Classic “Straw Man Argument” (and do forgive the fact that Rational Wiki is currently down for maintenance, it will probably be back up later)…
“A Straw Man is a logical fallacy or propaganda tactic in which someone misrepresents an opposing argument as a weaker version, sometimes intentionally, and rebuts said version — rather than their opponent’s genuine argument.”
This is an attempt to pull the ole “switcheroo” and swap the thing the opponent is debating with a much worse thing. Like if person A says “I think video games should be legal” and person B says “oh, well why not just legalize outright murder then?” or something equal to that effect….
Heck, you could even take a piece of my words out of context and spin it and weave it and say “Well what about A.I. Generated Stuff? You said “as long as no real person is harmed” and “vegan hamburger VS real one” and if A.I. generated images are fabricated then you’re okay with that, right?”
Nope! Absolutely nope - nope - nope. That’s a “Straw Man.”
Taking my words and spinning it and trying to say “well you support this!” - No I do not.
The ONLY thing I support is fictional hand drawn cartoon drawings, NOT any kind of highly photo-realistic image meant to resemble an actual person. And the United States Government also agrees on that, they DO treat A.I. generated as being no different from actual CSEM, but currently CARTOON DRAWINGS are not treated that way…
So presently, nobody in the United States is going to go to jail for owning a physical printed paper copy of “Sheath & Knife” by Harmarist, or “Oh Brother” by Wolfblade… as NEITHER of those comics contain any kind of hyper-realistic image that the average viewer would conclude is an image of a REAL HUMAN PERSON….
And saying that I support FICTIONAL FURRY ART is not the same as saying anything else… You cannot Straw Man or False Equivalence Fallacy my words… (well you CAN, but I will pick up on it immediately) … I do not support fascist ideologies, and also guess what – the concept of censoring “degenerate art?” yeah, that was a Fascist concept too.
And those “Project 2025” people? They want to ban ALL of your porn, not just the “problematic” stuff.
They want to ban ALL of it… everything that isn’t “Pure and Godly” they want it GONE…
And it isn’t just the legislators trying to do it, Visa and Mastercard are doing it too.
This is like saying “We’re a CHRISTIAN credit card company / online payment company, and WE will not let you buy that Slayer CD or that Marilyn Manson CD, because WE do not agree with the lyrical content of those music albums.”
I’m well aware that “this is an EU located website” and I acknowledged all of that on the previous page in the previous comment, I am simply expressing my opinion that any law that seeks to put someone in jail over a fictional furry comic is absolutely stupid.
Near / Byuu, the late (deceased) Emu-Dev and RPG fan translator had a similar opinion to my own…
And I suspect that it was these views that made Near / Byuu such a massive shiny target for 4chan and K.F.
“The law is the law” – yes, the law is the law in France and the law is the law in America.
Different countries have different laws… American law is, at least, for now, more logical about the subject.
(we ditched the “fictional furry drawings are the same thing as CSEM” laws, they were ruled Unconstitutional).
OBVIOUSLY it is YOUR website and as the owners of it, YOU get to choose what stays and what goes, but I disagree with the entire concept & Twitter / Tumblr Trend of comparing fictional cartoon art (harms nobody, cuz cartoon characters are not real) to actual CSEM that, by its very nature, requires the harm of an ACTUAL person in its process of creation)…. it is an absurd False Equivalence Fallacy, like comparing a Vegan Hamburger to actual animal slaughter… and no, I’m not a Vegan, I’m just using the concept for a metaphorical comparison.
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Regardless, your copy pasted argument has no merit, mainly because you completely ignored the fact this is an EU based website. American laws certainly don’t apply here, yeah? The rest is your opinion, sure, but policy is policy and the law is the law. The rest is your opinion, you’re entitled to it, but its just that.