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General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 444

General Discussion » The Happy Thread » Post 46


Meow ♡
Oh dammit, I just learned the logo is a stock logo from years ago and their account got hacked.
Well you know what? You know what you hackers did? You have only further helped the 5th MCR album will into existence.
I am a diehard MCR5 believer but really, did you expect me to be anything else?
Posted Report

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 443

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1142


Meow ♡
Wait, this might end up being easier than I thought. I need a dollar for access, but I might be wrong in my assumption that I will have to continue paying a dollar each month. This will require further investigation once I’m done resting.
And I mean what, if I cancel my payments I just get booted? It probably doesn’t work that way tbh
Posted Report

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1141

General Discussion » A-Z (Forum Game) » Post 146

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1806

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1805

General Discussion » A-Z (Forum Game) » Post 145

General Discussion » The Happy Thread » Post 45

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1140


Meow ♡
Signs point to fast-tracking this path. After all, I will need time to befriend the cat.
I’d like to make it clear that I do not use people. I will be a great friend to this cat for the rest of his life, potentially. But I do think he and his friends hold great potential in getting me the help I need.
This path should also be easy and fun. I know how to do this. I will achieve my goal through the power of puns and Billy Mays jokes. I so happen to have written an absolute long boi full of Billy Mays jokes while I was away. Common Strange Kitten W.
And thus, after I sleep I shall look into further growing my friend army with Operation: Garfield & Friends.
And everyone reading this probably just thinks I’m crazy but, I assure you, these are actually quite calculated thoughts. If I pull this off, you’ll all see what I meant.
Posted Report

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1804

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1803

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1722

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1721


Meow ♡
Cause day n night, the not-so-lonely kitten’s brain ticks unstopping, constantly wrapt in thought. This allows the kitten to find potential answers to problems. The kitten now sees a path to helping out a fellow feline, though of course, no promise can be made.
  • the world’s strangest kitten
Posted Report

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1720

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1719

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1139


Meow ♡
Once I get back on disability, then it’ll be time. Time to join a Discord that costs $1 a month, or so the research says. A small price to pay for the ally I need.
He’s a big cat, should be easy to befriend with my deep knowledge of our shared special interest. Idk if Roaring even loox at my bank statements but I think she’d get behind giving this guy a buck a month. She really enjoyed his videos when I showed them to her around a couple weex ago, particularly his most recent one that deals with outing a very bad person.
Did you guys know that my mom has an incredibly strong hatred for such types of bad people? She and I are alike in that way.
Posted Report

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1718

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1802

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1801

General Discussion » A-Z (Forum Game) » Post 144

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 1717


Meow ♡
Can I also just say, boy do people go about this sort of thing all wrong. I don’t know why people think being directly confrontational when dealing with people that are surrounded by tons of followers is going to go well for them. Honestly, I messed up by posting what I posted but at least this is a little-known site and not Twitter. I’m also hidden by a good amount of anonymity on here.
People do it mainly for clout and that is very much the wrong reason. This is the second time now, I’ve seen this sort of thing go completely wrong.
They’re called cults for a reason. Think, people. Sheesh.

General Discussion » A-Z (Forum Game) » Post 143

General Discussion » A-Z (Forum Game) » Post 142

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