Oh, something that also came to mind: Living with disease isn’t so bad. It does suck, and life would definitely be better without it, but your life can still be absolutely incredible if you persevere and don’t give up! I’ve had incurable cancer growing on my face since I was a teen. On year ten of chemo pills for it.
And I’m surrounded by friends that absolutely love me. I help people talk and work through trauma and I’m there for them so they aren’t alone. I am The Strong One, able to deal with extreme aspects of others’ depression, though I am no substitute for therapy. Still, a therapist alone isn’t enough and you’re only gonna get in to see them so often. People need someone who cares for them, and that’s what I do. Chemo leaves me disabled due to the side effects, but I have made something of myself regardless.
What I do definitely isn’t for everyone. I know people that absolutely could not handle the times I’ve gone deep into depression on them. And that’s valid. It’s half the reason I started meds and am on an entire medical journey to get problems fixed and ensure it stops happening, the other half of the reason being for myself. Win-win.
But, my point is that you can still find fulfillment if you have a disease, so don’t give up! Does not have to be anywhere near the extreme that I do. You can find whatever worx best for you >_< So try not to fear disease so much.
Except for rabies. Definitely do not get rabies. But both of you more than likely don’t have it. Talk to a doctor and get a blood test for it if it’ll help set your minds at ease, if you can.