
So the obvious interpretation of this rule is to not call other users slurs in comments or make image posts calling other users/groups slurs/demeaning names. Some questions: What about fetish content where one character is calling another character mean names, and what about fetish content with no slurs/demeaning names, but it contains abuse? And what about consensual degradation? And what about non-fetish content that depicts abuse, such as a parent emotionally/physically abusing their child?
Here are some examples I what I’m unsure about:
TW: sexual assault, demeaning language, explicit
||https://derpicdn.net/img/2020/7/9/2394376/large.png ||
TW: demeaning language
||https://derpicdn.net/img/2020/1/23/2255088/large.png ||
TW: implied consensual demeaning language, explicit
||https://derpicdn.net/img/2018/4/14/1707658/large.png ||
TW: consensual demeaning language
||https://derpicdn.net/img/2018/11/29/1893477/large.png ||
TW: physical abuse
||https://derpicdn.net/img/2019/7/6/2084606/large.gif ||
TW: emotional abuse
||https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/2b/b9/b82bb9572c406c62545f714efe8e9c94.jpg ||
Hello all! So I’ve been reading the rules and I curious about how this part of Rule #0 would be interpreted:
Do not troll, attack, insult, name-call, or otherwise try to intentionally antagonize another person or group of people. This includes making racial, sexual, homophobic, or otherwise demeaning slurs, or posting similarly abusive content.
So the obvious interpretation of this rule is to not call other users slurs in comments or make image posts calling other users/groups slurs/demeaning names. Some questions: What about fetish content where one character is calling another character mean names, and what about fetish content with no slurs/demeaning names, but it contains abuse? And what about consensual degradation? And what about non-fetish content that depicts abuse, such as a parent emotionally/physically abusing their child?
Here are some examples I what I’m unsure about:
TW: sexual assault, demeaning language, explicit
||https://derpicdn.net/img/2020/7/9/2394376/large.png ||
TW: demeaning language
||https://derpicdn.net/img/2020/1/23/2255088/large.png ||
TW: implied consensual demeaning language, explicit
||https://derpicdn.net/img/2018/4/14/1707658/large.png ||
TW: consensual demeaning language
||https://derpicdn.net/img/2018/11/29/1893477/large.png ||
TW: physical abuse
||https://derpicdn.net/img/2019/7/6/2084606/large.gif ||
TW: emotional abuse
||https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/2b/b9/b82bb9572c406c62545f714efe8e9c94.jpg ||