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General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1716

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1799

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1715


I donโ€™t know, I donโ€™t trust Kamala Harris, especially her Hyena laughs. If I ever have to vote in the U.S Iโ€™ll vote literally anybody else (yes thereโ€™s a candidate who has that name)

General Discussion » The Happy Thread » Post 44

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1714

Even Worse Kobold -

Honestly it really didnโ€™t. Youโ€™re mostly seeing diehard Trumpers sharing any memes. The only people calling him โ€œtoughโ€ for getting grazed in the ear are his fans who were already voting for him anyways.
As it stands, from the information released, I suspect the shooter was truly apolitical or independent/libertarian. He was registered Republican but apparently had information on his phone indicating he would want to target Biden as well.
As far as Harris, Iโ€™m cautiously optimistic as well. Sheโ€™s younger, smart, and much more likeable than Trumps previous two opponents. She at the very least presents a more attractive alternative to people who didnโ€™t like either Biden or Trump.

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1713


Meow โ™ก
And that is a sensible conclusion to draw. I, however, am doubtful that it will boost him enough. Last I checked, the shooter seems to be on the apolitical side, though the investigation is still ongoing. We donโ€™t yet know whether it was for extreme left-wing reasons or if he was indeed trying to make a martyr out of Trump.
I remain highly optimistic of Harrisโ€™ chances, though itโ€™s largely a matter of opinion at this point of course

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1712

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1711

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1710


Meow โ™ก
I know youโ€™re joking, and I know itโ€™s tough to read through all this, but I do think itโ€™s best if this thread remains open. Having a place to vent our frustrations is helpful. And I apologize for going off the rails so much about you-know-who, wonโ€™t be happening again.
My brain has been going through severe changes these past few months, as has my body. Iโ€™m down to 128 with clothes on, not sure why Iโ€™ve lost so much weight but I have. Iโ€™m obviously keeping up with appointments as best I can.
So Iโ€™d like to sincerely thank everyone for hanging in there while I adjust to the major changes I have been experiencing. But Iโ€™d also like to formally ask that this thread be kept open. I care about you all, and I like that weโ€™re able to keep each other updated about where weโ€™re at.
Letโ€™s work through our problems together, meow :3

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1709

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1707


Meow โ™ก
I take it everyone here has kept up with the good news? Trump dodged a bullet, literally, preventing him from becoming a martyr. Violence is never the answer, as I always say :3
Biden survived his bout of Covid and has stepped down, paving the way for Kamala Harris to instead become the Democratic frontrunner. Excellent, for two reasons. One, I think both men are too old to be president (all due respect but I really donโ€™t view it as a job 80-year-olds should be doing). Two, Harris is in an excellent position as she is uniquely suited to be given the funds that would have gone towards Biden, and she should better-energize people, particularly those in gen Z, to vote for her.
We are on the best path to stopping Project 2025, letโ€™s keep our hopes up! Tempered, of course, but up ๐Ÿ‘

General Discussion » The Happy Thread » Post 43


Meow โ™ก
Glasses still busted, but Iโ€™ve used it as a positive thing. Iโ€™ve realized just how idyllic my neighbourhood is, chock full of flowers and palm trees and the occasional cacti. Thereโ€™s a neighbourhood watch and people are out walking dogs constantly, rendering it a very safe place. Thereโ€™s the park thatโ€™s attached, simple and tranquil with a nice field. I can do anything I want while out walking with minimal judgment - shoot my finger gun at stuff, play air guitar, etc. Really embrace my autism while Iโ€™m out. Folx may shoot me a weird look but theyโ€™re non-confrontational - no one has ever shouted anything at me. Iโ€™m allowed to be the neighbourhood weirdo >^_^<

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1138

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1798

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1797

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1137

Even Worse Kobold -

Honest question though: are your friends ok with you putting these chats out in the wild like this? I noticed you tend to post snippets, or screenshots in this case, of others chats here. Have you asked your friends if theyโ€™re cool with it? Some people donโ€™t like having that stuff public, it can feel like a violation of privacy. I havenโ€™t read them all but they seem like they could be some sensitive stuff.

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 441

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1136


Meow โ™ก
Got it indeed, my friend! In the form of someone Iโ€™ve decided to name Graceful Lioness. She earned her name by girlbossing an abuser and saving my friend, Aspie Geekโ€™s, life. I played a very helpful role, and now weโ€™re both moderators of our autism server :3
I apologize for my absolute long bois of posts, but they were important. I needed to find the future paths that might hopefully lie ahead of me. I needed to search my past for answers, as it played a crucial part in saving his life.
TW: She and I get absolutely brutal and the guy who abused our friend reminds me of the worst person from my past so reading this isnโ€™t for the faint of heart. But hereโ€™s the proof that Iโ€™m being honest, complete with victory dance to prove I made mod :3

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1796

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1795

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1794

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1793

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1135

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1792

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1791

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