“…and maybe start blasting that ice ball everyone seems to want.”
Odalisque, through a message ‘Van Eck’ buzzed across the ship’s wires: “…I don’t think military vessels are outfitted with the required tools for that level of destruction, and doing so is a crime against nature. That being said… would ya miss it?’’%<.<%
@NyantaStarhunt Within the ship’s armory, Indra sits next to his anti-titan laser propped on a stand in the middle of a testing chamber, fumbling around with the weapon’s nonlinear nature of adjusting and customizing the settings and parts. Stepping out of the room to fire, instead of a focused beam, a blackened scorch-cone is created, expanded directly ahead of the weapon.
“I’d like if it could switch between three different settings, that being, liiike… a continuous ‘heat ray’ mode, a zappy ‘blaster’ mode, and a, ehm, well… something along the lines of, eh… Essentially, I want to kill everything in a particular direction, no matter how thick whatever barriers there are standing in the way. Last one won’t work on pilots of course, since their suits are always rad-protected… but yeah, I’d like to render enemy grunts I cross down to thin puddles of soupy corpse-reduction.”
“a Coyote girl that was “poaching land” from the IMC, or that’s how they put it, got a bit of a life debt situation going with her, she told me if i ever needed corporate backing for real she’d be willing to set me up with some standard issue hardware. hardly the first brand to get in on this half private war.”
“The best part, about the last feature… Is that it even fucks up simulacra, so badly in fact, that if they recovered and transferred, or even beamed their consciousness over to another intact body, the mind-map would be too glitched beyond any comparison to a sapient person’s to even function at all anymore.”
“gotta tell you the waitlist for prosthetics is much longer with us than the IMC, no one here’s gonna begrudge you your loyalties… exchanging prisoners is normally what they do to cut down on costs so unless you worked under MArder you should be fine.”
Hey….I know i may not look it, but i am one hell of a fuckign force to reckon with even without my legs. I can help you guys train to be better pilots and i mean… I doubt the IMC would take me back
(the fug y’all doin’ this shiz at four in the morning for)
Ratt approaches Brax on the main deck. “Well shoot- gathering intel is a bit beyond what I used to do but I’m here for it, sir. Anything I need to know, or anything that will help me blend in? I may not be like the oldschool rangers, but…” He shrugs.
Brax: No i think you will be fine Benko. Just make sure you pack extra socks, remember always keep your feet warm. Oh and if you see a USB that has a triangle on it with wings on it pick it up keep it safe/
Once packed, he notices his nap from earlier has him not-tired. He groans and, seeing as he doesn’t have much else to do, goes looking for the others. It takes him a while, but he’ll eventually look in the titan bay or whatever the fug that’s called.