There was a bug discovered with one of the staff tools (bulk-reverting tag changes on an image) that caused the site to delete nearly every tag off every image. The site went from having 236675 image_taggings to only 83, meaning that if you went through every image on the site, you’d find a grand total of 83 tags.
I’m currently the site’s backup sysadmin, basically around just to handle technical emergencies when the main tech person is offline. While Furbooru has automatic backups, the most recent one was several hours old, meaning that restoring from backup would’ve caused data loss on a few hundred images. Instead, after working with Philomena’s main developer, we were able to get the tag data from the search engine’s index (which was still intact), recovering tagging data for all but four images.
>>8205 was one of the four that didn’t have any tag data, so I manually re-tagged that image (and the other three) from cache records.