. What if I had a gun during the times Cactus had complete breakdowns on me? What if I had a gun when Roaring Lion was stabbing at herself? What if I had a gun a few months ago when I was in a seriously dark place?
Safety above all else. Additionally, animals are proven to be better for home defense. Pepper spray is also a good idea if going out into a dangerous area.
Badheart’s idea of practicing self-defense is what I like better, now that I’ve thought about it more. It’s a form of exercise. It’ll get his body healthier. He needs to find a class of his preferred martial arts style, if possible :3

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1579

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1578

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1577


Meow meow :3
I’m here. I’m a cat. We’re soft and we purr, and we’re good to have on the bed because we will remain calm even if you aren’t. I’ve had the rare similar bout of paranoia, but there Sammy was, chill as ice, and that made me realize the noises were in my head and I was safe.
You are a person, valid and valued and loved.
You are presumably in your bed or on a couch. Safe places to be. Collect yourself. Ground yourself. Breathe.

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1576

Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Fruitiest of PWN
So…tired…but I cannot sleep. I lay here, still, chamomile tea drank, not even a peep. I cannot believe I sank, sank so steep, I can’t sleep with a heap of fear. I am afraid I’ll get persuaded to live near fear forever, asleep never. Even when I do sleep, I suffer…the shadow. The terror. The rest. The fear. The screaming. I hear it all, the walls, they will fall. I am afraid. Who is it now? I drink, but I cannot sink. Stink…the stink…it draws near. The vision is quite clear when it is here…I scared, these weights I bare…the chains…they clack, back to the shack…then they attack. Who’s there? What am I? Where am I?

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