Stupid Stuff That Comes to Mind That We Want to Post

Poll results: Is baseball a fruit?

Why are you still reading these options?
21.52% 17 votes
20.25% 16 votes
No, but a tin can
17.72% 14 votes
16.46% 13 votes
What is love?
11.39% 9 votes
The Crusades were unjustified genocide
8.86% 7 votes
<<THat's what V2 is for.>>
3.80% 3 votes

Poll ends . 79 votes cast so far.

Anonymous #ACD6
Deletion reason: Rule #6
Artist -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.

Lily Fathom
I will take both laxatives and anti-diarrhoeals and they’ll have death match inside my body
Literally what happens when I eat wheat or cross contamination there of. It ends up being both. I will leave it to your imagination which comes first though.
Artist -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.

Lily Fathom
So basically I became a very different person then when I graduated in 2009. I would not touch anime much less have anything to do with it.
Thus far I seen
BNA, Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, Boruto “next generations,” aaaaannnnnnddddd now Bleach with Ichigo the Number one death god.
Not to meantion I plan to study Japanese to take the “prophency test.” Won’t be long till I earn my DWEEEEBBB License xD
ᎶㄖҜㄩ 乃ㄥ卂匚Ҝ
Even Worse Kobold -
Birthday Fur - Joined within the first year of the site operation and has had significant amount of activity as of June 1, 2021.
Derpy Fur - Prevented Furbooru's terrible fate in April of 2021.
Astra - Helped choose the name for our mascot - Astra.
Passing of the Eclipse - Joined within the first month of public opening and has had at least some activity as of August 3, 2020.
Artist -

Something fairly interesting happened just a few hours ago.
Right out of nowhere, a Singaporean girl
from Beverly Hills, California just texted me. She had the wrong number.
We texted each other for a bit. She asked me where I was from and if I had ever been to California.
I told her I was from Utah (and hating it) and I’d visited Disneyland as a kid back in 1996.
She invited me over for Singaporean food if I ever visited California in the near future.
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