A 3 year stalemate with both sides holding to not lose their vital titans, 3 years, Until the Militia stumbled upon a new planet. Damaquill a large snow covered planet on the outskirts of the solar system. The first planet scan reveled the materials needed to fuel their ships, to make batteries and ammo for their fleet. However it revealed so much more than that! Metals and raw materials needed to create new Titans (your custom titan) and even more exciting, Amped Batteries a super charged battery able to bring a titan out of its doomed state.
Obviously this is huge, so the Militia sends in 3 of ships to investigate the planet further, The MCS Vixen, The MCS McMillian and the MCS Brax, each arrived and sent down their own scouts.
Damaquill is a hostile planet, the snowy winters last about 8 months of the year and have blistering blizzards, ice cracks and animals that attack with little warning. However the scouts did their job, they have confirmed they existance of the materials they need and the presence of the new material needed to create new titan bodies, called Dark Ore.
However nothing is ever perfect is it, and the IMC has found the planet as well, for four months neither side really could confirm if the other was there, the planet’s mass kept them on opposite sides of the planet and the scouts never ran into each other.
Until one day, all that simply changed when the radio crackled to life “WE NEED PILOTS IN SECTOR F4 NO-” Followed by random chatter as the first battle of Damaquill had begun
Both sides caught off guard, the first battle was a wash, All combatants Deemed MIA. The stalemate has been broken,
“…And that’s why you are here, you are the next wave of scouts to go down. With an important objective need I add”
You all sit in a briefing room as the projector shows a satellite image of the last known area of the combat
“WE need you lads to go in their and retrieve all the Titans Cores and memory banks. They contain scans on the location of the resources and…the men we have lost. if you find any survivors get them home. Collect any tags you find.”
The Screen shuts off and the Captain of the MCS Brax looks to you all
“So Hell Jumpers, Any Questions?!”
(WELCOME WELCOME PILOTS TO THE TITANFALL RP I HAVE BEEN TRRYING TO MAKE FOR LIKE A MONTH, after 2 crashes i have finally been able to post this fuggin opening chat. I hope people join and have some fun! I am super excited…now to the rules.)
COmbat: okay so this is more or less the most important rule, even though you have a titan you are NOT OVERPOWERED For those of you who have rped with me you know how my combat system works, basically say your attack/defence as you please as long as your honest with it, like if you get hit by another titan, your getting hit its not something you just shrug off easily.
Combat against grunts and other small enemies sure, thats fine with me. It really is just a system based on trust and knowing your limits :)
In terms of a character sheet its pretty basic HOWEVER NOTE YOU ARE ALL STARTING OUT AS GRUNTS i promise it wont be long
Race: (i am allowing anthro furry as well as the robots/cyborgs)
Prefered Pilot class:
Prefered Loadout: (try to stay close to the games weapons)
Titan: (pick any from the games, customize them, but run it past me first if its like big big changes.) I am fine with tone having like Scorchs fire ability, or if you want a new titan in whole, like the intro said run the idea past me!)
And that is all. I am super excited. Pilots…. Standby for titanfall!
-particle wall (one way barrier shield, stationary.)
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