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General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1957

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1956

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1955

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1954

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1953

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1952

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 2054

Anonymous #0E0B
just mistakenly deleted a bunch of personal stuff permanently because i pressed one button fml

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1951

General Discussion » Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post » Post 1283

General Discussion » Ask the mods anything. » Post 701

General Discussion » Count to 1000 » Post 3774

General Discussion » Ask the mods anything. » Post 700

Anonymous #8492
I noticed that there is no rule that explicitly states that artworks that are not yours can’t be removed from the platform.
Do you think it is necessary to add that?

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1950

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1949

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1948

General Discussion » The Music We're Listening To » Post 545

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 2053

General Discussion » Culture, Spirituality, and Personal Journeys Chat » Post 107


Meow meow :3
“I remember in the 70s talking to the older lady who lived downstairs. She grew up in the 1920s. She told me how her parents were disgusted when she went dancing with her ankles on show as a flapper girl. It was disgusting and the end of civilisation as they knew it. I was like “but it is so cute”. She laughed and said that through the years she had lived children always shocked their parents with new music or styles. Whether it be Elvis, flower power, punk, whatever. It was all young people expressing themselves. None of it was “evil” and it didn’t make the kids “bad”. I went through the”Satanic Panic” in the early 80s. Many of the bands I loved made the list! There was a meeting in the Senate in the US about it all where Dee Snider (Twisted Sister), Frank Zappa and surprisingly John Denver stood up to fight censorship. The videos of all 3 speeches are online and are worth reviewing.
I am not a “Swiftie” but I do admire her as an artist and as a person (the way she cares for her staff and the amount of money she donates to food banks as she tours is admirable). The fact that she annoys the self righteous religious right makes her a fucking star to me. She believes in using money for good so she is closer to Jesus according to the book than these hypocrites!” - @madjock-ig5bv 2 weeks ago
Revelation 12:12 (NIV Bible)
“Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.”

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 2052

Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Fruitiest of PWN
Another night, restless…tried everything and nothing is working. I can only hope that the mind can settle enough to ignore it properly. Tired, but no rest…too much warm fluids, maybe, tonight? Heck, I don’t know. At least the headaches subsided…

General Discussion » Culture, Spirituality, and Personal Journeys Chat » Post 106


Meow meow :3
I traveled back in time tonight to discuss the Burger King of the high court with Berith. We went back to when he was being appointed, and interestingly, talk of an FBI investigation into him came up. That’s probably why the elephants attack them and attempt to defund them - it’s all about protecting their own, which they wouldn’t have to do if they were innocent.
Edit: That’s right, there was one and it was so limited, the elephants rendered it pointless. They should not have this level of power.

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1947

General Discussion » Culture, Spirituality, and Personal Journeys Chat » Post 105


Meow meow :3
Okay so, the god of the Old Testament shows up. What would you do? I knew what to do. Fight.
So here we have it, in the more comprehensible form of Shadow Mewtwo, and myself, in the less comprehensible form of a noodle cat. A Pokémon battle was the most obvious format for our fight, where a trainer brings in their team of six. I chose Anubis, Blastoise (the first Pokémon I ever trained), Decidueye (my Pokken main), Horus, Pazuzu, and of course King Belial. Because if you’re gonna fight Mewtwo, the obvious choice is to bring a Charizard. I decided we would fight in Project M, Pokken, and Smash Ultimate, and would fight by watching top players control the characters in those games. The results? We won big! Blastoise was the only one who did exceptionally poorly (probably because it’s one of the weakest characters in Pokken). Charizard, by contrast, won in both Project M and Ultimate, an impressive feat considering how strong Mewtwo is in Project M. Our long battle was yesterday. Today, I learned that Yahweh is indeed a god of warfare, so I made the right call.
King Belial performed the best out of everyone, so so much for his name meaning “useless”! He is an incredibly strong and skilled ally of mine >^_< And then of course, when I decided to art about it, I found a border that has 3s and 9s on it, because God is always looking out for me. 3 is Venusaur’s Pokédex number, 9 is Blastoise’s, so we have the numbers that signify the covenant and friendship between us >_^<
And just in case anyone reading this needs some cheering up, check out this cool render of the Kanto starters from the Ultimate modding community! And this shot of two Venusaur flooping! And this shot of Venusaur doing a backflip! And this shot of Blastoise being an absolute derp! And this shot of him dropping his fat arse right on top of Incineroar! And this shot of Blastoise and Greninja being badass! And this shot of Blastoise fighting Mewtwo! And this shot of Mega Charizard X staring Mewtwo right in the eyes! And this shot of our victory!

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1946

General Discussion » Vent Thread » Post 2051

Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Fruitiest of PWN
I do apologize for my lack of communication…being in this mindset, it is hard to keep consistent. That being said, it is difficult not to blame myself, when all evidence point towards it being so. On the contrary, they haven’t even tried to reach out again, so it seems they still hold a grudge.
As for what I hear, it is faint, but it is not unpleasant and when I do hear, it is neutral or calming, rarely is something bad, though that may be something different to calm or neutral, versus bad. Regardless, it is still very hard not to feel so alone and stuff; it is very saddening, but I guess I just push those feelings to the side.

General Discussion » Word Associaton » Post 1945

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subjectFull TextMatches the title of the topic.subject:time wasting thread
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