I want to know if this is explicit or not, because the artist didn’t classify it as “Adult” and I was doubtful if these fluids between her legs are sweat or vaginal secretions
What rating should this be? It was initially Safe but I made it Questionable, The uploaderr then made it suggestive. ||https://furbooru.org/images/28434||
They look to be alright already, but the third one is definetly questionable, suggestive defines cameltoes as suggestive as long as they are not the focus of the image.
For me, first image is safe because the quote is not sexual.
The second one, I think it is suggestive because it’s saucy and breast focus.
So I return here asking again about vore images, but this time instead of Grimdark (which seems like it’s remained solved, yay), I’m noticing some real oddities with the sexual ratings, mainly it seems like Safe and Suggestive are mostly sorted out, but Questionable has stuff ranging the full gamut.
The following is my guess at what the breakdown between Safe, Suggestive, and Questionable should be. Which of these are correct?
@Dr Outback
That would be safe, topic alone doesn’t warrant grimdark rating only if what is shown fully fulfills one of the grimdark rating criteria, cheers!