A Rising Resistance and a Falling Empire

Anonymous #6F75
“Well…One time while I was on the run, I had encountered this group of 5 people. They were then, Attacked by Rebel forces, So I Helped them out and eventually they ran off. I believe that they are The Legion”
Anonymous #6F75
“No. After. I was running from The Empire and Had quit before I had met the group”
Anonymous #6F75
My eyes widen a bit
“W-Who…Are you?” I ask slowly scooting back Into my seat
Anonymous #6F75
“Well…Are you gonna throw me In a cell? I feel like that’s a good reason to run…Don’t you?” _I backed up In my seat, Looking for exits.
Anonymous #6F75
I relax, and take a deep breath.
“Okay…Thank you, for clearing that up. I’m now uncertain If The Legion really Is looking for me.”
Anonymous #6F75
“One of them was a raccoon with a brown cloak. The other was a canine, wearing knight armor…”
Anonymous #6F75
“There were 3 others, A female rabbit who wore a blue gown…A young male mouse with rags…And finally a…hmm…I can’t remember the last one…”
You saw me rub my head as I tried to focus on the last one
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