Cryptids and creepies, we handle that. [Helsing-ish tech, probably gore, likely sexual themes]

Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Loves a Demon
(behold the result of rediscovering the helsing games, and binge reading the modern mogal tag)
Vampires, werewolves, the flatwood monster, mothman, scarecrows coming to life and a kindly girl stitched together from parts kidnapping children because she desperately wants a family.
some of our Organization’s greatest stories of success, but you already know that, seeing as you come here with letters of recommendation from renowned members. Welcome to Borgova, where a primordial ooze known as INK is particularly close to the surface, and has unfortunately brought to life nightmare and dream alike and that is if we leave aside an unusually large population of “Cryptids” which less understanding folk will name monsters. doesn’t help that with a recent spike in INK-based science projects we can now add wind up robots and cyborg beasts to the list… old abraham van helsing had it easy.
MY name as leader of this new organization is Matthias van Helsing, and the charming dame floating here with her head floating a bit further up from her shoulders, that is Lady Misha, last scion of the Noble rulers of this… unique nation.  
On the tables before you you will find the paperwork to finalize your joining. you’ll also see two filled out, by lady Misha and myself to be precise to give an example.
Species(cryptids please mention what you are AND what you appear as if you can conceal it.)  
age: any between 16 and infinite accepted  
conditions that need to be watched for: (for example dietary needs, problems caused by specific moon phases.)  
other notes:
Name: Matthias van Helsing  
Species: originally tiger, now more like a decolored direwolf due to lycanthropy  
age: 28  
specialty: unnatural reflexes allowing quick and efficient gadget use, in wolf form high durability and strength.  
conditions that need to be watched for: was able to immunize against lunar eclipses, but stay the heck away from him during the full moon and don’t even think about him during blood moon.  
other notes: took over his father’s work, and the contract with lady Misha, much to their mutual displeasure.
Name: Lady Misha Romanskaya Katharina di Borgova  
Species: Died as a Bear, is now a Wraith  
age: celebrated her 50th deathday recently  
specialty: Wraith claws and spheres of ghostly cold, as well as being physically impervious.  
conditions that need to be watched for: i cannot die… i can however be inconvenienced and am bound to stick by that helsing mutt, including the location of his corpse if that happens, so don’t let that happen, dog.  
other notes: will muse about various forms of torture and making mortals suffer as a hobby… we think.
Name: Sanguine, or Lady Carmilla Sanguina, the bloodbather  
Species: Bat, vampire bat to be precise, and a vampire, neat fit.  
age: a lady does not tell.  
specialty: blood magic, obviously, as well as a few good old fashioned vampire tricks.  
conditions that need to be watched for: Borgova is such a nice place, nearly always cloudy, and on the other days i can just keep in my coffin  
other notes: she was around when count tepesz got sealed, and is relatively sure he will break free again, 5 cult incursions down the line she realized as long as the old bat is locked up she’s top of the vampire totempole and now helps us out to keep it that way.  
Will pass around vampirism like candy, if she asks you for a snack, be sure to not feed her directly, unless you want that.
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Name: Sticks and…huh
Species: fake-looking Kobold and real-looking Kobold
Age: 18.5 and 22??
Specialty: Flight, speed, destructive magic; Stealth, traps, great strength and speed, impressive duelist at least as far as I saw
Conditions that need to be watched for: One of us is a mortal and the other is actually a skeleton that cannot read
Other notes: We’re sorry to share a sheet Mr. Helsing, but he can’t read! (I just thought of these and couldn’t resist so don’t be surprised if small edits come around >.> although I’m more than definitely going to make one of these more useful. Yes, the second one will get a name, but it’ll be IC, and yes, I’ll update the sheet when that happens. Very WIP but quite ready to roll)
(Another one will probably come eventually; I expect these two won’t last forever)  
(If you don’t like these two, I can speed that process up)
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Loves a Demon
The Tiger looks over the sheet.
“well… i didn’t write penmanship down as a prerequisite, you two will be facing down some beasts of benign and many more of a hostile nature, i should tell you.”
Misha: “pish posh, Helsing, let the little lizards figure out the good and evil on their own.”
“Sanguine will be showing you to a room, and the training grounds, if you need anything let us know.”
the Bat stepped up to the two as well.
“you and your dry boned friend can hopefully keep up?”
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

The two look at each other, then back to her. The somewhat fake-looking one is pink in color, with a white marking covering his scaly face to look like a skull. He’s really just got a staff and some robes.(destructive wizard; might need aid with him, but we’ll get to that.)  
The real-looking one, red in color, is kitted-out with armor and a shield, most notably.
The pink one, Sticks: “Yup! We’re good to go, ma’am.”
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Loves a Demon
she leads you down into the headquarters, the uppermost floor looking like a tavern, but down here you find an immense labyrinthine setup of machinery, workshops and divination equipments. connected by bridges and stairs, no doubt meant to make getting in an immense hassle.
Sanguine: “ah, i have to say the tiger knows how to make a vampire bat comfortable, isn’t it just homely? gadget construction, studying the INK and enough room to fly around to boot.”
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Sticks pipes up, “it’s really cool in here! Very spacious- it’d be fun to fly.”  
Our resident tin can looks between the two, quietly clattering along in that armor. He may not speak, but it’s enough to get the point across these two could fly, but he could not.  
At least, it’s probably a he, anyways. Tin can is tin can.
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Sticks pipes up, “I mean I wouldn’t call any of this bonding, really. Maybe the real monster hunting is the friends we make along the way.” There’s our crappy joke for the day. He continues, “I’m sticking with him, though, just to be clear. He can get bonked and bashed more times than I can.”
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Sticks frowns. “He didn’t bond to me. I’m following him. He protects me and I speak for him.” He says this last part proudly.  
The tin can looks to him with bewilderment in spite of his facial expression not changing. It seems this feeling is not mutual.  
Looks like tin can is just protection for Sticks.
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Sticks: “What are you talkin’ about- I’m the perfect companion for him. I kick butt from afar and he keeps ’em busy or something.”  
The tin can crosses his arms, then bonks the mage with his shield, eliciting an ‘ouch!’ from him.  
Sticks, while rubbing his head: “He…also does things, with his sword and stuff.”
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Sticks frowns and shuts up.  
Tin can, on the other hand…doesn’t say anything either. He does, however, look up to the vampire. It’s impossible to tell with those faintly-glowing eyes, staring unblinking, unmoving, off into space, but he is observing her neck for bite scars.
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

He does that slow nod, one often accompanied by “aahhhh” and followed by “I got you”, but not in this case. Perhaps ‘mute’ should also have been written down. He gestures to his back, then holds his hands close together to indicate “small” and makes a flapping motion with his hands.  
Vampires, small, and flapping…  
Because charades don’t translate well, he’s asking if she can turn into a small bat.
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

His mouth opens a little bit and his head jitters up and down slightly, that expression however never changes.  
In short, he finds something she said amusing, perhaps the prospect of a vampire vampire bat turning into a bat, although her joke probably aided the humor- he surely isn’t understood all the time.
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

He shrugs, then brings his fingers to the corners of his mouth, pulling them upward in a smile, before spreading his arms out.  
Hmm. A big sense of humor, perhaps, along with meekness or an apology.
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

He crosses his arms, then gestures to his whole body. Then he makes that neck-slicing motion and makes the flappy hands again.  
She doesn’t even have a body or a neck. He’s a bit more physical, which may require him to obey more traditional rules. Maybe magic can fix it- who knows.
Even Worse Kobold -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

Loves a German
Name: Shyanne  
Species: Hyena, mortal  
age: 23  
specialty: capable bounty hunter, capable of using most handheld weponry to adequate skill.  
conditions that need to be watched for: as a mortal she is not directly affected by anything like that.  
other notes: has made herself a name as a bounty huntress, and it is suspected she also has been leading mercenaries and robber gangs before, nothing is confirmed however. got invited by Matt with the promises Borgova is making for particularly impressive trophies off the beasts… and a stipend from Helsing’s own funds.
Name: Harley  
Species: Kangaroo, Mortal  
Age: 36  
specialty: A veteran of the borgovian Mechanized infantry, bringing her own custom armor to the table.  
conditions that need to be watched for: A damaged leg has the armor double as her walking aid, free use of the workshop would be quite helpful  
other notes: Having achieved experience, rank and honors in borgova, Lady Misha invited this one, her family fondly remembering the roos as loyal retainers. Matt does not often agree with the ghost, but he was all for an experienced fighter with a mech armor.
Name: Kae Esrial  
Species: Tarunah, mortal(if possibly ressurrective.)  
age: indeterminate.  
specialty: A scientist studying the ink, learned to channel a particularly lively aspect of it into a green flame potent at destruction.  
conditions that need to be watched for: sometimes speaks of Furion who is on file as a Nature spirit in Borgova’s wilderness, requires further observation.  
other notes: Matt stumbled over her studying the ink a few times and finally offered up his lair as a base of operations, mainly so she wouldn’t agitate a nest of manticores or harpies in the wilderness on her own.
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.

He shrugs and looks down. This isn’t really something he understands, and it shows. He observes his own finger wiggling, before just continuing on, giving up on reasoning it, as many skeletons do after reawakening.
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