
I like tags
The intent of this thread is to showcase various different tags that are in use on Furbooru. Some of them are more important than others. The list of tags present in this guide is not meant to be complete or comprehensive. Treat it more like a list of most common examples. The thread contains NSFW tags and descriptions but no NSFW example images.
You can use the table of content to jump to different posts in this thread that group together similar tags.
When tagging a post appropriate rating tags are mandatory to even upload. They are already extensively described here so I won’t be repeating that.
Always tag the artist if you know their name, otherwise use artist needed.
All other information is contained below this post. Searching through this thread with CTRL+F for specific things might be useful ;)
You can use the table of content to jump to different posts in this thread that group together similar tags.
When tagging a post appropriate rating tags are mandatory to even upload. They are already extensively described here so I won’t be repeating that.
Always tag the artist if you know their name, otherwise use artist needed.
All other information is contained below this post. Searching through this thread with CTRL+F for specific things might be useful ;)
Table of content:
01. Genders
02. Orientations
03. Forms
04. Form relationship
05. Species
06. Character count
07. Body parts
08. Sexual positions and acts
09. Sizes
10. Positioning (of characters and of body parts)
12. Other
13. Color tags shorthands