Character Tag Categorization.


So many fluffy cuties from FUGA: Melodies of Steel
Also the two species from the games, felineko and caninu, have (solatorobo) in parenthesis at the end. These species occur in several cyberconnect2 games including FUGA, Solatorobo, Tail Concerto, and Mamoru-kun.
Anonymous #B0D1
So many fluffy cuties from FUGA: Melodies of Steel
Also the two species from the games, felineko and caninu, have (solatorobo) in parenthesis at the end. These species occur in several cyberconnect2 games including FUGA, Solatorobo, Tail Concerto, and Mamoru-kun.
The tag fuga: melodies of steel also exists though.
Anonymous #2B57
Deletion reason: Spambot
Garka la Garka
Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger

Garky la Tsuchinoko
In your case, I need some help to understand the tags, I find poor information to do some good tag categorization, so you care to explain to me, here or in pm, what are every tag, and why the implications? Pretty please?
I will ask to combine Fuga in Fuga: melodies of steel, thanks for the help.
Done this page, hope you will find everything in order now :^D
Garka la Garka
Tag Lover - Good and Proficient Tagger

Garky la Tsuchinoko
First post of this thread, by Fletch:
Hey there everyone!
Welcome to the Character Tag Categorization thread! Here at Furbooru, the blue-coloured tags are reserved for characters from known sources such as TV Shows, Comic Books, Mangas, Animations in general, Video Games, and Famous Community Made.
The format is Name (Source), eg. Princess Ember (MLP) or Cynder the dragon (Spyro)
So please, we kindly request the community’s assistance to locate every new applicable character tag so it can be properly turned into a blue character tag with the appropriate description.
Thanks and best regards!
Let’s start: First of all, is for characters of known sources, as Fletch says. “Sound ideas wubbox” only has an image, and that image is this which, in the description, put this link saying is an oc… created by you.
“Sound Ideas Canada Ltd” isn’t even a tag. And please, don’t create it until it is totally necessary.
You might want to look at this thread, where ocs can be added as a description. But, sorry, I cannot give it the character tag-colored version to that character.
PD: Tag your ocs, please.
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