Currently this one. ;)
I was too excited when I opened the box to do my makeup or hair or do the effort of more professional pics yet, I was just squeeing so hard i ran to put it on and take a few quick selfies. (N yes ny boyshorts got pulled down I was too excited haha) ^_^ >:3
I was telling my ex (we’re cool) that I’ll have to do my makeup, put on the mask it actually came with, maybe a rubber glove, and say some StarCraft medic quotes.
“If I do this wrong, it’ll hurt a little…
If I do it right, it’ll hurt a lot. >;)”
T00 FUN I NVR F3LT S3XI3R 1N MY L1F3 LUV U FURBIES KEEP P0ST1NG SXY 0UTF1TS I N33D 1NSP1R4T10N!!!!!!!! XxX ♡♡♡ :3 ♡♡♡ XxX 💋😘🥵
(P.S. anyone else really feeling the early 2000s again lately? Life is gud even when it crumbles bad bby, we create our own realities!!!!!!!!!!)