A Rising Resistance and a Falling Empire

Anonymous #6F75
For me, One of them had jumped the counter and opened a blade preparing to stab me. I slammed him down on the counter and pushed him to the floor. He quickly got up, and ran towards me. I used a bottle of Liquor to…Finish Him. I had slammed It over His head and He dropped. Then, Another one came over the counter and was generally faster than the man. She stabbed me In the chest once before I smashed the bottle and had stabbed and pushed her down to the ground. She bled out while I was Bleeding out. But that wasn’t all…
Anonymous #6F75
“Yeah. But that’s not all the damage that was inflicted on me. As I had sat up from the last attack another person had noticed me and pulled me up and out from behind the counter and started punching and hitting me.”
Anonymous #6F75
“Then he threw me down and started to walk to me. I then grabbed a knife In my pocket and stabbed him in the stomach and got the upper hand as I got on top of him and stabbing him in multiple times In the chest.”
Anonymous #6F75
You saw me slowly look down as I put my hands together. “I did what I had to do…But I’m sure if It was right.” I said quietly.
Anonymous #6F75
“After that I…I hid from the Rebels. Due to my wounds, I had to hide to not die a painful death. My wounds did not kill me, Obviously. But I couldn’t stand the feeling of them as I fought. So I hid and tried to survive. I fell asleep and that was it.”
Anonymous #6F75
“A Doctor who was checking the the corpses to see If everyone was dead. I was Immediately rushed to doctors hut and was cared for.”
Anonymous #6F75
My eyes, ears, and head all shoot up. “Y-Yes! That’s her!” I say with a smile
Anonymous #6F75
“She nursed me to health! She could have Infected with a disease! Or a virus!”
Anonymous #6F75
I settle down, trusting you. “Thank you. I enjoyed speaking to you, Ma’am.”
Anonymous #6F75
“You’re a great person to talk to. I liked our conversation.” I say moving a little closer to you.
Anonymous #6F75
“Still, You have a beautiful voice. And I loved the moments you did.” I smile
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