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General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 509

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 508

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 507

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 506

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 505

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 504

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 503

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General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 501


Meow meow :3
I had no idea the song was written for Advent Children. I fucking love Advent Children! And ya know, it’s kinda funny it’s called Advent Children because Sakurai got me Sephiroth for Christmas a few years ago.
Holy shit. Geno has a gun. So does Shadow. So does Eggman. Gruntilda is a witch. I’m gonna end up getting my most wanteds, aren’t I? Okay but not without Krystal, that’s Foxy Nerd’s most wanted. And the main dude from TimeSplitters, there’s a guy on Smashboards who is so dedicated to wanting him. And Ryu Hayabusa. And Chun-Li. And Scorpion. Dare I dream of Morrigan? I dare, her outfit can be censored. Dixie Kong, Cranky Kong, Funky Kong. Yeah I’m getting greedy with Kongs, lmfao πŸ’š Jonesy from Fortnite as well though, not big on Fortnite but the kids are. And whoever else. Not every character has to appeal to me and that’s a good thing. I like options for everyone >^_^< Oh yeah gotta do Master Chief and hopefully also Doomguy. And Dante. And Tails.
Well that was a ramble lol. Anyway here’s Santaroth.
Final Fantasy VII - One Winged Angel in C Major

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 500


Meow meow :3
Life is an Asian-American buffet and it features a man who wrote S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W as what he would say to his daughter if she was in the Killjoys universe. You yearn for the Egyptian desert, Gerard. Your reward since you have always wanted to be an actor, Bandit’s reward for loving you.
Kyosuke Himuro (ft. Gerard Way) - Safe and Sound

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 499

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 498

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 497

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 496

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 495

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 494

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 493

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 492

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 491

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 490

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 489

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 488

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 487

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 486

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 485

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