Yeah because
that’s a replacement for human interaction. 🙄
I know I shouldn’t be so harsh, though. You were suggesting something you thought might help. You’re a good friend for that <3
Anyway, so, a vent (ha) on our house has the cover completely removed from it. We were clued in when it sounded like cats were fighting from under our house. And, I just think about how for days and days, I thought I heard people outside our house, and how that made me so much more terrified of everything. I wouldn’t have lost my mind as much as I did had that not been the case. And as I started feeling better, I thought I had hallucinated the whole thing. And now I just have no idea what to think anymore, especially because it’s been quite a while since then. But I don’t think the cover to the vent getting removed is something an animal could do.
It’s at least clear that, if people really were outside my house doing stuff, they don’t seem to have any interest in trying to harm me. I at least feel safe again.