So, to play devils advocate here, you could make the same argument about Nazi imagery. The same argument I've seen to advocate for cub art I've seen for Nazi imagery. "It's just a drawing", yup, seen that. "It's not real, it can't hurt you", all the time. "I just like 'x' about it, not the actual thing!", the most common one for both. So by arguing for the inclusion of the imagery of sexualized children but condemning Nazi imagery on these grounds you're being hypocritical.
Regardless, your copy pasted argument has no merit, mainly because you completely ignored the fact this is an EU based website. American laws certainly don't apply here, yeah? The rest is your opinion, sure, but policy is policy and the law is the law. The rest is your opinion, you're entitled to it, but its just that.
Regardless, your copy pasted argument has no merit, mainly because you completely ignored the fact this is an EU based website. American laws certainly don't apply here, yeah? The rest is your opinion, sure, but policy is policy and the law is the law. The rest is your opinion, you're entitled to it, but its just that.